English Sentences with Audio from the Tatoeba Project
Page 9220

jpn	1681311	953567	余裕ができたらすぐにでも新しい車を買うつもりです。	bunbuku	I plan to buy a new car as soon as I can afford one.	CK	1
pol	967030	953567	Planuję kupić nowy samochód, kiedy tylko na niego zarobię.	zipangu	I plan to buy a new car as soon as I can afford one.	CK	1
por	1047471	953567	Planejo comprar um carro assim que tiver dinheiro suficiente.	brauliobezerra	I plan to buy a new car as soon as I can afford one.	CK	1
rus	4876712	953567	Я планирую купить новый автомобиль, как только смогу себе его позволить.	maks	I plan to buy a new car as soon as I can afford one.	CK	1
spa	1349804	953567	Planeo comprar un auto nuevo tan pronto pueda costearme uno.	marcelostockle	I plan to buy a new car as soon as I can afford one.	CK	1
tur	1446785	953567	Almaya gücüm yeter yetmez yeni bir araba almayı planlıyorum.	duran	I plan to buy a new car as soon as I can afford one.	CK	1
deu	3125978	2950902	Ich habe vor, die Neujahrsferien in Australien zuzubringen.	raggione	I plan to spend the New Year's holiday in Australia.	CK	1
fin	3633203	2950902	Suunnittelen viettäväni uudenvuodenvapaat Australiassa.	Silja	I plan to spend the New Year's holiday in Australia.	CK	1
jpn	2950878	2950902	年末年始はオーストラリアで過ごす予定です。	tommy_san	I plan to spend the New Year's holiday in Australia.	CK	1
tur	2951009	2950902	Yılbaşı tatilini Avustralya'da geçirmeyi planlıyorum.	duran	I plan to spend the New Year's holiday in Australia.	CK	1
ber	2503955	2451137	Ufiɣ yessefk ad ḥeṛseɣ iman-inu cwiṭ deg wezraw n tefṛensist.	Amastan	I realized I needed to study French a little harder.	CK	1
bul	2624479	2451137	Осъзнах, че трябва да полагам малко повече усилия в изучаването на френския.	korobo4ka	I realized I needed to study French a little harder.	CK	1
pol	3017731	2451137	Uświadomiłem sobie, że powinienem uczyć się francuskiego nieco intensywniej.	jeedrek	I realized I needed to study French a little harder.	CK	1
tur	2483875	2451137	Biraz daha sıkı Fransızca çalışmam gerektiğini anladım.	duran	I realized I needed to study French a little harder.	CK	1
bul	3244337	2390824	Наистина не разбирам за какво говориш.	korobo4ka	I really don't understand what you're talking about.	CK	1
fra	2392153	2390824	Je ne comprends vraiment pas de quoi vous parlez.	sacredceltic	I really don't understand what you're talking about.	CK	1
fra	2392155	2390824	Je ne comprends vraiment pas de quoi tu parles.	sacredceltic	I really don't understand what you're talking about.	CK	1
jpn	3073504	2390824	キミがなんの話をしてるか全然分からない。	nnaffu	I really don't understand what you're talking about.	CK	1
rus	3125402	2390824	Я правда не понимаю, о чём вы говорите.	marafon	I really don't understand what you're talking about.	CK	1
rus	3125416	2390824	Я действительно не понимаю, о чём вы.	marafon	I really don't understand what you're talking about.	CK	1
rus	3125417	2390824	Я действительно не понимаю, о чём ты.	marafon	I really don't understand what you're talking about.	CK	1
rus	3850615	2390824	Я правда не понимаю, о чём ты.	marafon	I really don't understand what you're talking about.	CK	1
tur	2864714	2390824	Ne hakkında konuştuğunu gerçekten anlamıyorum.	duran	I really don't understand what you're talking about.	CK	1
jpn	942806	942815	私は本当に、彼がどうしてそんなことをしたのか知りたいです。	thyc244	I really want to know why he did that kind of thing.	CK	1
tur	1468684	942815	O tür bir şeyi niçin yaptığını gerçekten bilmek istiyorum.	duran	I really want to know why he did that kind of thing.	CK	1
tur	2443401	2406403	Geçen hafta sonu siz arkadaşlarla kamp yapmaya gitmeliydim.	duran	I should've gone camping with you guys last weekend.	CK	1
deu	3125950	2991995	Ich widme mich wenigstens drei Stunden wöchentlich dem Studium des Französischen.	raggione	I spend at least three hours a week studying French.	CK	1
fin	3633077	2991995	Käytän vähintään kolme tuntia viikossa ranskan opiskeluun.	Silja	I spend at least three hours a week studying French.	CK	1
jpn	2992084	2991995	週に最低3時間はフランス語の勉強をしています。	tommy_san	I spend at least three hours a week studying French.	CK	1
por	2992207	2991995	Eu passo pelo menos três horas por semana estudando francês.	carlosalberto	I spend at least three hours a week studying French.	CK	1
tur	3017610	2991995	Fransızca çalışarak bir haftada en az üç saat geçiririm.	duran	I spend at least three hours a week studying French.	CK	1
tur	2443144	2406559	Ne yapacağımı anlamaya çalışarak sabahı geçirdim.	duran	I spent the morning trying to figure out what to do.	CK	1
tur	2441891	2406670	Dün niçin burada olmadığını hâlâ bilmeliyim.	duran	I still need to know why you weren't here yesterday.	CK	1
tur	2441370	2406895	Sanırım Tom sana saat kaçta varmayı planladığını söyledi.	duran	I suppose Tom told you what time he plans to arrive.	CK	1
bul	2823263	2447429	Подозирам, че Том няма представа какво е направила Мери.	korobo4ka	I suspect that Tom is unaware of what Mary has done.	CK	1
bul	2823265	2447429	Подозирам, че Том няма представа какво направи Мери.	korobo4ka	I suspect that Tom is unaware of what Mary has done.	CK	1
tur	2485457	2447429	Tom'un Mary'nin ne yaptığının farkında olmadığından kuşkulanıyorum.	duran	I suspect that Tom is unaware of what Mary has done.	CK	1
fin	3777505	2407164	Käyn kävelyllä melkein joka aamu ennen aamupalaa.	Silja	I take a walk almost every morning before breakfast.	CK	1
por	2571404	2407164	Eu saio para caminhar quase todas as manhãs antes de tomar café.	marcospcruz	I take a walk almost every morning before breakfast.	CK	1
por	2571405	2407164	Quase todas as manhãs, eu dou uma caminhada antes do café da manhã.	marcospcruz	I take a walk almost every morning before breakfast.	CK	1
rus	3708343	2407164	Я прогуливаюсь почти каждое утро перед завтраком.	odexed	I take a walk almost every morning before breakfast.	CK	1
tur	2441212	2407164	Neredeyse her sabah kahvaltıdan önce yürürüm.	duran	I take a walk almost every morning before breakfast.	CK	1
tur	2439508	2407769	Sanırım Tom'un ne yapacağı hakkında oldukça iyi bir fikrim var.	duran	I think I have a pretty good idea what Tom might do.	CK	1
deu	596376	62814	Ich denke, nach Weihnachten muss ich wieder Diät machen.	samueldora	I think I have to go back on a diet after Christmas.	CK	1
ita	1512382	62814	Penso che dopo Natale dovrò tornare a dieta.	Shadd	I think I have to go back on a diet after Christmas.	CK	1
ita	1512383	62814	Penso che dovrò rimettermi a dieta, dopo Natale.	Shadd	I think I have to go back on a diet after Christmas.	CK	1
ita	1512384	62814	Penso che dopo Natale dovrò rimettermi a dieta.	Shadd	I think I have to go back on a diet after Christmas.	CK	1
nld	3225920	62814	Ik denk dat ik na Kerstmis weer op dieet moet.	PaulP	I think I have to go back on a diet after Christmas.	CK	1
rus	1794536	62814	Думаю, после Рождества мне опять придётся сесть на диету.	marafon	I think I have to go back on a diet after Christmas.	CK	1
spa	1625460	62814	Creo que tendré que volver a hacer dieta después de navidad.	marcelostockle	I think I have to go back on a diet after Christmas.	CK	1
tur	4787985	62814	Sanırım ben Noel'den sonra diyete geri dönmek zorundayım.	deyta	I think I have to go back on a diet after Christmas.	CK	1
fra	1294042	903837	Je pense qu'il est temps pour moi de prendre une nouvelle adresse électronique.	sacredceltic	I think it's time for me to get a new email address.	CK	1
nld	1473437	903837	Ik denk dat het tijd is dat ik een nieuw e-mailadres aanmaak.	Citrine	I think it's time for me to get a new email address.	CK	1
por	904701	903837	Eu acho que é hora de eu criar um novo endereço de e-mail.	alexmarcelo	I think it's time for me to get a new email address.	CK	1
spa	1659027	903837	Creo que es hora de que me haga una nueva dirección de e-mail.	marcelostockle	I think it's time for me to get a new email address.	CK	1
tur	1468685	903837	Sanırım yeni bir eposta adresi almamın zamanıdır.	duran	I think it's time for me to get a new email address.	CK	1
deu	3872660	903864	Ich denke, es ist Zeit für mich zu sagen, was ich wirklich denke.	Giulio	I think it's time for me to say what I really think.	CK	1
deu	3948358	903864	Ich denke, es ist an der Zeit, dass ich sage, was ich wirklich denke.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	I think it's time for me to say what I really think.	CK	1
fra	1393067	903864	Je pense qu'il est temps que je dise ce que je pense vraiment.	sacredceltic	I think it's time for me to say what I really think.	CK	1
fra	1393068	903864	Je pense que le temps est venu pour moi de dire vraiment ce que je pense.	sacredceltic	I think it's time for me to say what I really think.	CK	1
por	904731	903864	Eu acho que é hora de dizer o que eu realmente penso.	alexmarcelo	I think it's time for me to say what I really think.	CK	1
rus	3654893	903864	Думаю, мне самое время сказать, что я действительно думаю.	sharptoothed	I think it's time for me to say what I really think.	CK	1
spa	1280864	903864	Creo que es hora de que diga lo que pienso realmente.	Shishir	I think it's time for me to say what I really think.	CK	1
tur	1468690	903864	Sanırım gerçekten ne düşündüğümü söylememin zamanıdır.	duran	I think it's time for me to say what I really think.	CK	1
hun	3934616	1027513	Szerintem nem találja meg a rendőrség Tomot.	maaster	I think it's unlikely that the police will find Tom.	CK	1
nld	4516370	1027513	Ik denk dat de kans niet groot is dat de politie Tom zal vinden.	Raizin	I think it's unlikely that the police will find Tom.	CK	1
tur	4839182	1027513	Sanırım polisin Tom'u bulması olası değil.	duran	I think it's unlikely that the police will find Tom.	CK	1
ara	1892738	1892658	أنا أعتقد أن ذلك بالضبط ما يتوقعه توم منك.	Asma	I think that's exactly what Tom is expecting you do.	CK	1
fra	955689	953650	Je pense que c'est le bon moment pour lancer ce produit.	sacredceltic	I think the time is right to introduce this product.	CK	1
heb	1403822	953650	לדעתי זה הזמן הנכון להשיק את המוצר.	MrShoval	I think the time is right to introduce this product.	CK	1
heb	1403823	953650	אני חושב שעכשיו זה הזמן לחשוף את המוצר.	MrShoval	I think the time is right to introduce this product.	CK	1
heb	3217441	953650	אני חושבת שהזמן נכון להשיק את המוצר הזה.	nava	I think the time is right to introduce this product.	CK	1
jpn	1525406	953650	この製品を発表するときが来た。	bunbuku	I think the time is right to introduce this product.	CK	1
pol	969068	953650	Myślę, że jest dobry czas na wprowadzenie tego produktu.	zipangu	I think the time is right to introduce this product.	CK	1
por	1042653	953650	Acho que esse é o momento certo de lançar esse produto.	brauliobezerra	I think the time is right to introduce this product.	CK	1
spa	1341312	953650	Pienso que es el momento perfecto para introducir este producto.	marcelostockle	I think the time is right to introduce this product.	CK	1
tur	1116907	953650	Ben, bu ürünü tanıtmak için doğru zaman olduğunu düşünüyorum.	duran	I think the time is right to introduce this product.	CK	1
tur	1128463	1030116	Sanırım Tom'un Mary'ye karşı çıkma cesareti yok.	duran	I think Tom doesn't have the courage to oppose Mary.	CK	1
ita	3549250	1027501	Penso che Tom sia troppo giovane per capire davvero le donne.	Guybrush88	I think Tom is too young to really understand women.	CK	1
ita	3549251	1027501	Io penso che Tom sia troppo giovane per capire davvero le donne.	Guybrush88	I think Tom is too young to really understand women.	CK	1
spa	1419627	1027501	Creo que Tom es demasiado joven para realmente entender a las mujeres.	hayastan	I think Tom is too young to really understand women.	CK	1
tur	4545641	1027501	Sanırım Tom kadınları gerçekten anlamayacak kadar çok genç.	duran	I think Tom is too young to really understand women.	CK	1
fin	3228460	2034061	Luulen, että Tom saattaa oikeastaan haluta jonkun tappavan hänet.	Silja	I think Tom might actually want someone to kill him.	CK	1
tur	4726592	2034061	Sanırım Tom gerçekten birinin onu öldürmesini isteyebilir.	duran	I think Tom might actually want someone to kill him.	CK	1
deu	2581214	2408371	Ich glaube, Tom hat Maria erzählt, was er im vergangenen Sommer gemacht hat.	raggione	I think Tom told Mary about what we did last summer.	CK	1
tur	2438113	2408371	Sanırım Tom Mary'ye geçen yaz ne yaptığımızdan bahsetti.	duran	I think Tom told Mary about what we did last summer.	CK	1
heb	4883955	4773933	אני חושבת שתום יוכל לעזור לנו לצאת מהסבך הזה.	fekundulo	I think Tom will be able to help us figure this out.	CK	1
heb	4883957	4773933	אני חושב שתום יוכל לעזור לנו לצאת מהסבך הזה.	fekundulo	I think Tom will be able to help us figure this out.	CK	1
heb	4883958	4773933	אני חושבת שתום יוכל לעזור לנו לצאת מזה.	fekundulo	I think Tom will be able to help us figure this out.	CK	1
heb	4883959	4773933	אני חושב שתום יוכל לעזור לנו לצאת מזה.	fekundulo	I think Tom will be able to help us figure this out.	CK	1
hun	4792002	4773933	Szerintem Tom tud nekünk segíteni abban, hogy megoldást találjunk erre.	bandeirante	I think Tom will be able to help us figure this out.	CK	1
por	4776155	4773933	Eu acho que o Tom será capaz de nos ajudar a entender isso.	anthrax26	I think Tom will be able to help us figure this out.	CK	1
srp	4790652	4773933	Mislim da će Tom moći da nam pomogne da savladamo ovo.	Lebad	I think Tom will be able to help us figure this out.	CK	1
tur	4791019	4773933	Sanırım Tom bunu anlamamıza yardım edebilecek.	duran	I think Tom will be able to help us figure this out.	CK	1
fin	3363101	2408455	Minusta meidän pitäsi saada mennä mihin tahansa haluamme.	Silja	I think we should be allowed to go anywhere we want.	CK	1
fra	2412136	2408455	Je pense que nous devrions être autorisés à aller où bon nous semble.	sacredceltic	I think we should be allowed to go anywhere we want.	CK	1
fra	2412137	2408455	Je pense que nous devrions être autorisées à aller où bon nous semble.	sacredceltic	I think we should be allowed to go anywhere we want.	CK	1
tur	2437550	2408455	Bence istediğimiz yere gitmemize izin verilmeli.	duran	I think we should be allowed to go anywhere we want.	CK	1
bul	2463989	2408632	Мисля, че трябва да разбереш кога Том възнамерява да напусне.	korobo4ka	I think you should find out when Tom plans to leave.	CK	1
rus	2456329	2408632	Я думаю, ты должен выяснить, когда Том планирует уйти.	Lenin_1917	I think you should find out when Tom plans to leave.	CK	1

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