English Sentences with Audio from the Tatoeba Project
Page 8530

jpn	2707133	2707950	パンがないならケーキを食べればいいじゃない。	tommy_san	If there's no bread, just eat the cake.	CK	1
tur	3178900	2707950	Ekmek yoksa, sadece pasta yiyin.	duran	If there's no bread, just eat the cake.	CK	1
ara	608015	2396	إذا أكلت كثيرًا فإنك تصير سمينًا.	Samer	If you eat too much, you'll become fat.	shortiiboy	1
ber	1697295	2396	Lemmer ad tecceḍ aṭas, ad tuzureḍ.	Amastan	If you eat too much, you'll become fat.	shortiiboy	1
deu	1228	2396	Wenn man zu viel isst, wird man dick.	MUIRIEL	If you eat too much, you'll become fat.	shortiiboy	1
deu	915264	2396	Wenn du zu viel isst, wirst du dick.	Esperantostern	If you eat too much, you'll become fat.	shortiiboy	1
fra	4273	2396	Si on mange trop on grossit.	TRANG	If you eat too much, you'll become fat.	shortiiboy	1
fra	1288851	2396	Si tu manges trop, tu vas devenir gros.	sacredceltic	If you eat too much, you'll become fat.	shortiiboy	1
ita	4622	2396	Mangiando troppo si ingrassa.	Guybrush88	If you eat too much, you'll become fat.	shortiiboy	1
ita	626342	2396	Se mangi troppo ingrassi.	Guybrush88	If you eat too much, you'll become fat.	shortiiboy	1
ita	1885788	2396	Se mangi troppo, diventerai grasso.	Guybrush88	If you eat too much, you'll become fat.	shortiiboy	1
ita	1885789	2396	Se mangi troppo, diventerai grassa.	Guybrush88	If you eat too much, you'll become fat.	shortiiboy	1
ita	1885790	2396	Se mangia troppo, diventerà grasso.	Guybrush88	If you eat too much, you'll become fat.	shortiiboy	1
ita	1885791	2396	Se mangia troppo, diventerà grassa.	Guybrush88	If you eat too much, you'll become fat.	shortiiboy	1
ita	1885792	2396	Se mangiate troppo, diventerete grassi.	Guybrush88	If you eat too much, you'll become fat.	shortiiboy	1
ita	1885793	2396	Se mangiate troppo, diventerete grasse.	Guybrush88	If you eat too much, you'll become fat.	shortiiboy	1
ita	3353953	2396	Se mangi troppo, diventi grasso.	bailujia	If you eat too much, you'll become fat.	shortiiboy	1
ita	3353957	2396	Se mangi troppo, diventi grassa.	bailujia	If you eat too much, you'll become fat.	shortiiboy	1
ita	3353961	2396	Se Lei mangia troppo, diventerà grasso.	bailujia	If you eat too much, you'll become fat.	shortiiboy	1
jpn	4260179	2396	食べすぎると太るよ。	tommy_san	If you eat too much, you'll become fat.	shortiiboy	1
por	418114	2396	Se você comer muito, você engorda.	brauliobezerra	If you eat too much, you'll become fat.	shortiiboy	1
rus	4102558	2396	Если будешь слишком много есть, растолстеешь.	Selena777	If you eat too much, you'll become fat.	shortiiboy	1
rus	4265876	2396	Будешь слишком много есть — растолстеешь.	sharptoothed	If you eat too much, you'll become fat.	shortiiboy	1
spa	1288114	2396	Si comes mucho, vas a engordar.	marcelostockle	If you eat too much, you'll become fat.	shortiiboy	1
xal	1287691	2396	Кемр та икәр идхлә экләд тарһлнат.	Tsetseg	If you eat too much, you'll become fat.	shortiiboy	1
bul	2791183	2462624	Ако ти трябва помощ, не се притеснявай да ме потърсиш.	korobo4ka	If you need help, feel free to call me.	CK	1
bul	2791184	2462624	Ако ви трябва помощ, не се притеснявайте да ме потърсите.	korobo4ka	If you need help, feel free to call me.	CK	1
deu	2462775	2462624	Wenn du Hilfe brauchst, dann ruf mich ruhig an!	Pfirsichbaeumchen	If you need help, feel free to call me.	CK	1
hun	4180336	2462624	Ha segítség kell, hívj csak.	maaster	If you need help, feel free to call me.	CK	1
nld	4210216	2462624	Als je hulp nodig hebt, wees dan zo vrij me op te bellen.	PaulP	If you need help, feel free to call me.	CK	1
tur	2715542	2462624	Yardıma ihtiyacınız olursa, beni aramaya çekinmeyin.	duran	If you need help, feel free to call me.	CK	1
dan	4208247	2062969	Hvis du har noget at sige, så sig det!	danepo	If you've got something to say, say it.	CK	1
deu	2063250	2062969	Wenn du etwas zu sagen hast, dann raus damit!	Pfirsichbaeumchen	If you've got something to say, say it.	CK	1
deu	3153218	2062969	Wenn du etwas zu sagen hast, dann sag’s!	Pfirsichbaeumchen	If you've got something to say, say it.	CK	1
rus	3153237	2062969	Если тебе есть что сказать - скажи.	marafon	If you've got something to say, say it.	CK	1
spa	2062981	2062969	Si tienes algo que decir, dilo.	lazarus1907	If you've got something to say, say it.	CK	1
tur	4579398	2062969	Söyleyecek bir şeyin varsa, söyle.	duran	If you've got something to say, say it.	CK	1
jpn	235927	73308	1853年に青いジーンズが初めて出現した。	mookeee	In 1853, the first blue jeans came out.	CM	1
rus	2468699	73308	В 1853 году появились первые синие джинсы.	paul_lingvo	In 1853, the first blue jeans came out.	CM	1
tur	849877	73308	İlk mavi kotlar1853'te piyasaya çıktı.	duran	In 1853, the first blue jeans came out.	CM	1
tur	3593840	2026439	Her neyse, endişelenmeni istemiyorum.	deyta	In any case, I don't want you to worry.	CK	1
tur	3956563	2026440	Aslında , herhangi bir şey bilmek istemiyorum.	duran	In fact, I don't want to know anything.	CK	1
deu	361143	269643	Vor Gott sind alle Menschen gleich.	Kerstin	In the sight of God, all men are equal.	CM	1
hun	3624784	269643	Isten előtt minden ember egyenlő.	mraz	In the sight of God, all men are equal.	CM	1
hun	3797956	269643	Isten színe előtt minden ember egyenlő.	Tammmasss	In the sight of God, all men are equal.	CM	1
ita	3757909	269643	Agli occhi di Dio, tutti gli uomini sono uguali.	Guybrush88	In the sight of God, all men are equal.	CM	1
jpn	237406	269643	神の目には人はすべて平等である。	mookeee	In the sight of God, all men are equal.	CM	1
rus	1413752	269643	Перед Богом все равны.	Balamax	In the sight of God, all men are equal.	CM	1
rus	1413759	269643	Все мы рабы Божьи.	Balamax	In the sight of God, all men are equal.	CM	1
spa	1563592	269643	Todos los hombres son iguales a los ojos de Dios.	Shishir	In the sight of God, all men are equal.	CM	1
deu	2196655	679877	Stell mich deinem Freund da hinten vor.	Zaghawa	Introduce me to your friend over there.	ulyssemc1	1
deu	2196656	679877	Stell mich deiner Freundin da hinten vor.	Zaghawa	Introduce me to your friend over there.	ulyssemc1	1
deu	2196657	679877	Stellt mich eurem Freund da hinten vor.	Zaghawa	Introduce me to your friend over there.	ulyssemc1	1
deu	2196659	679877	Stellt mich eurer Freundin da hinten vor.	Zaghawa	Introduce me to your friend over there.	ulyssemc1	1
fra	1194763	679877	Présente-moi à ton ami qui est là-bas.	rene1596	Introduce me to your friend over there.	ulyssemc1	1
heb	3772707	679877	תציג אותי לחבר שלך שם.	Eldad	Introduce me to your friend over there.	ulyssemc1	1
jpn	1194768	679877	あそこにいるあなたの友だち紹介してよ。	mookeee	Introduce me to your friend over there.	ulyssemc1	1
pol	1002661	679877	Przedstaw mnie swoim przyjaciołom.	ignacy130	Introduce me to your friend over there.	ulyssemc1	1
tur	4703187	679877	Beni oradaki arkadaşınla tanıştır.	duran	Introduce me to your friend over there.	ulyssemc1	1
ber	2501167	2451294	Sselmaden tafṛensist deg yiɣerbazen imenza?	Amastan	Is French taught in elementary schools?	CK	1
ber	2501168	2451294	Tettwasselmad tefṛensist deg yiɣerbazen imenza?	Amastan	Is French taught in elementary schools?	CK	1
bul	2624846	2451294	Преподава ли се френски в началните училища?	korobo4ka	Is French taught in elementary schools?	CK	1
fin	3796571	2451294	Opetetaanko ranskaa alakouluissa?	Silja	Is French taught in elementary schools?	CK	1
fin	3796572	2451294	Opetetaanko ranskaa ala-asteilla?	Silja	Is French taught in elementary schools?	CK	1
mar	3201426	2451294	फ्रेंच प्राथमिक शाळांमध्ये शिकवली जाते का?	sabretou	Is French taught in elementary schools?	CK	1
por	2637288	2451294	O francês é ensinado no primário?	Ricardo14	Is French taught in elementary schools?	CK	1
tur	2483676	2451294	İlkokullarda Fransızca öğretilir mi?	duran	Is French taught in elementary schools?	CK	1
deu	2895307	27647	Ist es gefährlich allein U-Bahn zu fahren?	al_ex_an_der	Is it dangerous to take a subway alone?	CK	1
jpn	190486	27647	一人で地下鉄に乗るのは危ないですか。	mookeee	Is it dangerous to take a subway alone?	CK	1
rus	2895303	27647	Опасно ли ездить в метро одному?	Werther	Is it dangerous to take a subway alone?	CK	1
tur	2589337	27647	Bir metroya tek başına binmek tehlikeli mi?	meinung44	Is it dangerous to take a subway alone?	CK	1
ber	2501169	2451293	D tidet tafṛensist tewɛeṛ akk anect-a i ussiwel?	Amastan	Is it really that hard to speak French?	CK	1
bul	2624847	2451293	Наистина ли е толкова трудно да се говори на френски?	korobo4ka	Is it really that hard to speak French?	CK	1
por	2637289	2451293	É tão difícil falar francês?	Ricardo14	Is it really that hard to speak French?	CK	1
tur	2483678	2451293	Fransızca konuşmak gerçekten o kadar zor mu?	duran	Is it really that hard to speak French?	CK	1
rus	4855330	2952993	Это правда, что Том не говорит по-французски?	odexed	Is it true that Tom can't speak French?	CK	1
tur	3002887	2952993	Tom'un Fransızca konuşamadığı doğru mu?	duran	Is it true that Tom can't speak French?	CK	1
ita	4268780	3824528	È vero che non sai parlare in francese?	Guybrush88	Is it true that you can't speak French?	CK	1
ita	4268781	3824528	È vero che non sa parlare in francese?	Guybrush88	Is it true that you can't speak French?	CK	1
ita	4268782	3824528	È vero che non sapete parlare in francese?	Guybrush88	Is it true that you can't speak French?	CK	1
tur	3865163	3824528	Fransızca konuşamadığın doğru mu?	duran	Is it true that you can't speak French?	CK	1
deu	2063155	2063062	Ist mit dem Hubschrauber etwas nicht in Ordnung?	Tamy	Is something wrong with the helicopter?	CK	1
deu	2063157	2063062	Stimmt mit dem Helikopter etwas nicht?	Tamy	Is something wrong with the helicopter?	CK	1
mar	4786154	2063062	हेलिकॉप्टरमध्ये काही गडबड आहे का?	sabretou	Is something wrong with the helicopter?	CK	1
tur	4578903	2063062	Helikopterle ilgili yanlış bir şey var mı?	duran	Is something wrong with the helicopter?	CK	1
tur	4579130	2063062	Helikopterde bir sorun mu var?	tornado	Is something wrong with the helicopter?	CK	1
cmn	893998	400138	他有任何復原的機會嗎?	Martha	Is there any chance that he'll recover?	CK	1
dan	2656725	400138	Er der nogen chancer for at han kommer sig?	danepo	Is there any chance that he'll recover?	CK	1
heb	1414177	400138	האם יש סיכוי שהוא יתאושש?	MrShoval	Is there any chance that he'll recover?	CK	1
heb	1414179	400138	האם יש איזה סיכוי שהוא יבריא?	MrShoval	Is there any chance that he'll recover?	CK	1
heb	1414180	400138	יש סיכויים שהוא יחלים?	MrShoval	Is there any chance that he'll recover?	CK	1
jpn	120535	400138	彼が回復する見込みはあるのだろうか。	bunbuku	Is there any chance that he'll recover?	CK	1
jpn	120536	400138	彼が回復する見込みはあるでしょうか。	bunbuku	Is there any chance that he'll recover?	CK	1
rus	2205598	400138	Есть ли шанс, что он поправится?	Lenin_1917	Is there any chance that he'll recover?	CK	1
tur	1462132	400138	Onun iyileşeceğine dair bir şans var mı?	duran	Is there any chance that he'll recover?	CK	1
jpn	3561857	3561887	他に何か聞きたいことある?	tommy_san	Is there anything else you want to ask?	CK	1
rus	3572596	3561887	Ты хочешь ещё о чём-то спросить?	sharptoothed	Is there anything else you want to ask?	CK	1
tur	4084943	3561887	Sormak istediğin başka bir şey var mı?	duran	Is there anything else you want to ask?	CK	1
deu	2831915	2425854	Hast du heute etwas zu erledigen?	al_ex_an_der	Is there anything you need to do today?	MethodGT	1
deu	2831916	2425854	Haben Sie heute etwas zu erledigen?	al_ex_an_der	Is there anything you need to do today?	MethodGT	1

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