English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Concern" in Example Sentences
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2111746	I'm concerned.	CK	1
2247467	I was concerned.	CK	1
2107468	Tom's concerned.	CK	1
2648697	Tom is concerned.	CK	1
2256891	That's my concern.	CK	1
2488832	This concerns you.	sharptoothed	1
2239758	Tom was concerned.	CK	1
2248292	I'm very concerned.	CK	1
2713680	It's not my concern.	CK	1
2237213	Tom looks concerned.	CK	1
2547903	I was very concerned.	CK	1
2646919	Tom looked concerned.	CK	1
2234152	What's Tom's concern?	CK	1
449179	That's not my concern.	CK	1
2646388	Tom is very concerned.	CK	1
2646305	Tom sounded concerned.	CK	1
2646248	We were all concerned.	CK	1
2646171	Why are you concerned?	CK	1
2272032	It doesn't concern you.	CK	1
2273692	Tom was very concerned.	CK	1
2645660	What are your concerns?	CK	1
2592863	I'm concerned about Tom.	WestofEden	1
680556	I'm concerned about Tom.	Source_VOA	1
2546028	I'm concerned about you.	CK	1
449181	It's no concern of mine.	CM	1
395841	This doesn't concern me.	FeuDRenais	1
2272084	That doesn't concern you.	CK	1
1889404	This doesn't concern you.	zaytsev126	1
2892903	Why are you so concerned?	CK	1
20400	I appreciate your concern.	CK	1
1777728	I understand your concern.	Spamster	1
2892057	That's one of my concerns.	CK	1
2273366	Tom is probably concerned.	CK	1
2543455	I'm touched by your concern.	CK	1
253505	I am not concerned with this.	CK	1
2542973	I'm just a concerned citizen.	CK	1
24684	What are you concerned about?	CK	1
2359063	I've been concerned about Tom.	CK	1
2359064	I've been concerned about you.	CK	1
2276538	It really doesn't concern you.	CK	1
2279303	This doesn't concern you, Tom.	CK	1
2273684	Tom was immediately concerned.	CK	1
2283678	You don't seem very concerned.	CK	1
2541918	I'm concerned for Tom's safety.	CK	1
2359062	I've been concerned about that.	CK	1
2541404	I'm concerned about your future.	CK	1
2541403	I'm concerned with Tom's safety.	CK	1
2279311	This matter doesn't concern you.	CK	1
2328063	I fully understand your concerns.	CK	1
2642140	Tom didn't seem overly concerned.	CK	1