English Sentences with Audio from the Tatoeba Project
Page 7730

spa	1693601	906883	¿Cuál es tu equipo de fútbol favorito?	marcelostockle	What's your favorite soccer team?	CK	1
tur	1618969	906883	Gözde futbol takımın nedir?	duran	What's your favorite soccer team?	CK	1
jpn	1052652	906899	あなたの大好きな夏の食べ物は何ですか。	bunbuku	What's your favorite summer food?	CK	1
tur	1455027	906899	Senin favori yaz yiyeceğin nedir?	duran	What's your favorite summer food?	CK	1
ita	1249311	906910	Qual è la tua cosa preferita da fare?	Guybrush88	What's your favorite thing to do?	CK	1
ita	1249315	906910	Qual è la sua cosa preferita da fare?	Guybrush88	What's your favorite thing to do?	CK	1
ita	1249316	906910	Qual è la vostra cosa preferita da fare?	Guybrush88	What's your favorite thing to do?	CK	1
jpn	2112238	906910	あなたの好きなことは何ですか。	bunbuku	What's your favorite thing to do?	CK	1
rus	2807090	906910	Что ты любишь делать больше всего?	Ooneykcall	What's your favorite thing to do?	CK	1
rus	2807091	906910	Чем ты больше всего любишь заниматься?	Ooneykcall	What's your favorite thing to do?	CK	1
rus	2807092	906910	Чем вы больше всего любите заниматься?	Ooneykcall	What's your favorite thing to do?	CK	1
rus	2807093	906910	Что вы любите делать больше всего?	Ooneykcall	What's your favorite thing to do?	CK	1
tur	1618975	906910	Yapacak gözde şeyiniz nedir?	duran	What's your favorite thing to do?	CK	1
rus	3380401	906915	Какое твоё любимое время дня?	odexed	What's your favorite time of day?	CK	1
spa	1340895	906915	¿Cuál es tu momento del día preferido?	hayastan	What's your favorite time of day?	CK	1
tur	1618979	906915	Günün en sevdiğiniz vakti nedir?	duran	What's your favorite time of day?	CK	1
ita	1461268	906950	Qual è la tua canzone preferita degli ZZ Top?	Guybrush88	What's your favorite ZZ Top song?	CK	1
ita	1461269	906950	Qual è la sua canzone preferita degli ZZ Top?	Guybrush88	What's your favorite ZZ Top song?	CK	1
ita	1461271	906950	Qual è la vostra canzone preferita degli ZZ Top?	Guybrush88	What's your favorite ZZ Top song?	CK	1
nds	907402	906950	Wat is dien leevst Leed von ZZ Top?	slomox	What's your favorite ZZ Top song?	CK	1
tur	1618993	906950	Favori ZZTop şarkın nedir?	duran	What's your favorite ZZ Top song?	CK	1
deu	2869697	2540743	Wie lautet der Mädchenname Ihrer Mutter?	Pfirsichbaeumchen	What's your mother's maiden name?	CK	1
jpn	2868653	2540743	お母様の旧姓は何ですか?	tommy_san	What's your mother's maiden name?	CK	1
rus	3175012	2540743	Какая девичья фамилия была у твоей матери?	Selena777	What's your mother's maiden name?	CK	1
tur	3455029	2540743	Annenin kızlık soyadı nedir?	deyta	What's your mother's maiden name?	CK	1
tur	3852092	3826073	Boston'a ne zaman geri gidiyoruz?	duran	When are we going back to Boston?	CK	1
por	4368350	3181578	Quando você vai falar comigo?	ajdavidl	When are you going to talk to me?	CK	1
tur	4377386	3181578	Benimle ne zaman konuşacaksın?	duran	When are you going to talk to me?	CK	1
cat	1519278	977245	On ens podem tornar a veure?	calogero	When can we see each other again?	Ronin1134	1
jpn	941193	977245	今度はいつ会えるの?	bunbuku	When can we see each other again?	Ronin1134	1
por	2748670	977245	Quando poderemos nos ver de novo?	Ricardo14	When can we see each other again?	Ronin1134	1
por	4726304	977245	Quando nós poderemos nos ver de novo?	Ricardo14	When can we see each other again?	Ronin1134	1
por	4726306	977245	Quando poderemos nos ver novamente?	Ricardo14	When can we see each other again?	Ronin1134	1
por	4726307	977245	Quando nós poderemos nos ver novamente?	Ricardo14	When can we see each other again?	Ronin1134	1
rus	2325809	977245	Когда мы сможем увидеться в следующий раз?	sharptoothed	When can we see each other again?	Ronin1134	1
spa	988590	977245	¿Cuándo podemos volvernos a ver?	Shishir	When can we see each other again?	Ronin1134	1
spa	1048197	977245	¿Cuándo podemos vernos otra vez?	Narda	When can we see each other again?	Ronin1134	1
spa	1206127	977245	¿Cuándo podemos volver a vernos?	Shishir	When can we see each other again?	Ronin1134	1
tur	1060482	977245	Ne zaman tekrar birbirimizi görebiliriz?	duran	When can we see each other again?	Ronin1134	1
ber	1696396	310503	Melmi ay teffeɣ seg tneɣrit?	Amastan	When did she leave the classroom?	CK	1
fra	452642	310503	Quand a-t-elle quitté la salle de classe ?	sacredceltic	When did she leave the classroom?	CK	1
ita	1616385	310503	Quand'è che se n'è andata dall'aula?	hitori37	When did she leave the classroom?	CK	1
jpn	993756	310503	彼女はいつ教室を出たんですか?	mookeee	When did she leave the classroom?	CK	1
spa	1357728	310503	¿Cuándo salió de la sala?	marcelostockle	When did she leave the classroom?	CK	1
tur	1455029	310503	O, sınıftan ne zaman ayrıldı?	duran	When did she leave the classroom?	CK	1
ber	1690104	316257	Melmi ay tṛeggem akken ad t-temlil?	Amastan	When did she promise to meet him?	CK	1
cmn	332995	316257	她答应几时见他?	fucongcong	When did she promise to meet him?	CK	1
heb	1486711	316257	מתי היא הבטיחה לפגוש אותו?	MrShoval	When did she promise to meet him?	CK	1
jpn	2103939	316257	彼女はいつ彼と会う約束をしたのですか。	bunbuku	When did she promise to meet him?	CK	1
tur	1624153	316257	Onunla buluşmak için ne zaman söz verdi?	duran	When did she promise to meet him?	CK	1
ara	507407	66006	متى غيرت عنوانك؟	saeb	When did you change your address?	CK	1
bel	465808	66006	Калі ты змяніла адрас?	Demetrius2	When did you change your address?	CK	1
ber	1696401	66006	Melmi ay tbeddleḍ tansa-nnek?	Amastan	When did you change your address?	CK	1
cmn	874225	66006	你什麼時候更改了你的地址?	Martha	When did you change your address?	CK	1
fra	1358893	66006	Quand avez-vous changé d'adresse ?	sacredceltic	When did you change your address?	CK	1
fra	1358895	66006	Quand as-tu changé d'adresse ?	sacredceltic	When did you change your address?	CK	1
heb	1386337	66006	מתי שינית כתובת?	MrShoval	When did you change your address?	CK	1
heb	1386339	66006	מתי החלפת מען?	MrShoval	When did you change your address?	CK	1
ita	951935	66006	Quando hai cambiato indirizzo?	riccioberto	When did you change your address?	CK	1
mar	2674282	66006	तुम्ही आपला पत्ता कधी बदलला?	sabretou	When did you change your address?	CK	1
mar	2674284	66006	तू तुझा पत्ता कधी बदललास?	sabretou	When did you change your address?	CK	1
spa	1809336	66006	¿Cuándo cambiaste tu dirección?	marcelostockle	When did you change your address?	CK	1
tur	1455030	66006	Adresini ne zaman değiştirdin?	duran	When did you change your address?	CK	1
jpn	3616163	3181830	おたくの赤ちゃん、いつからお喋りを始めましたか?	arnab	When did your baby start talking?	CK	1
rus	4875510	3181830	Когда ваш ребёнок начал говорить?	odexed	When did your baby start talking?	CK	1
rus	4875511	3181830	Когда твой ребёнок начал говорить?	odexed	When did your baby start talking?	CK	1
rus	4875513	3181830	Когда твой ребёнок заговорил?	odexed	When did your baby start talking?	CK	1
rus	4875514	3181830	Когда ваш ребёнок заговорил?	odexed	When did your baby start talking?	CK	1
tur	3388853	3181830	Bebeğin ne zaman konuşmaya başladı?	deyta	When did your baby start talking?	CK	1
aze	4108846	327396	Mən oyananda maşında idim.	vertigo93	When I woke up, I was in the car.	CM	1
deu	1444941	327396	Als ich aufwachte, war ich im Auto.	al_ex_an_der	When I woke up, I was in the car.	CM	1
fin	824510	327396	Kun heräsin olin autossa.	ondo	When I woke up, I was in the car.	CM	1
hun	824514	327396	Mikor felkeltem, az autóban voltam.	mailtotib	When I woke up, I was in the car.	CM	1
jpn	76324	327396	俺が気づいたとき、俺は車の中にいた。	mookeee	When I woke up, I was in the car.	CM	1
jpn	1088535	327396	目が覚めると車の中だった。	mookeee	When I woke up, I was in the car.	CM	1
kha	3929688	327396	Ynda nga lah kyndit, nga lah don ha kali.	Russell_Ranae	When I woke up, I was in the car.	CM	1
rus	811658	327396	Когда я проснулся, я был в машине.	afyodor	When I woke up, I was in the car.	CM	1
spa	1443880	327396	Cuando me desperté, estaba en el coche.	el_vecino	When I woke up, I was in the car.	CM	1
tur	2307013	327396	Uyandığımda arabadaydım.	Gulo_Luscus	When I woke up, I was in the car.	CM	1
deu	426776	318316	Wenn Eis schmilzt, wird es Wasser.	MUIRIEL	When ice melts, it becomes water.	CK	1
fra	426629	318316	Quand la glace fond, elle se transforme en eau.	gall	When ice melts, it becomes water.	CK	1
ita	380650	318316	Quando il ghiaccio si scioglie, diventa acqua.	Pharamp	When ice melts, it becomes water.	CK	1
jpn	85396	318316	氷が溶けると水になる。	mookeee	When ice melts, it becomes water.	CK	1
nld	1111266	318316	IJs wordt water wanneer het smelt.	megamanenm	When ice melts, it becomes water.	CK	1
pol	582154	318316	Kiedy lód się topi, zmienia się w wodę.	Bilberry	When ice melts, it becomes water.	CK	1
por	950884	318316	Quando o gelo se derrete, vira água.	alexmarcelo	When ice melts, it becomes water.	CK	1
rus	3336154	318316	Когда лёд тает, он превращается в воду.	odexed	When ice melts, it becomes water.	CK	1
spa	1359798	318316	Cuando el hielo se derrite, se convierte en agua.	marcelostockle	When ice melts, it becomes water.	CK	1
tur	1031303	318316	Buz erirse, su olur.	duran	When ice melts, it becomes water.	CK	1
hun	4828814	4828503	Mikor aludtál utoljára?	bandeirante	When was the last time you slept?	Hybrid	1
tur	4798912	4828503	En son ne zaman uyudun?	deyta	When was the last time you slept?	Hybrid	1
ber	2705134	65993	Melmi ad tmegred irden-nnek?	Amastan	When will you harvest your wheat?	CK	1
ber	2705135	65993	Melmi ad tmegred irden-nnem?	Amastan	When will you harvest your wheat?	CK	1
ber	2705136	65993	Melmi ad tmegrem irden-nwen?	Amastan	When will you harvest your wheat?	CK	1
ber	2705137	65993	Melmi ad tmegremt irden-nwent?	Amastan	When will you harvest your wheat?	CK	1
deu	747018	65993	Wann wirst du deinen Weizen ernten?	Manfredo	When will you harvest your wheat?	CK	1
fra	387935	65993	Quand allez-vous moissonner les blés ?	hortusdei	When will you harvest your wheat?	CK	1
heb	1431141	65993	מתי תקצרו את החיטה?	MrShoval	When will you harvest your wheat?	CK	1
nds	889103	65993	Wannehr wullt du dien Weten oosten?	slomox	When will you harvest your wheat?	CK	1
pol	1353775	65993	Kiedy żniwa?	Ollie1337	When will you harvest your wheat?	CK	1

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