English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Cool" in Example Sentences
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1860752	Be cool.	CK	1
280162	Cool off!	CM	1
2697956	I'm cool.	Guybrush88	1
2202692	I'm cool.	CK	1
1860739	Cool down.	CK	1
2123609	It's cool.	CK	1
2111652	Keep cool.	CK	1
2111514	Stay cool.	CK	1
2202689	We're cool.	CK	1
2244587	Is Tom cool?	CK	1
2549816	It was cool.	CK	1
1897784	That's cool.	CK	1
2202691	Tom is cool.	CK	1
2202690	You're cool.	CK	1
2245231	Cool it down.	CK	1
2249245	It's so cool.	CK	1
2249390	Just be cool.	CK	1
325175	Play it cool.	CK	1
1898127	They're cool.	CK	1
2233665	This is cool.	CK	1
2239760	Tom was cool.	CK	1
2248652	Isn't it cool?	CK	1
2248958	It'll be cool.	CK	1
2170255	It's not cool.	Hybrid	1
2250936	That was cool.	CK	1
2244648	Isn't Tom cool?	CK	1
2249476	Just stay cool.	CK	1
2249509	Keep your cool.	CK	1
2251242	That's so cool.	CK	1
2649095	Tom is so cool.	CK	1
2474689	Tom looks cool.	CK	1
2218367	You're so cool.	CK	1
242990	It's cool today.	CK	1
2256893	That's not cool.	CK	1
2892242	This is so cool.	CK	1
2238728	Tom stayed cool.	CK	1
2249165	It's pretty cool.	CK	1
2249207	It's really cool.	CK	1
2250912	That sounds cool.	CK	1
1841580	That was so cool.	CK	1
2250992	That wasn't cool.	CK	1
1897824	That's very cool.	CK	1
2549150	I used to be cool.	CK	1
325807	It has cooled off.	CK	1
2249340	It's totally cool.	CK	1
2548997	Tom is a cool guy.	CK	1
2930078	Tom kept his cool.	CK	1
2237609	Tom remained cool.	CK	1
2248438	Is everything cool?	CK	1
278949	It's nice and cool.	CK	1