English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Mirror" in Example Sentences
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450106	Clean the mirror.	CK	1
2252637	There's a mirror.	CK	1
1886605	Where's a mirror?	CK	1
2734167	Look in the mirror.	CK	1
2648072	Look in the mirror.	CK	1
2546390	Tom looked in a mirror.	CK	1
40022	Just look in the mirror.	CK	1
713226	Doesn't it look like a mirror?	Guybrush88	1
2542252	Tom didn't look in the mirror.	CK	1
1164242	Tom saw himself in the mirror.	CK	1
1868059	Tom looked in the mirror again.	CK	1
1442254	She stood in front of the mirror.	CK	1
2067093	Tom looked at Mary in the mirror.	CK	1
2406080	I saw my reflection in the mirror.	CK	1
1961264	I thought I saw Tom in the mirror.	CK	1
1024539	Tom looked at himself in the mirror.	CK	1
1092903	Tom smiled at himself in the mirror.	CK	1
31947	Mary looked at herself in the mirror.	CK	1
1874281	Tom saw his reflection in the mirror.	CK	1
1874271	Tom picked up a piece of the broken mirror.	CK	1
313274	She was brushing her hair in front of a mirror.	CK	1
2406138	I saw Tom in the mirror so I turned around and said hi.	CK	1
2226277	I saw Mary sitting in front of a mirror brushing her hair.	CK	1
1872456	Tom sat in the driver's seat and adjusted the rearview mirror.	CK	1
1040678	Tom checked his rearview mirror before pulling out into traffic.	CK	1
1884487	Tom just stood there watching Mary staring at herself in the mirror.	CK	1
2229581	After getting out of the shower, Tom wiped the fog off the mirror and shaved.	CK	1
2280870	I like your mirrors.	ichivivi20
18924	A mirror reflects light.	Swift
2545166	Tom looked in the mirror.	CK
2956779	Tom glanced at the mirror.	CK
450107	Clean the dirt off the mirror.	CK
313272	She saw herself in the mirror.	CK
35160	The rear-view mirror fell off.	CK
436473	I can see myself in the mirror.	lukaszpp
2771489	I'd like to buy a small mirror.	sharptoothed
264726	Look at yourself in the mirror.	CK
883001	A broken mirror brings bad luck.	alexmarcelo
2541250	Tom checked the rearview mirror.	CK
3324310	Do you like looking in the mirror?	Hybrid
53766	Jane studied herself in the mirror.	CK
2953197	Mary checked herself in the mirror.	CK
313277	She looked at herself in the mirror.	CK
313273	She smiled at herself in the mirror.	CK
1600153	The mirror is on top of the dresser.	jathonjet
2956780	Tom glanced at the rear-view mirror.	CK
2958191	Tom stared at himself in the mirror.	CK
313278	She forgave me for breaking her mirror.	CK
267893	The girl stood looking into the mirror.	CK
18922	Hasn't he looked at himself in a mirror?	Swift