English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families
The Word "Autumn" in Example Sentences
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1767017	I love autumn.	CK	1
266339	Autumn is here.	CK	1
266934	Some flowers bloom in spring and others in autumn.	CM	1
258493	I like autumn best.	CK
680302	It rains in early autumn.	Source_VOA
258495	I prefer spring to autumn.	CK
266351	Leaves fall in the autumn.	CK
266362	Autumn changed into winter.	CM
680303	Autumn is my favorite season.	Source_VOA
266902	Do you like spring or autumn?	CK
51852	It was a lovely autumn evening.	CK
34518	Bill came to see me last autumn.	Swift
266365	Autumn is just around the corner.	CM
266344	In autumn the leaves turn yellow.	CM
680301	Children go back to school in autumn.	Source_VOA
31587	It looks as if autumn is really here.	CM
243099	We have had few typhoons this autumn.	CK
3316839	In the autumn, leaves fall from trees.	CK
266914	Which do you prefer, spring or autumn?	CK
51989	Late autumn in Scotland is rather cold.	CK
36491	Why is autumn called "fall" in America?	Liface
1585283	In autumn, leaves change color and fall.	Nero
878224	In autumn, the moon is really beautiful.	Bosco
1344647	Kyoto is the most beautiful in the autumn.	CK
266338	Autumn came and the leaves started to fall.	CM
244324	We had a spell of fine weather last autumn.	CK
266912	Which do you like better, spring or autumn?	CK
266371	Autumn is when food is especially delicious.	CM
35540	Autumn is the best season for going on hikes.	CK
803319	He had a serious illness in the autumn of 1823.	Source_VOA
1225247	These green leaves turn red or yellow in autumn.	nadsat
1071767	Is the mid-autumn festival on Monday  this year?	sysko
3316840	The leaves on the trees change color in the autumn.	CK
266360	I think autumn is the most beautiful season of the year.	CK
1069793	Does the mid-autumn festival fall on Monday  this year?	sysko
266376	There are also people who like spring better than autumn.	CK
266337	It goes without saying that autumn is the best season for study.	Dejo
3074530	The days are getting noticeably shorter now that autumn has arrived.	patgfisher
60797	This beautiful autumn weather we've been having makes up for the wet summer.	CK
266366	Autumn is just around the corner. It's about time the weather started cooling off.	darinmex