English Sentences with Audio from the Tatoeba Project
Page 8390

tur	1720526	285391	Onun ne kastettiğini anlamaya başladım.	duran	I began to see what he was getting at.	CK	1
ita	3050673	2294041	Credo che Tom sia amico di Mary.	Guybrush88	I believe Tom is acquainted with Mary.	CK	1
ita	3050674	2294041	Io credo che Tom sia amico di Mary.	Guybrush88	I believe Tom is acquainted with Mary.	CK	1
tur	2475200	2294041	Tom'un Mary'yi tanıdığına inanıyorum.	duran	I believe Tom is acquainted with Mary.	CK	1
tur	4436588	2294047	Sanırım işi birlikte yapabiliriz.	duran	I believe we can do business together.	CK	1
deu	3142203	2313693	Ich glaube, wir sind in einer ernsten Lage.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	I believe we have a serious situation.	CK	1
deu	1276668	303990	Ich wette mein letztes Hemd darauf, dass er unschuldig ist.	PeterR	I bet my bottom dollar he is innocent.	CK	1
hun	4615066	303990	Lefogadom, hogy ártatlan.	Tammmasss	I bet my bottom dollar he is innocent.	CK	1
jpn	99707	303990	彼は無実だと確信している。	bunbuku	I bet my bottom dollar he is innocent.	CK	1
rus	4177162	303990	Ставлю свой последний доллар, что он не виновен.	Lenin_1917	I bet my bottom dollar he is innocent.	CK	1
rus	4177164	303990	Спорю на свой последний доллар, что он не виновен.	Lenin_1917	I bet my bottom dollar he is innocent.	CK	1
tur	1720528	303990	Onun masum olduğuna son dolarıma bahse girerim.	duran	I bet my bottom dollar he is innocent.	CK	1
tur	4836702	283563	Onun önerini kabul edeceğine eminim.	duran	I bet that he'll accept your proposal.	CK	1
deu	2499199	2294116	Du willst bestimmt wissen, wie das hier funktioniert!	Pfirsichbaeumchen	I bet you're wondering how this works.	CK	1
fra	2297124	2294116	Je parie que vous vous demandez comment ça fonctionne.	sacredceltic	I bet you're wondering how this works.	CK	1
fra	2297125	2294116	Je parie que vous vous demandez comment ça marche.	sacredceltic	I bet you're wondering how this works.	CK	1
fra	2297127	2294116	Je parie que tu te demandes comment ça fonctionne.	sacredceltic	I bet you're wondering how this works.	CK	1
fra	2297129	2294116	Je parie que tu te demandes comment ça marche.	sacredceltic	I bet you're wondering how this works.	CK	1
por	4815884	2294116	Eu aposto que você está pensando como isto funciona.	Loveless	I bet you're wondering how this works.	CK	1
rus	3096454	2294116	Бьюсь об заклад, что вам интересно, как это работает.	odexed	I bet you're wondering how this works.	CK	1
tur	2508262	2294116	Her iddiasına varım ki bunun nasıl çalıştığını merak ediyorsun.	Gulo_Luscus	I bet you're wondering how this works.	CK	1
tur	3979350	2294116	Bunun nasıl çalıştığını merak ettiğine eminim.	duran	I bet you're wondering how this works.	CK	1
ber	1747452	321617	Reḍleɣ-d adlis-nni seg temkarḍit-a.	Amastan	I borrowed the book from this library.	CK	1
deu	361837	321617	Ich habe dieses Buch aus der Bibliothek geliehen.	Wolf	I borrowed the book from this library.	CK	1
fra	485168	321617	J'ai emprunté le livre à cette bibliothèque.	sacredceltic	I borrowed the book from this library.	CK	1
ita	3584288	321617	Ho preso in prestito il libro da questa biblioteca.	Guybrush88	I borrowed the book from this library.	CK	1
ita	3584289	321617	Io ho preso in prestito il libro da questa biblioteca.	Guybrush88	I borrowed the book from this library.	CK	1
jpn	82098	321617	僕はこの図書館でその本を借りた。	bunbuku	I borrowed the book from this library.	CK	1
nld	650053	321617	Ik heb het boek van deze bibliotheek geleend.	corani	I borrowed the book from this library.	CK	1
tur	1720530	321617	Kitabı bu kütüphaneden ödünç aldım.	duran	I borrowed the book from this library.	CK	1
ukr	615657	321617	Я позичив книжку у бібліотеці.	aandrusiak	I borrowed the book from this library.	CK	1
cmn	926597	395669	我向他的妹妹借了這個漫畫。	Martha	I borrowed this comic from his sister.	CK	1
deu	1580889	395669	Ich habe mir dieses Comic von seiner Schwester ausgeborgt.	jakov	I borrowed this comic from his sister.	CK	1
deu	3105146	395669	Ich habe mir diesen Comic von seiner Schwester geliehen.	Zaghawa	I borrowed this comic from his sister.	CK	1
deu	3105148	395669	Ich lieh mir diesen Comic von seiner Schwester aus.	Zaghawa	I borrowed this comic from his sister.	CK	1
fin	1184485	395669	Lainasin tämän sarjakuvan hänen siskoltaan.	oeblink	I borrowed this comic from his sister.	CK	1
fra	822884	395669	J'ai emprunté cette bande dessinée à sa sœur.	mayliu	I borrowed this comic from his sister.	CK	1
rus	3597270	395669	Я одолжил этот комикс у его сестры.	sharptoothed	I borrowed this comic from his sister.	CK	1
tur	1009412	395669	Bu komedi filmini onun kız kardeşinden ödünç aldım.	duran	I borrowed this comic from his sister.	CK	1
ber	1781345	262176	Sɣiɣ-d kra n tmellalin akked cwiṭ n ukeffay.	Amastan	I bought a few eggs and a little milk.	CK	1
cmn	347058	262176	我买了几个鸡蛋和一点牛奶。	fucongcong	I bought a few eggs and a little milk.	CK	1
deu	912391	262176	Ich habe ein paar Eier gekauft und auch etwas Milch.	Sudajaengi	I bought a few eggs and a little milk.	CK	1
fin	3559719	262176	Ostin muutaman munan ja vähän maitoa.	Silja	I bought a few eggs and a little milk.	CK	1
fra	14707	262176	J'ai acheté quelques œufs et un peu de lait.	dominiko	I bought a few eggs and a little milk.	CK	1
heb	1862920	262176	קניתי מספר ביצים וקצת חלב.	fekundulo	I bought a few eggs and a little milk.	CK	1
ita	1586974	262176	Ho comprato delle uova e un po' di latte.	dada	I bought a few eggs and a little milk.	CK	1
ita	1586975	262176	Ho comprato alcune uova e un po' di latte.	dada	I bought a few eggs and a little milk.	CK	1
nld	843745	262176	Ik heb enkele eieren gekocht, en wat melk.	martinod	I bought a few eggs and a little milk.	CK	1
por	971691	262176	Comprei alguns ovos e um pouco de leite.	alexmarcelo	I bought a few eggs and a little milk.	CK	1
rus	1436897	262176	Я купил несколько яиц и немного молока.	Avelesy	I bought a few eggs and a little milk.	CK	1
spa	871024	262176	Compré algunos huevos y un poco de leche.	Shishir	I bought a few eggs and a little milk.	CK	1
tur	1720531	262176	Birkaç yumurta ve biraz süt aldım.	duran	I bought a few eggs and a little milk.	CK	1
bel	1559156	261202	Я купіла ёй добры падарунак на Каляды.	Demetrius2	I bought her a nice Christmas present.	CK	1
cmn	917787	261202	我給她買了一個不錯的聖誕禮物。	Martha	I bought her a nice Christmas present.	CK	1
deu	643175	261202	Ich kaufte ihr ein schönes Weihnachtsgeschenk.	Huluk	I bought her a nice Christmas present.	CK	1
deu	643242	261202	Ich habe ihr ein schönes Weihnachtsgeschenk gekauft.	BraveSentry	I bought her a nice Christmas present.	CK	1
fra	14729	261202	Je lui ai acheté un beau cadeau de Noël.	Whidou	I bought her a nice Christmas present.	CK	1
heb	603092	261202	קניתי עבורה מתנת חג מולד יפה.	Eldad	I bought her a nice Christmas present.	CK	1
heb	603093	261202	קניתי עבורה מתנה יפה לחג המולד.	Eldad	I bought her a nice Christmas present.	CK	1
heb	603094	261202	קניתי לה מתנה יפה לחג המולד.	Eldad	I bought her a nice Christmas present.	CK	1
hun	2813984	261202	Vettem neki egy szép karácsonyi ajándékot.	kitkat129	I bought her a nice Christmas present.	CK	1
ita	643245	261202	Le ho preso un regalo di Natale carino.	Guybrush88	I bought her a nice Christmas present.	CK	1
jpn	153342	261202	私は彼女に素敵なクリスマスプレゼントを買った。	bunbuku	I bought her a nice Christmas present.	CK	1
rus	1866483	261202	Я купила ей хороший подарок к Рождеству.	estong	I bought her a nice Christmas present.	CK	1
spa	1726891	261202	Le compré un lindo obsequio de Navidad.	marcelostockle	I bought her a nice Christmas present.	CK	1
tur	1460729	261202	Ona güzel bir Noel hediyesi aldım.	duran	I bought her a nice Christmas present.	CK	1
fra	1900896	1897657	Je l'ai acquis avec mon argent durement gagné.	sacredceltic	I bought it with my hard-earned money.	Spamster	1
spa	2709162	2299534	Le compré un regalo a Tom la Navidad pasada.	Shishir	I bought Tom a present last Christmas.	CK	1
tur	2475082	2299534	Geçen Noel Tom'a bir hediye aldım.	duran	I bought Tom a present last Christmas.	CK	1
fra	1190565	681078	J'ai cassé un verre en faisant la vaisselle.	rene1596	I broke a glass when I did the dishes.	Source_VOA	1
por	2574254	681078	Eu quebrei um copo lavando a louça.	alexmarcelo	I broke a glass when I did the dishes.	Source_VOA	1
rus	1568889	681078	Я разбил стакан, когда мыл посуду.	Biga	I broke a glass when I did the dishes.	Source_VOA	1
spa	2295618	681078	Se me rompió un vaso cuando lavaba los platos.	marcelostockle	I broke a glass when I did the dishes.	Source_VOA	1
tur	1210309	681078	Bulaşıkları yıkarken bir bardak kırdım.	duran	I broke a glass when I did the dishes.	Source_VOA	1
jpn	1656144	752198	自転車に乗っていて両脚を折った。	mookeee	I broke both my legs riding a bicycle.	Dejo	1
rus	1656135	752198	Я сломал обе ноги, катаясь на велосипеде.	marafon	I broke both my legs riding a bicycle.	Dejo	1
spa	1683734	752198	Me rompí las dos piernas andando en una bicicleta.	marcelostockle	I broke both my legs riding a bicycle.	Dejo	1
nob	2916744	2905872	Jeg slo opp med henne i går kveld.	eirik174	I broke up with her yesterday evening.	CK	1
rus	2272962	2905872	Я расстался с ней вчера вечером.	marafon	I broke up with her yesterday evening.	CK	1
spa	3521323	2905872	Terminé con ella ayer en la noche.	Aether	I broke up with her yesterday evening.	CK	1
tur	4656620	2299565	Sana okumak için biraz daha kitap getirdim.	duran	I brought you some more books to read.	CK	1
ber	2608679	325967	Ɛerḍeɣ-d inaragen-inu ɣer yimensi.	Amastan	I called my neighbors over for dinner.	CK	1
deu	408580	325967	Ich habe meine Nachbarn zum Abendessen eingeladen.	xtofu80	I called my neighbors over for dinner.	CK	1
fra	352339	325967	J'ai invité mes voisins à diner.	Barbiche0	I called my neighbors over for dinner.	CK	1
jpn	1642210	325967	隣人を夕食に招待した。	mookeee	I called my neighbors over for dinner.	CK	1
tur	1720533	325967	Komşularımı akşam yemeği için çağırdım.	duran	I called my neighbors over for dinner.	CK	1
tur	1921376	325967	Komşuları akşam yemeğine çağırdım.	freefighter	I called my neighbors over for dinner.	CK	1
fin	3937880	2300255	Tulin katselemaan kirsikankukkia.	Silja	I came to look at the cherry blossoms.	CK	1
rus	4696776	2300272	Я пришел сказать вам, что ухожу в отставку.	sharptoothed	I came to tell you that I'm resigning.	CK	1
deu	3555372	3415377	Ich kann es dir erklären, wenn du mich lässt.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	I can explain it to you if you let me.	CK	1
deu	3555373	3415377	Ich kann es euch erklären, wenn ihr mich lasst.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	I can explain it to you if you let me.	CK	1
deu	3555374	3415377	Ich kann es Ihnen erklären, wenn Sie mich lassen.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	I can explain it to you if you let me.	CK	1
rus	3993492	3415377	Если позволишь, я могу тебе это объяснить.	odexed	I can explain it to you if you let me.	CK	1
tur	4149103	3415377	Bana bana izin verirsen onu sana açıklayabilirim.	duran	I can explain it to you if you let me.	CK	1
tur	3800342	2300721	Hemen hemen her şeye alışabilirim.	duran	I can get used to just about anything.	CK	1
por	4853133	3822347	Posso lhe dar mais detalhes na segunda-feira.	bill	I can give you more details on Monday.	CK	1
tur	3888622	3822347	Pazartesi günü sana daha fazla ayrıntı verebilirim.	duran	I can give you more details on Monday.	CK	1
deu	770471	266489	Ich kann das Abendessen um 10 Uhr fertig haben.	Esperantostern	I can have dinner ready by 10 o'clock.	CK	1
jpn	148070	266489	十時までにはディナーの用意を終えているでしょう。	bunbuku	I can have dinner ready by 10 o'clock.	CK	1
tur	1460730	266489	Saat ona kadar akşam yemeğini hazırlayabilirim.	duran	I can have dinner ready by 10 o'clock.	CK	1

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