English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Scene" in Example Sentences
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1860439	Don't make a scene.	CK	1
2275187	Don't cause a scene now.	CK	1
2262858	It was a terrible scene.	CK	1
237748	A crowd gathered at the scene.	CK	1
2314987	I didn't mean to make a scene.	CK	1
644099	They hurried to the scene of the accident.	CK	1
56119	This is the same car that was left at the scene of the crime.	CK	1
1095267	Tom claims that he wasn't anywhere near the murder scene at the time of the murder.	CK	1
2210461	She made a scene.	Hybrid
3360520	Tom made a scene.	CK
2985705	Don't make a scene.	sharptoothed
2268970	This scene delights me.	_undertoad
1913095	What a beautiful scene!	CK
2267381	It was a horrible scene.	_undertoad
2210466	She made a scene about it.	Hybrid
678341	She was at the crime scene.	Eldad
1112069	That's a heartwarming scene.	Scott
270619	Don't make a scene in public.	CK
1800324	The scene is always the same.	menyo
291047	He was surprised at the scene.	CK
1286396	Let's rehearse the fourth scene.	CM
288015	He described the scene in detail.	CK
257283	I went to the scene of the crime.	CK
311306	She described the scene in detail.	CK
678338	She was at the scene of the crime.	Eldad
327489	He shuddered at the terrible scene.	CM
46193	The scene was shown in slow motion.	CM
573671	Police cordoned off the crime scene.	darinmex
2268130	The first scene has a lot of action.	_undertoad
1316052	The terrible scene made him shudder.	CK
1750088	Were you present at the crime scene?	djtait
20464	The riot police arrived on the scene.	NekoKanjya
453493	They showed the scene in slow motion.	FeuDRenais
46190	I want to see the scene in slow motion.	CK
35516	The pilot described the scene in detail.	CK
72961	Twenty police have arrived on the scene.	CM
842938	Do not make a scene in front of everyone.	J_S
2737407	It's like a scene from a movie, isn't it?	CK
1201396	What's your favorite scene from the show?	Guybrush88
2985421	This is the third scene of the second act.	sharptoothed
240288	We have to set the scene for negotiations.	CM
238464	The comic scenes in the play were overdone.	CK
238179	The police got to the scene of the accident.	CK
1316059	The terrible scene made him tremble in fear.	CK
241501	Who's pulling the strings behind the scenes?	CK
238071	The police were on the scene of the accident.	CM
23796	A big crowd gathered at the scene of the fire.	CK
283589	I think it's true that he wasn't at the scene.	Dejo
258100	I was called out to the scene of the accident.	CK
48050	The beauty of the scene was beyond description.	Zifre