English Sentences with Audio from the Tatoeba Project
Page 9190

tur	3951652	3287440	Noel için özel bir şey yapacak mısın?	duran	Are you going to do anything special for Christmas?	CK	1
bul	2346177	2033970	Т.е. не искаш да ходиш на партито на Том?	korobo4ka	Are you saying you don't want to go to Tom's party?	CK	1
por	3488984	2033970	Você está dizendo que não quer ir à festa do Tom?	piterkeo	Are you saying you don't want to go to Tom's party?	CK	1
por	3488985	2033970	Vocês estão dizendo que não querem ir à festa do Tom?	piterkeo	Are you saying you don't want to go to Tom's party?	CK	1
por	3488986	2033970	Tu estás dizendo que não queres ir à festa do Tom?	piterkeo	Are you saying you don't want to go to Tom's party?	CK	1
tur	4421289	2033970	Tom'un partisine gitmek istemediğini mi söylüyorsun?	duran	Are you saying you don't want to go to Tom's party?	CK	1
fra	955073	953109	Penses-tu sérieusement à t'engager ?	sacredceltic	Are you seriously thinking about becoming involved?	CK	1
jpn	997209	953109	係わることを真剣に考えていますか?	mookeee	Are you seriously thinking about becoming involved?	CK	1
jpn	997219	953109	本気で関わろうと考えているんですか?	mookeee	Are you seriously thinking about becoming involved?	CK	1
pol	957101	953109	Naprawdę chcesz się zaangażować?	zipangu	Are you seriously thinking about becoming involved?	CK	1
spa	1234449	953109	¿Estás pensando seriamente en involucrarte?	marcelostockle	Are you seriously thinking about becoming involved?	CK	1
tur	1468046	953109	Karışmayı ciddi olarak düşünüyor musun?	duran	Are you seriously thinking about becoming involved?	CK	1
fra	955078	953113	Envisages-tu sérieusement de conduire toute la nuit ?	sacredceltic	Are you seriously thinking about driving all night?	CK	1
jpn	997215	953113	本気で一晩中運転しようと思っているんですか?	mookeee	Are you seriously thinking about driving all night?	CK	1
pol	957125	953113	Naprawdę chcesz jechać całą noc?	zipangu	Are you seriously thinking about driving all night?	CK	1
spa	1234462	953113	¿Estás pensando seriamente en conducir la noche entera?	marcelostockle	Are you seriously thinking about driving all night?	CK	1
tur	1468588	953113	Bütün gece araba sürmeyi ciddi olarak düşünüyor musun?	duran	Are you seriously thinking about driving all night?	CK	1
deu	2220697	953115	Ziehst du es ernsthaft in Erwägerung, dich scheiden zu lassen?	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Are you seriously thinking about getting a divorce?	CK	1
deu	2220699	953115	Denkst du ernsthaft über Scheidung nach?	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Are you seriously thinking about getting a divorce?	CK	1
fra	1393009	953115	Penses-tu sérieusement à divorcer ?	sacredceltic	Are you seriously thinking about getting a divorce?	CK	1
fra	1393010	953115	Pensez-vous sérieusement à divorcer ?	sacredceltic	Are you seriously thinking about getting a divorce?	CK	1
jpn	997214	953115	本気で離婚を考えているんですか?	mookeee	Are you seriously thinking about getting a divorce?	CK	1
pol	957123	953115	Naprawdę chcesz się rozwieść?	zipangu	Are you seriously thinking about getting a divorce?	CK	1
spa	1234525	953115	¿Estás pensando seriamente en divorciarte?	marcelostockle	Are you seriously thinking about getting a divorce?	CK	1
deu	3322152	953122	Denkst du ernsthaft darüber nach, deine Arbeit aufzugeben?	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Are you seriously thinking about quitting your job?	CK	1
fra	1393011	953122	Penses-tu sérieusement à quitter ton emploi ?	sacredceltic	Are you seriously thinking about quitting your job?	CK	1
fra	1393012	953122	Pensez-vous sérieusement à quitter votre emploi ?	sacredceltic	Are you seriously thinking about quitting your job?	CK	1
ita	955032	953122	Stai pensando seriamente di lasciare il tuo lavoro?	Guybrush88	Are you seriously thinking about quitting your job?	CK	1
ita	955033	953122	Sta pensando seriamente di lasciare il suo lavoro?	Guybrush88	Are you seriously thinking about quitting your job?	CK	1
jpn	2303016	953122	本気で会社辞めること考えてるの?	tommy_san	Are you seriously thinking about quitting your job?	CK	1
pol	958995	953122	Naprawdę chcesz rzucić pracę?	zipangu	Are you seriously thinking about quitting your job?	CK	1
spa	1234677	953122	¿Estás pensando seriamente en renunciar a tu trabajo?	marcelostockle	Are you seriously thinking about quitting your job?	CK	1
tur	1468589	953122	İşini bırakmayı ciddi olarak düşünüyor musun?	duran	Are you seriously thinking about quitting your job?	CK	1
deu	1842106	247095	Möchtest du andeuten, dass ich nicht die Wahrheit sage?	Tamy	Are you suggesting that I am not telling the truth?	CM	1
deu	1842107	247095	Möchten Sie andeuten, dass ich nicht die Wahrheit sage?	Tamy	Are you suggesting that I am not telling the truth?	CM	1
jpn	162627	247095	私は本当の事を言ってないと言うのですか。	bunbuku	Are you suggesting that I am not telling the truth?	CM	1
tur	4860750	247095	Gerçeği söylemediğimi mi iddia ediyorsun?	deyta	Are you suggesting that I am not telling the truth?	CM	1
tur	3951649	3287439	Yardım etmek için yapabileceğim başka bir şey olmadığından emin misin?	duran	Are you sure there's nothing else I can do to help?	CK	1
bul	2346250	2033971	Сигурен ли си, че не искаш аз да ти купя билет?	korobo4ka	Are you sure you don't want me to buy you a ticket?	CK	1
bul	2346251	2033971	Сигурна ли си, че не искаш аз да ти купя билет?	korobo4ka	Are you sure you don't want me to buy you a ticket?	CK	1
bul	2346252	2033971	Сигурен ли си, че не искаш да ти купя билет?	korobo4ka	Are you sure you don't want me to buy you a ticket?	CK	1
bul	2346253	2033971	Сигурна ли си, че не искаш да ти купя билет?	korobo4ka	Are you sure you don't want me to buy you a ticket?	CK	1
tur	4578771	2033971	Sana bir bilet almamı istemediğinden emin misin?	duran	Are you sure you don't want me to buy you a ticket?	CK	1
jpn	2985915	2951547	例によって、トムは朝早く起きて泳いだ。	Fukuko	As usual, Tom got up early in the morning and swam.	CK	1
tur	2955231	2951547	Her zamanki gibi, Tom sabah erken kalktı ve yüzdü.	duran	As usual, Tom got up early in the morning and swam.	CK	1
dan	2066043	2064971	I det mindste vil du have noget at skrive hjem om.	danepo	At least you'll have something to write home about.	CK	1
deu	2068318	2064971	Zumindest wird es etwas geben, worüber du den Daheimgebliebenen schreiben kannst.	Tamy	At least you'll have something to write home about.	CK	1
deu	2068320	2064971	Zumindest wird es etwas geben, worüber ihr den Daheimgebliebenen schreiben könnt.	Tamy	At least you'll have something to write home about.	CK	1
deu	2068322	2064971	Wenigstens werden Sie etwas haben, worüber Sie nach Hause schreiben können.	Tamy	At least you'll have something to write home about.	CK	1
fra	2065991	2064971	Au moins auras-tu quelque chose à raconter aux tiens.	sacredceltic	At least you'll have something to write home about.	CK	1
fra	2065995	2064971	Au moins aurez-vous quelque chose à raconter aux vôtres.	sacredceltic	At least you'll have something to write home about.	CK	1
heb	2074648	2064971	לפחות יהיה לך משהו לכתוב עליו הביתה.	MrShoval	At least you'll have something to write home about.	CK	1
rus	2833711	2064971	По крайней мере, тебе будет, о чём написать домой.	marafon	At least you'll have something to write home about.	CK	1
rus	2833720	2064971	По крайней мере, вам будет, о чём написать домой.	marafon	At least you'll have something to write home about.	CK	1
deu	3265243	3264793	Bei dem Treffen sind wir auf viele neue Ideen gekommen.	dinkel_girl	At the meeting, we came up with a lot of new ideas.	CK	1
rus	3275209	3264793	Мы придумали много новых идей на собрании.	odexed	At the meeting, we came up with a lot of new ideas.	CK	1
tur	3270132	3264793	Toplantıda bir sürü yeni fikirler ileri sürdük.	duran	At the meeting, we came up with a lot of new ideas.	CK	1
jpn	2207473	1027643	事件当時、トムは会社にいた。	bunbuku	At the time of the incident, Tom was in his office.	CK	1
tur	4726399	1027643	Olay anında Tom ofisindeydi.	duran	At the time of the incident, Tom was in his office.	CK	1
tur	3027294	3024494	Kar fırtınasından dolayı Tom Boston'da mahsur kaldı.	duran	Because of the snow storm, Tom was stuck in Boston.	CK	1
fra	139791	67728	Trop énervé pour répondre, il fixa le sol.	hortusdei	Being too nervous to reply, he stared at the floor.	CM	1
ita	1850527	67728	Essendo troppo nervoso per rispondere, fissò il pavimento.	hitori37	Being too nervous to reply, he stared at the floor.	CM	1
jpn	230362	67728	あまりにおどおどして返事ができないまま、彼は床を見つめた。	bunbuku	Being too nervous to reply, he stared at the floor.	CM	1
deu	2741195	2047303	Der Teufel, den du kennst, ist besser als der Teufel, den du nicht kennst.	jr	Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.	halfb1t	1
fra	2738541	2047303	Le diable que tu connais vaut mieux que le diable que tu ne connais pas.	MartinShadock	Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.	halfb1t	1
hun	4830742	2047303	Az ismert rossz is jobb, mint az ismeretlen.	bandeirante	Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.	halfb1t	1
rus	2756384	2047303	Дьявол, которого ты знаешь, лучше дьявола, которого ты не знаешь.	marafon	Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.	halfb1t	1
rus	2756385	2047303	Чёрт знакомый лучше чёрта незнакомого.	marafon	Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.	halfb1t	1
spa	2047320	2047303	Más vale malo conocido que bueno por conocer.	Shishir	Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.	halfb1t	1
srp	4781328	2047303	Bolje đavo kog znaš nego đavo kog ne znaš.	Lebad	Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.	halfb1t	1
ber	2965925	251747	Baba‑kʷ d yuwa‑kʷ ay snin mmuten f uqemmeṛ.	Uyezjen	Both my father and my brother are fond of gambling.	CM	1
deu	4122057	251747	Sowohl mein Vater als auch mein Bruder treiben gerne Glücksspiel.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Both my father and my brother are fond of gambling.	CM	1
heb	4122000	251747	הן אבי והן אחי שניהם אוהבים הימורים.	Eldad	Both my father and my brother are fond of gambling.	CM	1
heb	4122001	251747	אבי וגם אחי שניהם אוהבים להמר.	Eldad	Both my father and my brother are fond of gambling.	CM	1
ita	3349555	251747	Mio padre e mio fratello sono patiti del gioco d'azzardo.	bailujia	Both my father and my brother are fond of gambling.	CM	1
jpn	162766	251747	私の父も兄もどちらも賭事が好きです。	mookeee	Both my father and my brother are fond of gambling.	CM	1
rus	1484622	251747	И мой папа, и мой брат любят азартные игры.	heccele	Both my father and my brother are fond of gambling.	CM	1
spa	360051	251747	Tanto a mi padre como a mi hermano mayor les gustan las apuestas.	tatoerique	Both my father and my brother are fond of gambling.	CM	1
tur	4121994	251747	Hem babam hem de erkek kardeşim kumara düşkünler.	duran	Both my father and my brother are fond of gambling.	CM	1
tur	4136561	251747	Hem babam hem de erkek kardeşim kumarı çok severler.	vvv123	Both my father and my brother are fond of gambling.	CM	1
heb	4858412	4850111	הן תום והן ג'ון רצו לקחת את מרי לנשף.	fekundulo	Both Tom and John wanted to take Mary to the dance.	CK	1
hun	4850962	4850111	Tomi is és Jani is táncolni akartak Marival.	maaster	Both Tom and John wanted to take Mary to the dance.	CK	1
tur	4850642	4850111	Hen Tom hem de John Mary'yi dansa götürmek istedi.	duran	Both Tom and John wanted to take Mary to the dance.	CK	1
deu	445947	63081	Bringen Sie mir einen sauberen Teller und nehmen Sie den schmutzigen weg.	landano	Bring me a clean plate and take the dirty one away.	CM	1
fra	236249	63081	Apportez-moi une assiette propre et emmenez la sale.	hortusdei	Bring me a clean plate and take the dirty one away.	CM	1
hun	2716530	63081	Hozz nekem egy tiszta tányért és vidd el a piszkosat.	Muelisto	Bring me a clean plate and take the dirty one away.	CM	1
hun	2716532	63081	Hozzon nekem egy tiszta tányért és vigye el a piszkosat.	Muelisto	Bring me a clean plate and take the dirty one away.	CM	1
jpn	225743	63081	きれいな皿を持って来て汚れたのをさげてください。	mookeee	Bring me a clean plate and take the dirty one away.	CM	1
por	925974	63081	Traga-me um prato limpo e leve o sujo.	alexmarcelo	Bring me a clean plate and take the dirty one away.	CM	1
por	925975	63081	Traz-me um prato limpo e leva embora o sujo.	alexmarcelo	Bring me a clean plate and take the dirty one away.	CM	1
spa	1256590	63081	Traeme un plato limpio y llevate el sucio.	hayastan	Bring me a clean plate and take the dirty one away.	CM	1
spa	1257988	63081	Tráeme un plato limpio y llévate el sucio.	marcelostockle	Bring me a clean plate and take the dirty one away.	CM	1
tur	3454483	63081	Bana temiz bir tabak getir ve bu kirli tabağı alıp götür.	deyta	Bring me a clean plate and take the dirty one away.	CM	1
bul	2613139	2451144	Можеш ли да ме запознаеш с лекар, който говори френски?	korobo4ka	Can you introduce me to a doctor who speaks French?	CK	1
deu	2578080	2451144	Kannst du mich mit einem Arzt bekannt machen, der Französisch spricht?	raggione	Can you introduce me to a doctor who speaks French?	CK	1
deu	2578084	2451144	Können Sie mich mit einem Arzt bekannt machen, der Französisch spricht?	raggione	Can you introduce me to a doctor who speaks French?	CK	1
tur	2483863	2451144	Beni Fransızca konuşan bir doktorla tanıştırır mısın?	duran	Can you introduce me to a doctor who speaks French?	CK	1
bul	2613141	2451143	Може ли да ме запознаеш с адвокат, който говори френски?	korobo4ka	Can you introduce me to a lawyer who speaks French?	CK	1
tur	2483865	2451143	Beni Fransızca konuşabilen bir avukatla tanıştırır mısın?	duran	Can you introduce me to a lawyer who speaks French?	CK	1
deu	4684379	4684365	Eine Kohlenmonoxidvergiftung kann Halluzinationen hervorrufen.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Carbon monoxide poisoning can cause hallucinations.	Hybrid	1

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