English Sentences with Audio from the Tatoeba Project
Page 9330

hun	4792032	4765209	Tom gyakran megy horgászni vasárnap, ha jó az idő.	bandeirante	Tom often goes fishing on Sundays if the weather is good.	CK	1
tur	4767113	4765209	Tom hava güzelse pazar günleri sıklıkla balık tutmaya gider.	tornado	Tom often goes fishing on Sundays if the weather is good.	CK	1
ron	1138101	1028244	Tom avea doar o vagă amintire despre cum arăta Mary.	ijikure2	Tom only had a dim recollection of what Mary looked like.	CK	1
tur	4611327	1028244	Mary'nin neye benzediği hakkında Tom'un sadece loş bir hatırlaması vardı.	duran	Tom only had a dim recollection of what Mary looked like.	CK	1
heb	2105301	2104943	תום חנה את המשאית מעבר לרחוב של מרי.	fekundulo	Tom parked the truck across the street from Mary's place.	CK	1
tur	4528577	2104943	Tom kamyonu Mary'nin evinin karşısındaki caddede park etti.	duran	Tom parked the truck across the street from Mary's place.	CK	1
rus	4855796	2050701	Том играет распасовщиком в футбольной команде нашего университета.	venticello	Tom plays quarterback on our high school's football team.	CK	1
tur	2437981	2050701	Tom bizim lisenin futbol takımında quarterback olarak oynuyor.	metaozturk	Tom plays quarterback on our high school's football team.	CK	1
ita	3375167	1028175	Tom ha promesso a Mary che avrebbe mantenuto il loro fidanzamento segreto.	Guybrush88	Tom promised Mary that he'd keep their engagement secret.	CK	1
rus	4740448	1028175	Том пообещал Мэри, что никому не будет говорить об их помолвке.	odexed	Tom promised Mary that he'd keep their engagement secret.	CK	1
deu	3290163	3148316	Tom verpackte seine ganzen Besitztümer in Kisten und schickte sie nach Boston.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom put all his belongings in boxes and sent them Boston.	CK	1
tur	4545889	3148316	Tom tüm eşyalarını kutulara koydu ve onları Boston'a gönderdi.	duran	Tom put all his belongings in boxes and sent them Boston.	CK	1
tur	3308172	2006543	Tom mutfak bankosuna oturdu ve ton balıklı bir sandviç yedi.	deyta	Tom sat down at the counter and ate a tuna fish sandwich.	CK	1
ber	2593485	1159837	Tom yenna-d yezmer ad yessencew tayaziḍt deg qell n mraw n tesdidin.	Amastan	Tom says he can pluck a chicken in less than ten minutes.	CK	1
ber	2593486	1159837	Tom yenna-d yezmer ad yessencew tayaziḍt deg qell n ɛecṛa n tesdidin.	Amastan	Tom says he can pluck a chicken in less than ten minutes.	CK	1
spa	1160737	1159837	Tom dice que puede desplumar un pollo en menos de diez minutos.	nancy	Tom says he can pluck a chicken in less than ten minutes.	CK	1
deu	1932127	1024234	Tom sagt, dass er die Spur seiner Vorfahren etwa dreihundert Jahre zurückverfolgen könne.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom says he can trace his ancestors back about 300 years.	CK	1
rus	2730493	1024234	Том говорит, что знает своих предков примерно на 300 лет назад.	afyodor	Tom says he can trace his ancestors back about 300 years.	CK	1
tur	1134685	1024234	Tom yaklaşık 300 yıldır atalarının izini sürdüğünü söylüyor.	duran	Tom says he can trace his ancestors back about 300 years.	CK	1
spa	1426222	1028105	Tom dice que no aguanta más el comportamiento de Mary.	marcelostockle	Tom says he can't put up with Mary's behavior any longer.	CK	1
tur	1118133	1028105	Tom Mary'nin davranışına artık katlanamayacağını söylüyor.	duran	Tom says he can't put up with Mary's behavior any longer.	CK	1
tur	1175763	1093005	Tom Mary'nin filmden niçin hoşlanmadığını bilmediğini söylüyor.	duran	Tom says he doesn't know why Mary didn't enjoy the movie.	CK	1
ber	2701817	2042692	Tom yenna-d yebɣa ad yedder akk tameddurt-nnes yid-m.	Amastan	Tom says he wants to spend the rest of his life with you.	CK	1
tur	4591249	2042692	Tom hayatının geri kalan kısmını seninle geçirmek istediğini söylüyor.	duran	Tom says he wants to spend the rest of his life with you.	CK	1
deu	1932107	1024224	Tom sagt, dass es Zeitverschwendung sei, jedem zu Gefalle zu sein sich zu bemühen.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom says it's a waste of time to try to please everybody.	CK	1
rus	4136558	1024224	Фома говорит, что пытаться всем угодить - это пустая трата времени.	Lenin_1917	Tom says it's a waste of time to try to please everybody.	CK	1
tur	1133139	1024224	Tom herkesi memnun etmenin zaman kaybı olacağını söylüyor.	duran	Tom says it's a waste of time to try to please everybody.	CK	1
deu	1932101	1024220	Tom sagt, dass er es sich nicht vorstellen könne, bei diesem Wetter auszugehen.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom says that he can't imagine going out in this weather.	CK	1
ita	3125566	1024220	Tom dice che non si può immaginare di uscire con questo tempo.	Guybrush88	Tom says that he can't imagine going out in this weather.	CK	1
tur	1133132	1024220	Tom bu havada dışarı çıkmayı düşünemeyeceğini söylüyor.	duran	Tom says that he can't imagine going out in this weather.	CK	1
tur	1175740	1092989	Tom tamamen karanlık olmadan uyuyamayacağını söylüyor.	duran	Tom says that he can't sleep unless it's completely dark.	CK	1
deu	1197843	1024218	Tom sagt, dass er heute Abend keine Lust auf Bier hat.	samueldora	Tom says that he doesn't feel like drinking beer tonight.	CK	1
ita	1633204	1024218	Tom dice che non gli va di bere birra stasera.	Guybrush88	Tom says that he doesn't feel like drinking beer tonight.	CK	1
ita	1633205	1024218	Tom dice che non gli va di bere birra stanotte.	Guybrush88	Tom says that he doesn't feel like drinking beer tonight.	CK	1
ita	3474980	1024218	Tom dice che non ha voglia di bere birra stasera.	Guybrush88	Tom says that he doesn't feel like drinking beer tonight.	CK	1
ita	3474981	1024218	Tom dice che non ha voglia di bere birra stanotte.	Guybrush88	Tom says that he doesn't feel like drinking beer tonight.	CK	1
swe	4167999	1024218	Tom säger att han inte har lust att dricka öl i kväll.	richke	Tom says that he doesn't feel like drinking beer tonight.	CK	1
tur	1133129	1024218	Tom bu gece canının bira içmek istemediğini söylüyor.	duran	Tom says that he doesn't feel like drinking beer tonight.	CK	1
fra	1137845	1092985	Tom dit que Mary ne veut absolument pas se marier.	adlerq	Tom says that Mary definitely doesn't want to be married.	CK	1
tur	1175736	1092985	Tom Mary'nin kesinlikle evlenmek istemediğini söylüyor.	duran	Tom says that Mary definitely doesn't want to be married.	CK	1
deu	1197819	1024205	Tom sagt, dass er in letzter Zeit nicht in der Lage ist, genug Schlaf zu bekommen.	samueldora	Tom says that recently he isn't able to get enough sleep.	CK	1
deu	1932095	1024205	Tom sagt, dass er in letzter Zeit keinen ausreichenden Schlaf finden könne.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom says that recently he isn't able to get enough sleep.	CK	1
tur	1133115	1024205	Tom, son zamanlarda yeterice uyuyamadığını söylüyor.	duran	Tom says that recently he isn't able to get enough sleep.	CK	1
spa	2057073	1994431	Tom parece ser capaz de sentir cuándo alguien tiene problemas.	Shishir	Tom seems to be able to sense when someone is in trouble.	CK	1
spa	2205593	1994431	Tom parece capaz de intuir cuándo alguien tiene problemas.	wallebot	Tom seems to be able to sense when someone is in trouble.	CK	1
tur	3779213	1994431	Birinin sorunu olduğunda Tom hissedebiliyor gibi görünüyor.	duran	Tom seems to be able to sense when someone is in trouble.	CK	1
tur	1142491	1040561	Tom mutfak lavabosu hariç her şeyi paketlemiş gibi görünüyor.	duran	Tom seems to have packed everything but the kitchen sink.	CK	1
spa	1426305	1028061	Tom debería ir a visitar a Mary al hospital esta tarde.	marcelostockle	Tom should go to see Mary in the hospital this afternoon.	CK	1
tur	1117953	1028061	Tom Mary'yi hastanede görmek için bu öğleden sonra gitmeli.	duran	Tom should go to see Mary in the hospital this afternoon.	CK	1
rus	4224493	1028052	Тому следовало бы поостеречься и не целовать Мэри прилюдно.	sharptoothed	Tom should have known better than to kiss Mary in public.	CK	1
tur	4575054	1028052	Tom herkesin içinde Mary'yi öpmekten daha iyisini bilmeliydi.	duran	Tom should have known better than to kiss Mary in public.	CK	1
bul	2613183	2451098	Том ми показа писмото, което Мери беше написала на френски.	korobo4ka	Tom showed me the letter that Mary had written in French.	CK	1
tur	2483923	2451098	Tom bana Mary'nin Fransızca yazdığı mektubu gösterdi.	duran	Tom showed me the letter that Mary had written in French.	CK	1
pol	3786016	2537224	Tom mówił do Mary po francusku, ale ona odpowiadała po angielsku.	jeedrek	Tom spoke to Mary in French, but she answered in English.	CK	1
tur	3646493	2537224	Tom Mary'ye Fransızca konuştu, ama o İngilizce cevap verdi.	vvv123	Tom spoke to Mary in French, but she answered in English.	CK	1
spa	1167322	1092845	Tom barría el piso de la cocina, mientras Mary lavaba los platos.	nancy	Tom swept the kitchen floor while Mary washed the dishes.	CK	1
tur	1173201	1092845	Mary bulaşıkları yıkarken, Tom mutfak zeminini süpürdü.	duran	Tom swept the kitchen floor while Mary washed the dishes.	CK	1
ber	1973562	1024122	Tom yeggul-d yecca snat n tikkal ugar n wanect ay tecca tmeṭṭut-nnes.	Amastan	Tom swore that he ate at least twice as much as his wife.	CK	1
tur	1123723	1024122	Tom, en az onun eşinin iki katı kadar yediğine yemin etti.	duran	Tom swore that he ate at least twice as much as his wife.	CK	1
0	0	1903332	0	0	Tom thought he should try defusing the situation quickly.	CK	1
ita	4875030	1867856	Tom pensava che fosse maleducato parlare con Mary nel modo in cui ha fatto John.	Guybrush88	Tom thought it was rude to talk to Mary the way John did.	CK	1
tur	4882181	1867856	Tom Mary ile John'un konuştuğu yoldan konuşmanın kaba olduğunu düşündü.	dursun	Tom thought it was rude to talk to Mary the way John did.	CK	1
spa	1278892	1141119	Tom pensó que él podría contar con Mary para hacer un buen trabajo.	marcelostockle	Tom thought that he could count on Mary to do a good job.	CK	1
tur	1173083	1092752	Tom Mary'nin onunla satranç oynamak istemediğini düşündü.	duran	Tom thought that Mary didn't want to play chess with him.	CK	1
rus	4327598	2042693	Том сказал Мэри, что хочет расторгнуть помолвку.	sharptoothed	Tom told Mary that he wanted to break off the engagement.	CK	1
fin	1222605	1092668	Tom otti paitansa taskusta taitellun paperin.	Ketutar	Tom took a folded piece of paper out of his shirt pocket.	CK	1
rus	3032719	1092668	Том достал сложенный листок бумаги из кармана своей рубашки.	odexed	Tom took a folded piece of paper out of his shirt pocket.	CK	1
spa	3032713	1092668	Tom sacó un papel doblado del bolsillo de su camisa.	marcelostockle	Tom took a folded piece of paper out of his shirt pocket.	CK	1
tur	1171651	1092668	Tom gömlek cebinden bir parça katlanmış kağıt çıkardı.	duran	Tom took a folded piece of paper out of his shirt pocket.	CK	1
deu	1676600	1676592	Tom hat seine alte Kamera mit seiner neuen fotografiert.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom took a picture of his old camera with his new camera.	Spamster	1
deu	1697426	1676592	Tom hat mit seiner neuen Kamera ein Bild seiner alten aufgenommen.	al_ex_an_der	Tom took a picture of his old camera with his new camera.	Spamster	1
rus	3537709	1676592	Том сфотографировал свой старый фотоаппарат новым фотоаппаратом.	marafon	Tom took a picture of his old camera with his new camera.	Spamster	1
spa	1686453	1676592	Tom sacó una foto de su antigua cámara con su cámara nueva.	Shishir	Tom took a picture of his old camera with his new camera.	Spamster	1
spa	1686454	1676592	Tom hizo una foto de su cámara vieja con su cámara nueva.	Shishir	Tom took a picture of his old camera with his new camera.	Spamster	1
tur	2475297	1676592	Tom yeni kamerasıyla eski kamerasının fotoğrafını çekti.	metaozturk	Tom took a picture of his old camera with his new camera.	Spamster	1
tur	2446564	2401208	Tom evlilik yıl dönümlerinde Mary'yi süslü bir restorana götürdü.	duran	Tom took Mary to a fancy restaurant on their anniversary.	CK	1
deu	2769389	2639752	Tom zog seinen Ehering vom Finger und warf ihn in den Teich.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom took off his wedding ring and threw it into the pond.	CK	1
deu	2769390	2639752	Tom nahm seinen Ehering ab und warf ihn in den Teich.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom took off his wedding ring and threw it into the pond.	CK	1
ita	3540008	2639752	Tom si è tolto la fede e l'ha gettata nello stagno.	Guybrush88	Tom took off his wedding ring and threw it into the pond.	CK	1
ita	3540009	2639752	Tom si è tolto la fede nuziale e l'ha gettata nello stagno.	Guybrush88	Tom took off his wedding ring and threw it into the pond.	CK	1
ita	3540010	2639752	Tom si tolse la fede e la gettò nello stagno.	Guybrush88	Tom took off his wedding ring and threw it into the pond.	CK	1
ita	3540011	2639752	Tom si tolse la fede nuziale e la gettò nello stagno.	Guybrush88	Tom took off his wedding ring and threw it into the pond.	CK	1
ita	3540012	2639752	Tom si è tolto la fede e l'ha gettata nel laghetto.	Guybrush88	Tom took off his wedding ring and threw it into the pond.	CK	1
ita	3540013	2639752	Tom si è tolto la fede nuziale e l'ha gettata nel laghetto.	Guybrush88	Tom took off his wedding ring and threw it into the pond.	CK	1
ita	3540014	2639752	Tom si tolse la fede e la gettò nel laghetto.	Guybrush88	Tom took off his wedding ring and threw it into the pond.	CK	1
ita	3540015	2639752	Tom si tolse la fede nuziale e la gettò nel laghetto.	Guybrush88	Tom took off his wedding ring and threw it into the pond.	CK	1
jpn	2858329	2639752	トムは結婚指輪を外して池に投げ捨てた。	tommy_san	Tom took off his wedding ring and threw it into the pond.	CK	1
pol	3924431	2639752	Tom zdjął swoją obrączkę i rzucił ją do stawu.	jeedrek	Tom took off his wedding ring and threw it into the pond.	CK	1
rus	2987764	2639752	Том снял обручальное кольцо и бросил его в пруд.	marafon	Tom took off his wedding ring and threw it into the pond.	CK	1
tur	4883002	2639752	Tom onun evlilik yüzüğünü çıkardı ve onu havuzun içine attı.	dursun	Tom took off his wedding ring and threw it into the pond.	CK	1
ita	2904819	1040538	Tom ha preso la pistola da Mary prima che potesse uccidersi.	Guybrush88	Tom took the gun from Mary before she could kill herself.	CK	1
ita	2904820	1040538	Tom ha preso la pistola da Mary prima che potesse suicidarsi.	Guybrush88	Tom took the gun from Mary before she could kill herself.	CK	1
ita	2904821	1040538	Tom prese la pistola da Mary prima che potesse uccidersi.	Guybrush88	Tom took the gun from Mary before she could kill herself.	CK	1
ita	2904822	1040538	Tom prese la pistola da Mary prima che potesse suicidarsi.	Guybrush88	Tom took the gun from Mary before she could kill herself.	CK	1
tur	1142456	1040538	Mary kendini öldürmeden önce Tom silahı ondan aldı.	duran	Tom took the gun from Mary before she could kill herself.	CK	1
deu	1924999	1830453	Tom isst für gewöhnlich alles, was Maria ihm vorsetzt.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom usually eats anything that Mary puts in front of him.	CK	1
tur	3950023	1830453	Tom genellikle Mary'nin onun önüne koyduğu her şeyi yer.	duran	Tom usually eats anything that Mary puts in front of him.	CK	1
ara	2604814	1027824	انتظر توم ماري وقتا طويلا، لكنها لم تأتِ.	Samer	Tom waited a long time for Mary, but she never showed up.	CK	1
fin	3076846	1027824	Tom odotti pitkän aikaa Marya, mutta hän ei koskaan ilmaantunut.	Kalle63	Tom waited a long time for Mary, but she never showed up.	CK	1
rus	1889288	1027824	Том долго ждал Мэри, но она так и не появилась.	marafon	Tom waited a long time for Mary, but she never showed up.	CK	1

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