English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Cart" in Example Sentences
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1164307	Tom pushed the shopping cart for his mother.	CK	1
38254	By the way, have you seen anything of Carter lately?	CM	1
806847	Carter was re-nominated.	Source_VOA
2268028	The cart was in the shed.	_undertoad
2644929	Tom got in the golf cart.	CK
806922	People liked Jimmy Carter.	Source_VOA
265950	Where are the luggage carts?	CK
259904	I saw a horse pulling a cart.	CK
298159	He gave me a lift in his cart.	Dejo
2259489	There was a mule cart on the road.	_undertoad
282376	Don't put the cart before the horse.	CK
460433	Jessie strolled along beside the cart.	CK
1485688	It was yesterday morning that I saw Mr. Carter.	CK
2537258	Tom put a bag of shredded cheese into his shopping cart.	CK
276828	A boy is taking his sweet time pushing the cart toward the curb.	CM
34055	Planning the wedding before proposing is putting the cart before the horse.	CM