English Sentences with Audio from the Tatoeba Project
Page 8320

deu	365521	270393	Das Volk lehnte sich gegen den König auf.	Wolf	The people rebelled against the king.	CK	1
fin	4303453	270393	Kansa kapinoi kuningasta vastaan.	tadaa25	The people rebelled against the king.	CK	1
fra	970581	270393	Les gens se révoltèrent contre le roi.	NomadSoul	The people rebelled against the king.	CK	1
ita	822557	270393	Il popolo si ribellò contro il re.	Guybrush88	The people rebelled against the king.	CK	1
jpn	541962	270393	民衆が王に対して反乱を起こした。	mookeee	The people rebelled against the king.	CK	1
rus	1783482	270393	Народ восстал против короля.	Balamax	The people rebelled against the king.	CK	1
spa	950614	270393	El pueblo se rebeló contra el rey.	hayastan	The people rebelled against the king.	CK	1
spa	966262	270393	La gente se rebeló contra el rey.	Shishir	The people rebelled against the king.	CK	1
deu	3833491	317982	Die Flugzeuge kamen nacheinander an.	raggione	The planes arrived one after another.	CK	1
jpn	85729	317982	飛行機が次々に到着した。	tommy__san	The planes arrived one after another.	CK	1
tur	1710786	317982	Uçaklar birbiri ardına geldi.	duran	The planes arrived one after another.	CK	1
spa	2402764	2400067	La policía podría arrestarte por eso.	hayastan	The police could arrest you for that.	CK	1
tur	2447806	2400067	Polis seni onun için tutuklayabilirdi.	duran	The police could arrest you for that.	CK	1
deu	3262935	3240707	Die Polizei hat einen Verdächtigen in Gewahrsam.	dinkel_girl	The police have a suspect in custody.	CK	1
swe	4371201	3240707	Polisen har anhållit en misstänkt.	richke	The police have a suspect in custody.	CK	1
tur	3276239	3240707	Polisin gözaltında bir şüphelisi var.	duran	The police have a suspect in custody.	CK	1
deu	2120273	2045839	Der Pastor hielt eine schöne Predigt.	Zaghawa	The preacher gave a beautiful sermon.	CK	1
deu	2120274	2045839	Der Pfarrer hielt eine schöne Predigt.	Zaghawa	The preacher gave a beautiful sermon.	CK	1
deu	2120276	2045839	Der Prediger hielt eine schöne Predigt.	Zaghawa	The preacher gave a beautiful sermon.	CK	1
pol	4820988	2045839	Pastor wygłosił piękne kazanie.	jeedrek	The preacher gave a beautiful sermon.	CK	1
pol	4820991	2045839	Kaznodzieja wygłosił piękne kazanie.	jeedrek	The preacher gave a beautiful sermon.	CK	1
tur	4591460	2045839	Vaiz güzel bir vaaz verdi.	duran	The preacher gave a beautiful sermon.	CK	1
ber	1674740	25649	Leqṣer-nni n ugellid bnan-t ɣef yiwet n tiɣilt.	Amastan	The royal palace was built on a hill.	NekoKanjya	1
deu	366369	25649	Der königliche Palast wurde auf einem Hügel errichtet.	Wolf	The royal palace was built on a hill.	NekoKanjya	1
fra	823519	25649	Le palais royal fut érigé sur une colline.	sacredceltic	The royal palace was built on a hill.	NekoKanjya	1
hun	4671543	25649	A királyi palota egy dombra épült.	bandeirante	The royal palace was built on a hill.	NekoKanjya	1
ind	3871972	25649	Istana kerajaan tersebut dibangun di atas bukit.	orion17	The royal palace was built on a hill.	NekoKanjya	1
jpn	188505	25649	王宮は丘の上に建てられた。	tommy_san	The royal palace was built on a hill.	NekoKanjya	1
rus	1795426	25649	Королевский дворец был построен на холме.	soweli_Elepanto	The royal palace was built on a hill.	NekoKanjya	1
tur	863016	25649	Kıraliyet Sarayı bir tepenin üstüne yapıldı.	duran	The royal palace was built on a hill.	NekoKanjya	1
ber	1659239	325215	Iqcer n tmellalt fessus i truẓi.	Amastan	The shell of an egg is easily broken.	CM	1
cmn	791486	325215	蛋壳容易破碎。	fucongcong	The shell of an egg is easily broken.	CM	1
fra	791222	325215	La coquille d'un œuf se casse facilement.	melospawn	The shell of an egg is easily broken.	CM	1
heb	1863078	325215	קליפת ביצה נשברת בקלות.	fekundulo	The shell of an egg is easily broken.	CM	1
ita	2467761	325215	Il guscio di un uovo si rompe facilmente.	Guybrush88	The shell of an egg is easily broken.	CM	1
jpn	78500	325215	卵の殻は壊れやすい。	mookeee	The shell of an egg is easily broken.	CM	1
ber	1785056	272575	Adfel ur iyi-yejji ad ffɣeɣ.	Amastan	The snow prevented me from going out.	Dejo	1
jpn	141995	272575	雪のため私は外出できなかった。	bunbuku	The snow prevented me from going out.	Dejo	1
spa	974450	272575	La nieve me impidió salir.	hundo	The snow prevented me from going out.	Dejo	1
tur	4580700	272575	Kar dışarı çıkmamı engelledi.	duran	The snow prevented me from going out.	Dejo	1
deu	2418661	50313	Der Supermarkt öffnet um zehn Uhr.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	The supermarket opens at ten o'clock.	CK	1
ind	3864940	50313	Supermarketnya buka jam sepuluh tepat.	orion17	The supermarket opens at ten o'clock.	CK	1
ita	1271960	50313	Il supermercato apre alle dieci.	ValentinaM	The supermarket opens at ten o'clock.	CK	1
jpn	213029	50313	スーパーは10時に開店します。	tommy_san	The supermarket opens at ten o'clock.	CK	1
mkd	4108142	50313	Супермаркетот отвора во десет часот.	123xyz	The supermarket opens at ten o'clock.	CK	1
por	1926630	50313	O supermercado abre às dez horas.	alexmarcelo	The supermarket opens at ten o'clock.	CK	1
rus	2874538	50313	Супермаркет открывается в десять часов.	marafon	The supermarket opens at ten o'clock.	CK	1
spa	2023093	50313	El supermercado abre a las diez.	Shishir	The supermarket opens at ten o'clock.	CK	1
tur	1711468	50313	Supermarket saat onda açılır.	duran	The supermarket opens at ten o'clock.	CK	1
cmn	787596	20352	气温突然下降了。	fucongcong	The temperature has suddenly dropped.	CK	1
deu	478442	20352	Die Temperatur ist plötzlich gefallen.	Espi	The temperature has suddenly dropped.	CK	1
fra	341816	20352	La température a soudainement baissé.	TRANG	The temperature has suddenly dropped.	CK	1
ita	3589581	20352	La temperatura è calata all'improvviso.	Guybrush88	The temperature has suddenly dropped.	CK	1
ita	3589582	20352	La temperatura è calata improvvisamente.	Guybrush88	The temperature has suddenly dropped.	CK	1
jpn	183230	20352	気温が急に下がった。	bunbuku	The temperature has suddenly dropped.	CK	1
nld	755065	20352	De temperatuur daalde plotseling.	LaraCroft	The temperature has suddenly dropped.	CK	1
por	1846760	20352	A temperatura caiu de repente.	alexmarcelo	The temperature has suddenly dropped.	CK	1
rus	2146031	20352	Температура внезапно понизилась.	Lenin_1917	The temperature has suddenly dropped.	CK	1
spa	1431271	20352	La temperatura cayó repentinamente.	marcelostockle	The temperature has suddenly dropped.	CK	1
tur	1055715	20352	Sıcaklık aniden düştü.	duran	The temperature has suddenly dropped.	CK	1
deu	755992	681885	Die Terroristen ließen die Geiseln frei.	Zaghawa	The terrorists released the hostages.	Source_VOA	1
fra	898790	681885	Les terroristes ont relâché les otages.	phil77	The terrorists released the hostages.	Source_VOA	1
heb	1564671	681885	הטרוריסטים שחררו את בני הערובה.	Eldad	The terrorists released the hostages.	Source_VOA	1
heb	1564672	681885	המחבלים שחררו את בני הערובה.	Eldad	The terrorists released the hostages.	Source_VOA	1
ita	3862211	681885	I terroristi hanno rilasciato gli ostaggi.	Guybrush88	The terrorists released the hostages.	Source_VOA	1
ita	4472275	681885	I terroristi rilasciarono gli ostaggi.	Guybrush88	The terrorists released the hostages.	Source_VOA	1
jpn	1240894	681885	テロリストは人質を解放した。	mookeee	The terrorists released the hostages.	Source_VOA	1
pol	898816	681885	Terroryści uwolnili zakładników.	zipangu	The terrorists released the hostages.	Source_VOA	1
rus	4635017	681885	Террористы освободили заложников.	odexed	The terrorists released the hostages.	Source_VOA	1
spa	3126492	681885	Los terroristas liberaron a los rehenes.	marcelostockle	The terrorists released the hostages.	Source_VOA	1
tur	1061727	681885	Teröristler rehineleri serbest bıraktı.	duran	The terrorists released the hostages.	Source_VOA	1
dan	2292768	326192	Toget består af 15 vogne.	danepo	The train is made up of fifteen cars.	CK	1
deu	366402	326192	Der Zug besteht aus 15 Wagons.	Wolf	The train is made up of fifteen cars.	CK	1
deu	609180	326192	Der Zug besteht aus fünfzehn Waggons.	al_ex_an_der	The train is made up of fifteen cars.	CK	1
ell	1365804	326192	Το τρένο αποτελείται από 15 βαγόνια.	enteka	The train is made up of fifteen cars.	CK	1
hin	450306	326192	रेलगाड़ी में १५ डब्बे हैं।	minshirui	The train is made up of fifteen cars.	CK	1
jpn	77527	326192	列車は15両編成だ。	mookeee	The train is made up of fifteen cars.	CK	1
nld	448595	326192	De trein bestaat uit vijftien wagons.	koosscharroo	The train is made up of fifteen cars.	CK	1
tur	1711486	326192	Tren on beş vagondan oluşmuştu.	duran	The train is made up of fifteen cars.	CK	1
tur	1921381	326192	Tren on beş vagondan oluşuyor.	freefighter	The train is made up of fifteen cars.	CK	1
bul	2378310	1397763	Братята близнаци си приличат напълно.	korobo4ka	The twin brothers look exactly alike.	CK	1
deu	1813557	1397763	Die Zwillingsbrüder sehen völlig gleich aus.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	The twin brothers look exactly alike.	CK	1
jpn	208373	1397763	その双子の兄弟はそっくりだ。	bunbuku	The twin brothers look exactly alike.	CK	1
nld	1480660	1397763	De tweelingbroers zien er precies hetzelfde uit.	Citrine	The twin brothers look exactly alike.	CK	1
tur	1711492	1397763	İkiz erkek kardeşler tam olarak benziyorlar.	duran	The twin brothers look exactly alike.	CK	1
deu	1902959	44633	Die zwei Brüder sind sich sehr ähnlich.	Tamy	The two brothers are very much alike.	CK	1
jpn	628628	44633	二人の兄弟はとても似ている。	arihato	The two brothers are very much alike.	CK	1
rus	3621019	44633	Два брата очень похожи.	sharptoothed	The two brothers are very much alike.	CK	1
spa	611335	44633	Los dos hermanos son muy parecidos.	Leono	The two brothers are very much alike.	CK	1
tur	1068796	44633	İki erkek kardeş birbirine çok benzer.	duran	The two brothers are very much alike.	CK	1
deu	2667767	57382	Der Ausblick aus diesem Zimmer ist wundervoll.	Tamy	The view from this room is wonderful.	CK	1
deu	2667768	57382	Das Zimmer hat einen wundervollen Ausblick.	Tamy	The view from this room is wonderful.	CK	1
hun	4762676	57382	Ebből a szobából csodás kilátás nyílik.	bandeirante	The view from this room is wonderful.	CK	1
ind	3963675	57382	Pemandangan dari kamar ini sangat bagus.	orion17	The view from this room is wonderful.	CK	1
jpn	220063	57382	この部屋からの眺めはすばらしい。	tommy_san	The view from this room is wonderful.	CK	1
rus	1118463	57382	Вид из этой комнаты чудесный.	mpffll	The view from this room is wonderful.	CK	1
spa	1795646	57382	La vista desde esta habitación es maravillosa.	hayastan	The view from this room is wonderful.	CK	1
tur	1711499	57382	Bu odanın manzarası harika.	duran	The view from this room is wonderful.	CK	1
ita	4090963	4051760	Oggi il tempo a Boston è ottimo.	Guybrush88	The weather in Boston today is great.	tatostone	1
jpn	3984862	4051760	今日のボストンは素晴らしい天気です。	tommy_san	The weather in Boston today is great.	tatostone	1

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