English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Blood" in Example Sentences
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2713778	It's not blood.	CK	1
2549614	Tom gave blood.	CK	1
2249092	It's just blood.	CK	1
2249145	It's only blood.	CK	1
2248063	I'm losing blood.	CK	1
2362179	I just gave blood.	CK	1
1600900	Tom vomited blood.	Spamster	1
279380	I coughed up blood.	CK	1
2867899	Tom is losing blood.	Amastan	1
2245003	Blood was everywhere.	CK	1
2240800	We're blood brothers.	CK	1
2271709	I didn't donate blood.	CK	1
2276187	I don't see any blood.	CK	1
2822925	I lost a lot of blood.	Hybrid	1
2273104	Tom is donating blood.	CK	1
528304	What's your blood type?	fanty	1
372352	What is your blood type?	contour	1
2545683	What's Tom's blood type?	CK	1
257206	I have low blood pressure.	sacredceltic	1
1026638	Tom coughed up some blood.	CK	1
241256	I have high blood pressure.	CK	1
1025358	Tom has low blood pressure.	CK	1
238754	Blood is thicker than water.	sacredceltic	1
1007971	Do you know your blood type?	AOCinJAPAN	1
953293	Have you ever donated blood?	CK	1
2543794	I took Tom's blood pressure.	CK	1
1600374	Tom began coughing up blood.	Spamster	1
1025374	Tom has high blood pressure.	CK	1
2738872	Do you know Tom's blood type?	CK	1
399332	I went to donate blood today.	FeuDRenais	1
1898162	There's no blood on the floor.	CK	1
1887291	I donated blood this afternoon.	CK	1
1163551	Tom's blood type is O negative.	CK	1
1954900	I can't stand the sight of blood.	CK	1
1093853	Tom had his blood pressure taken.	CK	1
238772	I'd like you to have a blood test.	CK	1
1023983	Tom was given a blood transfusion.	CK	1
803097	He was weak from the loss of blood.	Source_VOA	1
326321	The blood on the road must be mine.	CM	1
2528533	We want to take your blood pressure.	CK	1
2388054	I never could stand the sight of blood.	CK	1
903690	There is an urgent need for blood donors.	CK	1
269002	The function of the heart is to pump blood.	CM	1
903689	There is an urgent need for blood donations.	CK	1
1027520	I suspect that Tom is a cold-blooded murderer.	CK	1
278710	Moderate exercise stimulates the circulation of blood.	CK	1
1040604	Tom has lost a lot of blood and the doctors are worried.	CK	1
1140812	Tom's lost a lot of blood, but he hasn't lost consciousness.	CK	1
952860	The blood alcohol limit for drunken driving is .08 percent in Texas.	CK	1
1923430	The front of Tom's shirt was stained with blood from a gunshot wound.	CK	1