English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Sake" in Example Sentences
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1528541	Tom did it for the sake of his country.	Spamster	1
388581	She argues just for the sake of arguing.	CK	1
1095939	Tom and Mary have to stay married for the sake of the children.	CK	1
1258455	Tom is the type of person who likes to argue just for the sake of arguing.	CK	1
2985721	Do it for my sake.	sharptoothed
266112	We make sake from rice.	CM
2127222	He did it only for my sake.	freddy1
275275	For appearances sake, I went.	Nero
1133493	Tofu goes well with good sake.	CK
2265963	For goodness' sake, don't say that!	_undertoad
258249	I did so for the sake of my health.	CM
313159	She argues for the sake of arguing.	CK
251719	My father doesn't drink so much sake.	U2FS
942132	My father doesn't drink too much sake.	U2FS
281692	Whenever I drink sake, I get a headache.	CM
416559	There's no need to advertise a good sake.	Scott
240180	For goodness' sake, please be nice to him.	CM
306548	They fought for the sake of their country.	CM
295932	He quit smoking for the sake of his health.	CK
239020	I'll quit my job for the sake of my health.	CK
257224	I stopped smoking for the sake of my health.	CM
249397	We study the past for the sake of the future.	CM
295931	He gave up drinking for the sake of his health.	CK
294447	He worked very hard for the sake of his family.	CK
2276608	Sake is a traditional Japanese alcoholic drink.	Hybrid
2928857	Some people argue just for the sake of arguing.	eirik174
267488	You'd better study for the sake of your future.	CM
306632	They worked hard for the sake of their children.	CK
295933	He has given up smoking for the sake of his health.	CK
304996	They stayed married for the sake of their children.	CK
319071	My father used to drink beer, but now he drinks sake.	CM
1163472	Please don't nitpick just for the sake of nitpicking.	CK
295930	He moved to a warmer place for the sake of his health.	CK
1982192	My father has quit smoking for the sake of his health.	CK
313451	She moved to a warmer place for the sake of her health.	CK
16920	Your father went through all that trouble for your sake.	eastasiastudent
306631	They only stayed together for the sake of their children.	CK
297129	He did everything he could do for the sake of his children.	CK
3060722	Let's suppose, for the sake of argument, that you're right.	sharptoothed
40639	To give up smoking is not easy, but you should for the sake of your health.	CK