English Sentences with Audio from the Tatoeba Project
Page 9430

rus	4888095	1040518	Тому были нужны деньги, и он сказал, что устроится на любую работу, которую ему предложат.	maks	Tom was hard up for money and said he would take any job he was offered.	CK	1
tur	1142423	1040518	Tom meteliksizdi ve önerilen herhangi bir işi kabul edeceğini söyledi.	duran	Tom was hard up for money and said he would take any job he was offered.	CK	1
deu	1931318	1023966	Tom wurde von dem Gatten der Frau, mit der er oft zusammen war, ermordet.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom was killed by the husband of the woman he had been hanging out with.	CK	1
ita	1950600	1023966	Tom è stato ucciso dal marito della donna con cui stava uscendo.	Guybrush88	Tom was killed by the husband of the woman he had been hanging out with.	CK	1
ita	1950601	1023966	Tom fu ucciso dal marito della donna con cui stava uscendo.	Guybrush88	Tom was killed by the husband of the woman he had been hanging out with.	CK	1
ita	1950602	1023966	Tom venne ucciso dal marito della donna con cui stava uscendo.	Guybrush88	Tom was killed by the husband of the woman he had been hanging out with.	CK	1
spa	1406256	1023966	Tom fue asesinado por el esposo de la mujer con la que había estado saliendo.	marcelostockle	Tom was killed by the husband of the woman he had been hanging out with.	CK	1
tur	1122930	1023966	Tom birlikte zaman geçirdiği kadının kocası tarafından öldürüldü.	duran	Tom was killed by the husband of the woman he had been hanging out with.	CK	1
spa	1253974	1092393	Tom murió en el acto cuando la bomba que estaba tratando de desactivar explotó.	hayastan	Tom was killed instantly when the bomb he was trying to defuse exploded.	CK	1
tur	1169758	1092393	Tom etkisiz hale getirmeye çalıştığı bomba patladığında anında öldü.	duran	Tom was killed instantly when the bomb he was trying to defuse exploded.	CK	1
deu	2152790	1884420	Tom stand unmittelbar vor einem großen Gebäude, das zum Verkauf angeboten wurde.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom was standing just in front of a large building that was up for sale.	CK	1
jpn	2152111	1884420	トムは売りに出されている大きな建物のちょうど前に立っていた。	bunbuku	Tom was standing just in front of a large building that was up for sale.	CK	1
rus	4879161	1884420	Том стоял напротив большого здания, выставленного на продажу.	maks	Tom was standing just in front of a large building that was up for sale.	CK	1
bul	2823943	2419492	Том излезе с Мери петък вечерта, а с Алис събота вечерта.	korobo4ka	Tom went out with Mary on Friday night and with Alice on Saturday night.	CK	1
tur	2486920	2419492	Tom cuma gecesi Mary ile ve cumartesi gecesi Alice ile dışarı çıktı.	duran	Tom went out with Mary on Friday night and with Alice on Saturday night.	CK	1
deu	1287753	1258454	Tom hat sich gewünscht, dass sich seine Mitschüler gegenseitig mit mehr Respekt behandeln würden.	Espi	Tom wished that his classmates would treat each other with more respect.	CK	1
spa	1287745	1258454	Tom deseaba que sus compañeros de clase se tratasen con más respeto.	Shishir	Tom wished that his classmates would treat each other with more respect.	CK	1
spa	2128846	1092214	Tom se preguntaba en qué momento María había comprado la leche que estaba en el refrigerador.	marcelostockle	Tom wondered when Mary had bought the milk that was in the refrigerator.	CK	1
tur	1168467	1092214	Tom Mary'nin buzdolabındaki sütü ne zaman satın aldığını merak etti.	duran	Tom wondered when Mary had bought the milk that was in the refrigerator.	CK	1
tur	1168396	1092181	Mary Tom'un ona verdiği yavru köpeği beğenmediğinde, Tom çok fazla şaşırmazdı.	duran	Tom wouldn't be too surprised if Mary didn't like the puppy he gave her.	CK	1
fra	1405637	909580	Essaie de ne pas passer tant de temps à te plaindre de choses que tu ne peux pas changer.	sacredceltic	Try not to spend so much time complaining about things you can't change.	CK	1
fra	1405639	909580	Essaye de ne pas passer tant de temps à te plaindre de choses que tu ne peux pas changer.	sacredceltic	Try not to spend so much time complaining about things you can't change.	CK	1
fra	1405640	909580	Essayez de ne pas passer tant de temps à vous plaindre de choses que vous ne pouvez pas changer.	sacredceltic	Try not to spend so much time complaining about things you can't change.	CK	1
isl	910252	909580	Reyndu að eyða ekki svona miklum tíma í að kvarta yfir hlutum sem þú getur ekki breytt.	Swift	Try not to spend so much time complaining about things you can't change.	CK	1
por	914498	909580	Tente não gastar muito tempo reclamando sobre coisas imutáveis.	alexmarcelo	Try not to spend so much time complaining about things you can't change.	CK	1
spa	1138465	909580	Intenta no pasar tanto tiempo quejándote de cosas que no puedes cambiar.	Shishir	Try not to spend so much time complaining about things you can't change.	CK	1
tur	1472270	909580	Değiştiremediğin şeyler hakkında şikâyet ederek çok fazla zaman harcamaya çalışma.	duran	Try not to spend so much time complaining about things you can't change.	CK	1
deu	1894194	1893823	Wir müssen ermitteln, wer das Feuer gelegt hat, durch das Toms Haus niederbrannte.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	We have to figure out who started the fire that burned down Tom's house.	CK	1
fin	4390617	1893823	Meidän täytyy saada selville, kuka sytytti tulipalon, joka poltti Tomin talon.	Silja	We have to figure out who started the fire that burned down Tom's house.	CK	1
tur	4612044	1893823	Tom'un evini yakıp kül eden yangını kimin başlattığını bulmak zorundayız.	duran	We have to figure out who started the fire that burned down Tom's house.	CK	1
deu	3219807	2769278	Als ich auf der Uni studierte, habe ich vor Prüfungen immer durch die Nacht gearbeitet.	raggione	When I was a college student, I always pulled all-nighters before tests.	CK	1
fra	3255330	2769278	Lorsque j'étudiais à l'université, j'ai toujours passé des nuits blanches avant les examens.	sacredceltic	When I was a college student, I always pulled all-nighters before tests.	CK	1
jpn	2769274	2769278	学生時代のテストはいつも一夜漬けでした。	tommy_san	When I was a college student, I always pulled all-nighters before tests.	CK	1
tur	3099341	2769278	Bir üniversite öğrencisiyken her zaman sınavlardan önce bütün gece çalışırdım.	duran	When I was a college student, I always pulled all-nighters before tests.	CK	1
bul	2314360	2050710	Ти винаги ми правеше номера докато бяхме в прогимназията.	korobo4ka	You were always playing tricks on me when we were in junior high school.	CK	1
deu	2050897	2050710	Du hast mir immer Streiche gespielt, als wir zusammen auf der Junior Highschool waren.	Tamy	You were always playing tricks on me when we were in junior high school.	CK	1
rus	4876770	2050710	Ты всегда подшучивал надо мной, когда мы были в средней школе.	maks	You were always playing tricks on me when we were in junior high school.	CK	1
fin	3976260	3148473	Yritän katsoa, jos pääsisin tapaamaan Tomia niin kauan kun olen vielä Bostonissa.	Silja	As long as I'm going to be in Boston, I'll try to see if I can visit Tom.	CK	1
spa	1305413	920412	Al menos Tom se quedó el tiempo suficiente para averiguar cuánto dinero debía.	marcelostockle	At least Tom stuck around long enough to find out how much money he owed.	CK	1
deu	2055380	1885995	Meinst du nicht, dass dieses Computerspiel etwas zu schwierig für Tom sein könnte?	samueldora	Don't you think this computer game may be a little too difficult for Tom?	CK	1
jpn	2152145	1885995	このゲームはトムには少し難しすぎると思いませんか。	bunbuku	Don't you think this computer game may be a little too difficult for Tom?	CK	1
spa	2055390	1885995	¿No piensas que este juego de computador pueda ser un poco demasiado difícil para Tom?	marcelostockle	Don't you think this computer game may be a little too difficult for Tom?	CK	1
tur	4710475	1885995	Bu bilgisayar oyununun Tom için biraz çok zor olabileceğini düşünmüyor musun?	duran	Don't you think this computer game may be a little too difficult for Tom?	CK	1
fra	12543	40683	Chaque fois que le prix des cigarettes augmente, beaucoup de gens essayent d'arrêter de fumer.	Archibald	Every time cigarettes go up in price, many people try to give up smoking.	Swift	1
isl	854377	40683	Í hvert skipti sem sígarettur hækka í verði reyna margir að hætta að reykja.	Swift	Every time cigarettes go up in price, many people try to give up smoking.	Swift	1
jpn	203445	40683	タバコが値上がりするたびに、禁煙を試みる人は多い。	bunbuku	Every time cigarettes go up in price, many people try to give up smoking.	Swift	1
rus	2513456	40683	Всякий раз, когда повышаются цены на сигареты, множество людей пытается бросить курить.	sharptoothed	Every time cigarettes go up in price, many people try to give up smoking.	Swift	1
tur	1064053	40683	Her zaman sigara fiyatları yükseliyor, çok sayıda insan sigara içmeyi bırakmaya çalışıyor.	duran	Every time cigarettes go up in price, many people try to give up smoking.	Swift	1
jpn	1142903	301696	彼は一時停止の標識を見ていなかったので、通りを渡ろうとしていた子供をもう少しではねてしまうところだった。	bunbuku	He didn't see the stop sign and almost hit the child crossing the street.	CK	1
tur	1472273	301696	O, dur işaretini görmedi ve neredeyse caddeyi geçen çocuğa vuracaktı.	duran	He didn't see the stop sign and almost hit the child crossing the street.	CK	1
bul	2817577	2456486	Той окачи сакото си на закачалка, защото не искаше да се измачка.	korobo4ka	He hung his blazer on a hanger because he didn't want it to get wrinkled.	CK	1
fin	2635385	2456486	Hän ripusti takkinsa vaatepuuhun, koska hän ei halunnut sen rypistyvän.	Kalle63	He hung his blazer on a hanger because he didn't want it to get wrinkled.	CK	1
tur	2782267	2456486	Kırışmasını istemediği için ceketini askıya astı.	freefighter	He hung his blazer on a hanger because he didn't want it to get wrinkled.	CK	1
fin	3114869	953346	Kuinka monta kertaa minun on sanottava sinulle ettet saa syödä makeisia juuri ennen päivällistä?	Kalle63	How many times do I have to tell you not to eat candy just before dinner?	CK	1
fra	1405643	953346	Combien de fois dois-je te dire de ne pas manger de sucreries juste avant le dîner ?	sacredceltic	How many times do I have to tell you not to eat candy just before dinner?	CK	1
fra	1405644	953346	Combien de fois dois-je vous dire de ne pas manger de sucreries juste avant le dîner ?	sacredceltic	How many times do I have to tell you not to eat candy just before dinner?	CK	1
pol	961055	953346	Ile razy mam ci powtarzać, żeby nie jeść słodyczy przed kolacją?	zipangu	How many times do I have to tell you not to eat candy just before dinner?	CK	1
rus	2005106	953346	Сколько раз я должен тебе говорить, чтобы ты не ел сладкого перед ужином?	marafon	How many times do I have to tell you not to eat candy just before dinner?	CK	1
spa	1286340	953346	¿Cuántas veces te tengo que decir que no comas dulces antes de cenar?	marcelostockle	How many times do I have to tell you not to eat candy just before dinner?	CK	1
tur	1472277	953346	Akşam yemeğinden hemen önce şekerleme yememeni sana kaç kez söylemek zorundayım.	duran	How many times do I have to tell you not to eat candy just before dinner?	CK	1
ukr	1565979	953346	Скільки разів маю тобі повторювати, щоб ти не їв цукерки перед вечерею?	deniko	How many times do I have to tell you not to eat candy just before dinner?	CK	1
tur	2837083	1950879	Tom'un önce Mary ile görüşmeden işini bıraktığına inanamıyorum.	duran	I can't believe Tom quit his job without talking it over with Mary first.	CK	1
fra	955575	953396	Je ne peux pas te dire tout ce qu'on m'a dit parce qu'on m'a dit de ne pas le faire.	sacredceltic	I can't tell you everything I've been told because I've been told not to.	CK	1
pol	964996	953396	Nie mogę zdradzić ci wszystkiego, co mi powiedziano, ponieważ mówiono mi, bym o tym nie opowiadał.	zipangu	I can't tell you everything I've been told because I've been told not to.	CK	1
rus	3654832	953396	Я не могу сказать тебе всего, что мне сказали, потому что мне сказали не говорить.	sharptoothed	I can't tell you everything I've been told because I've been told not to.	CK	1
spa	1305515	953396	No puedo decirte todo lo que se me ha dicho porque me dijeron que no lo hiciera.	marcelostockle	I can't tell you everything I've been told because I've been told not to.	CK	1
tur	1472282	953396	Bana yapmamam söylenildiği için bana söylenilen her şeyi sana söyleyemem.	duran	I can't tell you everything I've been told because I've been told not to.	CK	1
deu	3399769	284028	Ich konnte es mir nicht verkneifen zu lachen, als ich ihn mit dem Gesicht nach unten im Dreck liegen sah.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	I couldn't help laughing when I saw him lying face down covered with mud.	CK	1
tur	3930419	284028	Onun çamurla kaplı yüz aşağı yattığını gördüğümde gülmekten kendimi alamadım.	duran	I couldn't help laughing when I saw him lying face down covered with mud.	CK	1
tur	3096584	2793501	Yeterli param yok bu yüzden istesem de seninle gidemezdim.	duran	I don't have enough money, so I couldn't go with you even if I wanted to.	CK	1
tur	3950073	2537053	Meramımı anlatmak için yeterince iyi Fransızca konuşabilip konuşamadığımı bilmiyorum.	duran	I don't know if I can speak French well enough to make myself understood.	CK	1
fra	2431329	2331764	J'ai dû prendre le premier train, ce matin, afin d'arriver ici à temps.	sacredceltic	I had to catch the first train this morning in order to get here in time.	CK	1
rus	4885374	2331764	Этим утром я должен был сесть на первый поезд, чтобы добраться сюда вовремя.	maks	I had to catch the first train this morning in order to get here in time.	CK	1
fra	1405645	953495	Je veux juste te faire savoir que je ne peux pas être présent à la réunion de cet après-midi.	sacredceltic	I just want to let you know that I can't attend this afternoon's meeting.	CK	1
fra	1405647	953495	Je veux juste vous faire savoir que je ne peux pas être présent à la réunion de cette après-midi.	sacredceltic	I just want to let you know that I can't attend this afternoon's meeting.	CK	1
pol	966838	953495	Chciałbym tylko zawiadomić, że nie mogę być na spotkaniu dziś po południu.	zipangu	I just want to let you know that I can't attend this afternoon's meeting.	CK	1
spa	1305659	953495	Sólo quiero hacerte saber que no puedo asistir a la reunión de esta tarde.	marcelostockle	I just want to let you know that I can't attend this afternoon's meeting.	CK	1
tur	1472293	953495	Ben sadece öğleden sonraki toplantıya katılamayacağımı sana bildirmek istiyorum.	duran	I just want to let you know that I can't attend this afternoon's meeting.	CK	1
fra	1405648	953560	Je n'aurais jamais pensé qu'il serait aussi difficile de sélectionner une couleur pour peindre la cuisine.	sacredceltic	I never thought it'd be this hard to choose a color to paint the kitchen.	CK	1
pol	967020	953560	Nie sadziłem, że tak ciężko będzie wybrać kolor do pomalowania kuchni.	zipangu	I never thought it'd be this hard to choose a color to paint the kitchen.	CK	1
por	1047485	953560	Eu não pensava que seria tão difícil escolher uma cor para pintar a cozinha.	brauliobezerra	I never thought it'd be this hard to choose a color to paint the kitchen.	CK	1
spa	1287428	953560	Nunca pensé que sería así de difícil elegir un color para pintar la cocina.	marcelostockle	I never thought it'd be this hard to choose a color to paint the kitchen.	CK	1
tur	1447141	953560	Mutfağı boyamak için bir renk seçmenin bu kadar zor olduğunu asla düşünmemiştim.	duran	I never thought it'd be this hard to choose a color to paint the kitchen.	CK	1
deu	2349902	953566	Ich esse nur Fleisch von Tieren, die ich selbst erlegt und geschlachtet habe.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	I only eat meat from animals that I have personally killed and butchered.	CK	1
fra	955654	953566	Je ne mange que la viande d'animaux que j'ai moi-même tués et découpés.	sacredceltic	I only eat meat from animals that I have personally killed and butchered.	CK	1
ita	1552652	953566	Solo se ho personalmente ucciso e macellato un animale ne mangio la carne.	dada	I only eat meat from animals that I have personally killed and butchered.	CK	1
pol	967029	953566	Jem tylko mięso zwierząt, które osobiście zabiłem i poćwiartowałem.	zipangu	I only eat meat from animals that I have personally killed and butchered.	CK	1
por	1047473	953566	Eu só como carne de animais que eu mesmo tenha matado e tratado.	brauliobezerra	I only eat meat from animals that I have personally killed and butchered.	CK	1
por	1047474	953566	Eu só como carne de animais que eu mesma tenha matado e tratado.	brauliobezerra	I only eat meat from animals that I have personally killed and butchered.	CK	1
spa	1349805	953566	Sólo como la carne de animales que yo haya matado personalmente.	marcelostockle	I only eat meat from animals that I have personally killed and butchered.	CK	1
tur	1446786	953566	Ben sadece bizzat öldürdüğüm ve parçaladığım hayvanlardan et yerim.	duran	I only eat meat from animals that I have personally killed and butchered.	CK	1
rus	4867839	2424271	Я случайно услышал, как Том и Мэри говорили по-французски прямо перед занятиями.	maks	I overheard Tom and Mary speaking French to each other just before class.	CK	1
tur	2486905	2424271	Tom ve Mary'nin tam dersten önce birbirleriyle Fransızca konuştuklarına kulak misafiri oldum.	duran	I overheard Tom and Mary speaking French to each other just before class.	CK	1
bul	2613218	2451060	Трябва да уча по френски, но ми е по-готино да се мотая с вас, пичове.	korobo4ka	I should be studying French, but it's more fun hanging out with you guys.	CK	1
tur	2484109	2451060	Fransızca çalışıyor olmalıyım ama siz arkadaşlarla takılmak daha eğlenceli.	duran	I should be studying French, but it's more fun hanging out with you guys.	CK	1
deu	2296187	903875	Ich denke, es ist Zeit, dass ich aufhöre, ihr immer zu erlauben, was sie will.	al_ex_an_der	I think it's time for me to stop allowing her to always have her own way.	CK	1
deu	3682553	903875	Ich sollte wohl langsam aufhören, sie immer mit dem Kopf durch die Wand zu lassen.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	I think it's time for me to stop allowing her to always have her own way.	CK	1
fra	1405652	903875	Je pense qu'il est temps que j'arrête de l'autoriser à toujours agir à sa guise.	sacredceltic	I think it's time for me to stop allowing her to always have her own way.	CK	1
hun	4200851	903875	Azt hiszem, meg kellene már tiltanom neki, hogy csak a saját feje után menjen.	maaster	I think it's time for me to stop allowing her to always have her own way.	CK	1
rus	4269796	903875	Думаю, пришла пора мне перестать позволять ей всегда всё делать по-своему.	odexed	I think it's time for me to stop allowing her to always have her own way.	CK	1

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