English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Fair" in Example Sentences
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2891114	Do you think that was fair?	CK	1
3147978	I'll give you a fair price.	CK	1
3142700	That's not a fair question.	CK	1
267369	All is fair in love and war.	CK	1
3147891	We paid a fair price for it.	CK	1
2361705	I still don't think it's fair.	CK	1
2396238	It doesn't seem fair, does it?	CK	1
1911114	Do you really think that's fair?	CK	1
2438591	Two against one is not a fair fight.	Hybrid	1
1130691	Life isn't fair.	Scott
1175491	Life's not fair.	alexmarcelo
1877224	Life is not fair.	Spamster
1548150	It's just not fair.	Spamster
284659	He has a fair income.	CM
1500159	It's harsh, but fair.	CK
1804115	It's not a fair fight.	Spamster
1895557	You're tough but fair.	CK
1670170	I gave you fair warning.	erikspen
3356417	You know this isn't fair.	CK
315092	She has a fair complexion.	CK
315093	She has fair skin and hair.	CM
321017	The law is not always fair.	CK
1522306	Did you go to the book fair?	erikspen
300536	He has blue eyes and fair hair.	CM
605864	This sword is in fair condition.	qdii
2266089	He bought two horses at the fair.	_undertoad
1877226	Life is not fair. Get used to it.	Spamster
45635	The judge in the case was not fair.	CK
2539946	Tom won the science fair last year.	CK
954458	We ate cotton candy at the state fair.	CK
308696	I think she has a fair amount of sense.	CK
273022	A teacher must be fair with his students.	CK
307211	They fought a fair battle with the enemy.	CM
308278	It's not fair that she can go and I can't.	CK
44428	The judgement is very fair to both parties.	CM
680934	Children get upset when things are not fair.	Source_VOA
3322831	There's still a fair bit of work to be done.	patgfisher
3322824	Tom's had his fair share of problems lately.	patgfisher
23313	We have to play fair, whether we win or lose.	Swift
263323	His advice to us was that we should play fair.	CM
48777	The article covers all the events at the fair.	CM
329673	There was a row of about 20 stalls at the fair.	fcbond
33677	There were a fair number of people in the hall.	CM
680935	It's fair if they get equal pay for the same job.	Source_VOA
29682	Richard is fair, even to people he does not like.	CM
307825	If you treat him fairly, he will be fair with you.	CK
41629	If you do that kind of thing, it's not fair to her.	CK
272913	The teacher was very fair when she marked our exams.	CK
23495	Our departure tomorrow is contingent on fair weather.	NekoKanjya
242020	We are having an international trade fair this month.	CK