English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Pass" in Example Sentences
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2111776	I'll pass.	CK	1
2203744	We'll pass.	CK	1
2123567	That'll pass.	CK	1
282197	Years passed.	CK	1
2649205	Pass it to me.	CK	1
2249757	Pass the salt.	CK	1
2243251	They may pass.	CK	1
2237577	Tom passed by.	CK	1
2203745	Tom will pass.	CK	1
2251005	That will pass.	CK	1
1867998	Tom passed out.	CK	1
2254959	You could pass.	CK	1
2243254	They might pass.	CK	1
71968	They passed out.	CK	1
2236217	Tom didn't pass.	CK	1
2237576	Tom passed away.	CK	1
64750	Pass me the salt.	CK	1
2249756	Pass the ketchup.	CK	1
3312103	We'll pass it on.	CK	1
2273350	Tom is passed out.	CK	1
2255387	You'll never pass.	CK	1
2548875	Do you have a pass?	CK	1
1868268	Tom has passed out.	CK	1
3312102	We'll pass that on.	CK	1
1744249	I almost passed out.	belgavox	1
2548202	I'm sure it'll pass.	CK	1
1771972	Tom has passed away.	Scott	1
1164328	Tom passed the test.	CK	1
3023648	Tom is going to pass.	CK	1
2270463	Don't let anyone pass.	CK	1
2547366	I was just passing by.	CK	1
313141	She almost passed out.	CK	1
3150612	Tom bought a VIP pass.	CK	1
2387281	I must have passed out.	CK	1
64487	Pass the sugar, please.	CK	1
326145	The train passed by us.	CM	1
25741	Please pass me the salt.	CK	1
1190917	Can you pass me the milk?	CK	1
571632	He passed away yesterday.	MUIRIEL	1
944561	I barely passed the exam.	CK	1
2071523	I couldn't pass the exam.	Eldad	1
2033132	I don't want to pass out.	CK	1
1744984	I have to pass this exam.	Amastan	1
25729	Pass me the salt, please.	CK	1
29069	Pass me the wine, please.	CK	1
507188	Please pass me the sugar.	FeuDRenais	1
44009	The bill passed the Diet.	CM	1
2278310	They won't let this pass.	CK	1
1419156	Tom passed away recently.	Spamster	1
1288742	I finally passed that test.	CK	1