English Sentences with Audio from the Tatoeba Project
Page 8930

tur	1170084	1092486	Tom Mary'ye önemli bir şey söylemek istedi.	duran	Tom wanted to tell Mary something important.	CK	1
deu	3120731	2030082	Tom will unbedingt das Richtige tun.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom wants desperately to do the right thing.	CK	1
tur	4596212	2030082	Tom umutsuzca doğru şeyi yapmak istiyor.	duran	Tom wants desperately to do the right thing.	CK	1
ita	4881576	3735591	Tom vuole che Mary faccia degli spaghetti per cena.	Guybrush88	Tom wants Mary to make spaghetti for dinner.	CK	1
ita	4881577	3735591	Tom vuole che Mary prepari degli spaghetti per cena.	Guybrush88	Tom wants Mary to make spaghetti for dinner.	CK	1
mkd	4164409	3735591	Том сака Мери да направи шпагети за вечера.	123xyz	Tom wants Mary to make spaghetti for dinner.	CK	1
tur	3755197	3735591	Tom akşam yemeği için Mary'nin spagetti yapmasını istiyor.	duran	Tom wants Mary to make spaghetti for dinner.	CK	1
deu	3518811	2030083	Tom will, dass ich Maria bei den Hausaufgaben helfe.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom wants me to help Mary with her homework.	CK	1
rus	3664621	2030083	Том хочет, чтобы я помог Мэри с уроками.	marafon	Tom wants me to help Mary with her homework.	CK	1
spa	2103213	2030083	Tom quiere que ayude a Mary con sus deberes.	Shishir	Tom wants me to help Mary with her homework.	CK	1
tur	3465293	2030083	Tom, Mary'ye ödevinde yardım etmemi istiyor.	deyta	Tom wants me to help Mary with her homework.	CK	1
mkd	4151354	3733599	Том сака да знае кога ќе си одиме.	123xyz	Tom wants to know when we're going to leave.	CK	1
tur	4050527	3733599	Tom ne zaman gideceğimizi bilmek istiyor.	duran	Tom wants to know when we're going to leave.	CK	1
mkd	4173457	3736748	Том сака да знае кога ќе почнеме.	123xyz	Tom wants to know when we're going to start.	CK	1
tur	3751046	3736748	Tom ne zaman başlayacağımızı bilmek istiyor.	duran	Tom wants to know when we're going to start.	CK	1
est	2801319	1092454	Tom tahab teada, kas Marile meeldib ta uus laul.	Maasikas	Tom wants to see if Mary likes his new song.	CK	1
ita	3133655	1092454	Tom vuole vedere se a Mary piace la sua nuova canzone.	Guybrush88	Tom wants to see if Mary likes his new song.	CK	1
tur	1169960	1092454	Tom, Mary'nin onun yeni şarkısını beğenip beğenmeyeceğini görmek istiyor.	duran	Tom wants to see if Mary likes his new song.	CK	1
deu	1691626	1529462	Tom will den Sinn des Lebens begreifen.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom wants to understand the meaning of life.	Spamster	1
deu	1691627	1529462	Tom will den Sinn des Lebens verstehen.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom wants to understand the meaning of life.	Spamster	1
heb	1529469	1529462	טום רוצה להבין את משמעות החיים.	Eldad	Tom wants to understand the meaning of life.	Spamster	1
ita	1529532	1529462	Tom vuole capire il senso della vita.	Guybrush88	Tom wants to understand the meaning of life.	Spamster	1
rus	2895062	1529462	Том хочет понять смысл жизни.	marafon	Tom wants to understand the meaning of life.	Spamster	1
spa	1529465	1529462	Tom quiere entender el significado de la vida.	marcelostockle	Tom wants to understand the meaning of life.	Spamster	1
tur	3148496	1529462	Tom yaşamın anlamını anlamak istiyor.	deyta	Tom wants to understand the meaning of life.	Spamster	1
rus	2222668	1040527	Том предупредил Мэри, чтобы та держалась подальше от его дома.	Biga	Tom warned Mary to stay away from his house.	CK	1
spa	2354584	1040527	Tom le advirtió a María que se alejara de su casa.	marcelostockle	Tom warned Mary to stay away from his house.	CK	1
tur	1142440	1040527	Tom Mary'yi onun evinden uzak kalması için uyardı.	duran	Tom warned Mary to stay away from his house.	CK	1
deu	781360	37151	Tom ist bei einem Verkehrsunfall schwer verletzt worden.	MUIRIEL	Tom was badly injured in a traffic accident.	CK	1
fra	781315	37151	Tom a été grièvement blessé dans un accident de la circulation.	melospawn	Tom was badly injured in a traffic accident.	CK	1
heb	1896728	37151	תום נפצע קשה בתאונת דרכים.	fekundulo	Tom was badly injured in a traffic accident.	CK	1
ind	1058926	37151	Tom terluka parah saat kecelakaan lalu-lintas.	pryo	Tom was badly injured in a traffic accident.	CK	1
jpn	199950	37151	トムは交通事故でひどいケガをした。	bunbuku	Tom was badly injured in a traffic accident.	CK	1
spa	788094	37151	Tom fue gravemente herido en un accidente de tráfico.	Shishir	Tom was badly injured in a traffic accident.	CK	1
tur	1110121	37151	Tom bir trafik kazasında fena halde yaralandı.	duran	Tom was badly injured in a traffic accident.	CK	1
spa	1465923	1027783	Aquella vez, Tom estaba almorzando con Mary.	marcelostockle	Tom was eating lunch with Mary at that time.	CK	1
tur	1090139	1027783	Tom, o zaman Mary ile birlikte öğle yemeği yiyordu	duran	Tom was eating lunch with Mary at that time.	CK	1
dan	4260741	1027780	Tom var skyldig i at sprede løgne om Mary.	danepo	Tom was guilty of spreading lies about Mary.	CK	1
fra	2141922	1027780	Tom était coupable d'avoir répandu des mensonges sur Marie.	Dreamk33	Tom was guilty of spreading lies about Mary.	CK	1
tur	1090136	1027780	Tom Mary hakkında yalanları yaymakla suçluydu.	duran	Tom was guilty of spreading lies about Mary.	CK	1
bul	2613349	2426476	Том се надяваше Мери да му се усмихне.	korobo4ka	Tom was hoping that Mary would smile at him.	CK	1
deu	2427298	2426476	Tom hoffte, dass Maria ihn anlächeln würde.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom was hoping that Mary would smile at him.	CK	1
rus	2849353	2426476	Том надеялся, что Мэри ему улыбнётся.	odexed	Tom was hoping that Mary would smile at him.	CK	1
spa	2841725	2426476	Tom esperaba que María le sonriera.	marcelostockle	Tom was hoping that Mary would smile at him.	CK	1
tur	2486870	2426476	Tom Mary'nin ona gülümseyeceğini umuyordu.	duran	Tom was hoping that Mary would smile at him.	CK	1
deu	1691092	1543591	Tom wurde erschossen, als er die Einbrecher überraschte.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom was shot when he surprised the burglars.	CK	1
ita	3509709	2030084	Tom era così stanco che non voleva neanche mangiare.	Guybrush88	Tom was so tired he didn't even want to eat.	CK	1
ita	3509710	2030084	Tom era così stanco che non voleva nemmeno mangiare.	Guybrush88	Tom was so tired he didn't even want to eat.	CK	1
ita	3509711	2030084	Tom era così stanco che non voleva neppure mangiare.	Guybrush88	Tom was so tired he didn't even want to eat.	CK	1
spa	2103214	2030084	Tom estaba tan cansado que ni siquiera quería comer.	Shishir	Tom was so tired he didn't even want to eat.	CK	1
tur	4600691	2030084	Tom o kadar yorgundu ki yemek yemek bile istemedi.	duran	Tom was so tired he didn't even want to eat.	CK	1
deu	1931292	1023947	Im letzten Jahr um diese Zeit war Tom noch in Boston.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom was still in Boston this time last year.	CK	1
ita	1119423	1023947	Tom era ancora a Boston l'altr'anno di questi tempi.	riccioberto	Tom was still in Boston this time last year.	CK	1
tur	1114283	1023947	Tom geçen yıl bu zaman hâlâ Boston'daydı.	duran	Tom was still in Boston this time last year.	CK	1
ita	1642478	1284813	Tom era il primo ragazzo che avesse mai baciato Mary.	Guybrush88	Tom was the first boy that ever kissed Mary.	CK	1
ita	3703165	1284813	Tom è stato il primo ragazzo in assoluto ad aver baciato Mary.	Guybrush88	Tom was the first boy that ever kissed Mary.	CK	1
por	1286371	1284813	Tom foi o primeiro garoto a beijar Maria.	bufo	Tom was the first boy that ever kissed Mary.	CK	1
rus	4885489	1284813	Том был первым парнем, поцеловавшим Мэри.	odexed	Tom was the first boy that ever kissed Mary.	CK	1
tur	1869935	1284813	Tom şimdiye kadar Mary'yi öpen ilk çocuktu.	duran	Tom was the first boy that ever kissed Mary.	CK	1
heb	3774758	3733847	טום היה האחרון שהגיע הבוקר.	Eldad	Tom was the last one to arrive this morning.	CK	1
mkd	4152852	3733847	Том беше последниот што пристигна утрово.	123xyz	Tom was the last one to arrive this morning.	CK	1
tur	3774381	3733847	Tom bu sabah gelen son kişiydi.	duran	Tom was the last one to arrive this morning.	CK	1
tur	4871124	4870318	Bu kostümleri tasarlayan kişi Tom'du.	duran	Tom was the one who designed these costumes.	CK	1
fin	4357286	3733406	Tomi oli ainoa henkilö, joka selvisi tulipalosta.	tadaa25	Tom was the only person to survive the fire.	CK	1
mkd	4150871	3733406	Том беше единствениот што го преживеа пожарот.	123xyz	Tom was the only person to survive the fire.	CK	1
tur	4051762	3733406	Tom yangından sağ kurulan tek kişiydi.	duran	Tom was the only person to survive the fire.	CK	1
deu	1931279	1023936	Tom wurde von seinem Arzte aufgetragen, im Bett zu bleiben.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom was told by his doctor to remain in bed.	CK	1
hun	3979873	1023936	Tomnak megmondta az orvosa, hogy maradjon ágyban.	maaster	Tom was told by his doctor to remain in bed.	CK	1
por	4757053	1023936	Por recomendação médica, Tom deverá continuar de cama.	carlosalberto	Tom was told by his doctor to remain in bed.	CK	1
spa	1406288	1023936	Su doctor le dijo a Tom que se quedara en cama.	marcelostockle	Tom was told by his doctor to remain in bed.	CK	1
tur	1122814	1023936	Tom'a doktoru tarafından yatakta kalması söylenildi.	duran	Tom was told by his doctor to remain in bed.	CK	1
spa	1794939	1092315	Tom llevaba una camisa azul y jeans azules.	marcelostockle	Tom was wearing a blue shirt and blue jeans.	CK	1
tur	1169087	1092315	Tom mavi bir gömlek ve mavi kot pantolon giyiyordu.	duran	Tom was wearing a blue shirt and blue jeans.	CK	1
ita	2396675	1847739	A Tom non era permesso di pranzare sulla sua scrivania.	Guybrush88	Tom wasn't allowed to eat lunch at his desk.	CK	1
tur	4144328	1847739	Tom'a, masasında öğle yemeği yemesi için izin verilmedi.	deyta	Tom wasn't allowed to eat lunch at his desk.	CK	1
hun	3932312	3734133	Tommal nem volt könnyű kijönni.	maaster	Tom wasn't an easy person to get along with.	CK	1
mkd	4153932	3734133	Том не беше човек со којшто е лесно да се слагаш.	123xyz	Tom wasn't an easy person to get along with.	CK	1
tur	3932300	3734133	Tom geçinmesi kolay bir kişi değildi.	duran	Tom wasn't an easy person to get along with.	CK	1
ita	3886165	1040508	Tom non stava sorridendo quando è entrato nella stanza.	Guybrush88	Tom wasn't smiling when he entered the room.	CK	1
ita	3886167	1040508	Tom non stava sorridendo quando entrò nella stanza.	Guybrush88	Tom wasn't smiling when he entered the room.	CK	1
spa	1606724	1040508	Tom no estaba sonriendo cuando entró al cuarto.	marcelostockle	Tom wasn't smiling when he entered the room.	CK	1
tur	1142104	1040508	Odaya girdiğinde Tom gülümsemiyordu.	duran	Tom wasn't smiling when he entered the room.	CK	1
fin	2630326	1884411	Tom ei ollut halukas maksamaan niin korkeaa hintaa.	Kalle63	Tom wasn't willing to pay such a high price.	CK	1
ber	1626403	1023913	Tom yedda ad iṣeyyed iselman, maca ur d-yeḍḍif acemma.	Amastan	Tom went fishing, but didn't catch anything.	CK	1
dan	2001753	1023913	Tom tog ud for at fiske, men fangede ikke noget.	danepo	Tom went fishing, but didn't catch anything.	CK	1
deu	1549182	1023913	Tom ist angeln gegangen, hat aber nichts gefangen.	Zaghawa	Tom went fishing, but didn't catch anything.	CK	1
ita	1277470	1023913	Tom è andato a pescare, però non ha preso nulla.	Guybrush88	Tom went fishing, but didn't catch anything.	CK	1
ita	1277471	1023913	Tom è andato a pescare, però non ha preso niente.	Guybrush88	Tom went fishing, but didn't catch anything.	CK	1
ita	1277472	1023913	Tom andò a pescare, però non prese nulla.	Guybrush88	Tom went fishing, but didn't catch anything.	CK	1
ita	1277473	1023913	Tom andò a pescare, però non prese niente.	Guybrush88	Tom went fishing, but didn't catch anything.	CK	1
nob	1985363	1023913	Tom drog for å fiske, men han fikk ingenting.	Combine988	Tom went fishing, but didn't catch anything.	CK	1
por	1175140	1023913	Tom foi pescar, mas não pegou nada.	paula_guisard	Tom went fishing, but didn't catch anything.	CK	1
rus	1938714	1023913	Том пошёл на рыбалку, но ничего не поймал.	marafon	Tom went fishing, but didn't catch anything.	CK	1
spa	1905926	1023913	Tom salió a pescar, pero no pescó nada.	marcelostockle	Tom went fishing, but didn't catch anything.	CK	1
tur	1122674	1023913	Tom balık tutmaya gitti, ama bir şey yakalamadı.	duran	Tom went fishing, but didn't catch anything.	CK	1
deu	1562608	1092286	Tom ist als christlicher Missionar nach Korea gegangen.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom went to Korea as a Christian missionary.	CK	1
mkd	4093253	1092286	Том отиде во Кореја како христијански мисионер.	123xyz	Tom went to Korea as a Christian missionary.	CK	1
spa	2716877	1092286	Tom fue a Corea como misionero cristiano.	marcelostockle	Tom went to Korea as a Christian missionary.	CK	1
tur	1169041	1092286	Tom bir Hıristiyan misyoner olarak Kore'ye gitti	duran	Tom went to Korea as a Christian missionary.	CK	1
tur	3974197	3825733	Tom Noel için tam zamanında geri gelecek.	duran	Tom will be back just in time for Christmas.	CK	1

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