English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Industry" in Example Sentences
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681209	Tom works in the film industry.	Source_VOA	1
454473	He works in the car industry.	FeuDRenais
807009	Industry was growing quickly.	Source_VOA
298500	He works in the automobile industry.	CK
19300	Kyoto depends on the tourist industry.	ludoviko
39429	Detroit is famous for its car industry.	CM
57849	What is the main industry in this town?	CK
54535	The computer industry is enjoying a boom.	CK
807429	The movie industry became a big business.	Source_VOA
681207	Tom has a good job in the computer industry.	Source_VOA
245163	I'm amazed by the rate at which industries grow.	CK
814173	This new market may improve the entire industry.	eastasiastudent
681208	The German auto industry produces excellent cars.	Source_VOA
680131	Agriculture is an important industry in California.	Source_VOA
462734	The government is trying to develop new industries.	lukaszpp
281557	Japan is a leader in the world's high-tech industry.	CM
271474	The government should invest more money in industry.	CK
271467	The government started a program to promote industry.	CK
299409	He has powerful connections in the publishing industry.	CK
54534	There are many jobs available in the computer industry.	CK
242435	Industry as we know it today didn't exist in those days.	CK
281395	Japanese industry has made great advances since the war.	CM
308685	She has two brothers, who work in the computer industry.	CK
47700	The industry is heavily dependent on government funding.	CM
18465	Six percent home loans represent the industry average now.	AMIKEMA
54533	The development of the computer industry has been very rapid.	CK
264532	The automobile industry is one of the main industries in Japan.	CK
44749	The economy of the island is dependent on the fishing industry.	CK
271410	The government and industry are cooperating to fight pollution.	CK
271470	The government has taken measures to promote domestic industry.	CM
18874	Fair competition is necessary for the healthy growth of industry.	ilingualbay
243140	I hear Latin music is taking the music industry by storm this year.	Zifre
272258	Oil has played an important part in the progress of Japanese industry.	CM
264531	Many people will lose their jobs due to the slump in the auto industry.	CM
917642	A mortgage rate of six percent is becoming the current industry average.	Shiawase
322647	Manga are to the Japanese film industry what bestsellers are to Hollywood.	CM
73278	In the automotive industry of the 1970's, Japan beat the U.S. at its own game.	CK
65917	The fact that nowadays fewer men smoke is a headache for the Japanese tobacco industry.	CK
269155	He promised to bring new industries to the region, but politicians rarely keep their word.	CK
240481	The bank rate cut is expected to relieve the severe financial squeeze that has hit industry.	CM