English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Deal" in Example Sentences
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2245250	Deal me in.	CK	1
2245251	Deal me out.	CK	1
2248999	It's a deal.	CK	1
2245253	Deal with it.	CK	1
2549773	Is it a deal?	CK	1
2380375	I made a deal.	CK	1
2245252	Deal the cards.	CK	1
2245254	Deal with them.	CK	1
2245255	Deal with this.	CK	1
2240222	Tom won't deal.	CK	1
2549593	We have a deal.	CK	1
2032984	I dealt with it.	charlotte13	1
3315229	It's a big deal.	CK	1
2251264	That's the deal.	CK	1
2648927	Tom made a deal.	CK	1
2234105	What's the deal?	CK	1
2236635	A deal is a deal.	Hybrid	1
2304	It's a good deal.	CK	1
532854	It's no big deal.	FeuDRenais	1
1165941	We've got a deal.	CK	1
2648619	What's your deal?	CK	1
3331050	You deal with it.	CK	1
321359	Deal us the cards.	CK	1
2549113	I'll deal with it.	CK	1
2438365	Just deal with it.	Hybrid	1
2007815	Let's make a deal.	CK	1
2549022	That was the deal.	CK	1
2648236	What was our deal?	CK	1
2234155	What's Tom's deal?	CK	1
3327489	Can you deal me in?	CK	1
2648155	Deal with it later.	CK	1
2300649	I can deal with it.	CK	1
2262007	I'll deal with Tom.	CK	1
2548751	I'll take the deal.	CK	1
3315224	Is that a big deal?	CK	1
3315225	Is this a big deal?	CK	1
3315226	It was no big deal.	CK	1
3315227	That's no big deal.	CK	1
3315228	This is a big deal.	CK	1
3110454	We can make a deal.	CK	1
3313103	We did have a deal.	CK	1
3312177	We'll deal with it.	CK	1
2548429	Deal the cards, Tom.	CK	1
2300650	I can deal with Tom.	CK	1
2548337	I'll deal with that.	CK	1
2548336	I'll deal with this.	CK	1
2548266	I'm dealing with it.	CK	1
3315223	This is no big deal.	CK	1
1026529	Tom dealt the cards.	CK	1
1156084	Tom sealed the deal.	CK	1