English Sentences with Audio from the Tatoeba Project
Page 7450

spa	1353047	44680	El camino es muy estrecho para los autos.	marcelostockle	The road is too narrow for cars.	CK	1
tur	1068911	44680	Yol arabalar için çok dar.	duran	The road is too narrow for cars.	CK	1
ukr	505288	44680	Ця дорога завузька для автомобілів.	deniko	The road is too narrow for cars.	CK	1
ukr	3014041	44680	Дорога занадто вузька для машин.	quez	The road is too narrow for cars.	CK	1
por	4796715	4664798	A estrada estava em construção.	carlosalberto	The road was under construction.	CK	1
spa	4797528	4664798	La carretera estaba en construcción.	DarkHollow	The road was under construction.	CK	1
tur	4839180	4664798	Yol yapım aşamasındaydı.	duran	The road was under construction.	CK	1
ber	1758896	405710	Ddiɛaya-nni telfa-d d tidet.	Amastan	The rumor turned out to be true.	CK	1
cmn	896517	405710	這個傳聞後來被證明是真的了。	Martha	The rumor turned out to be true.	CK	1
dan	3156853	405710	Rygtet viste sig at være sandt.	danepo	The rumor turned out to be true.	CK	1
deu	397865	405710	Das Gerücht stellte sich als wahr heraus.	xtofu80	The rumor turned out to be true.	CK	1
deu	1620494	405710	Das Gerücht erwies sich letztendlich als wahr.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	The rumor turned out to be true.	CK	1
heb	1422898	405710	השמועה התבררה כנכונה.	Eldad	The rumor turned out to be true.	CK	1
hin	487495	405710	वह अफ़वाह सच निकली।	minshirui	The rumor turned out to be true.	CK	1
jpn	237386	405710	その噂は本当だとわかった。	mookeee	The rumor turned out to be true.	CK	1
spa	1231096	405710	El rumor resultó ser cierto.	marcelostockle	The rumor turned out to be true.	CK	1
tgl	1719859	405710	Tunay pala yung tsismis.	nonong	The rumor turned out to be true.	CK	1
tur	1425280	405710	Söylentinin gerçek olduğu çıktı.	duran	The rumor turned out to be true.	CK	1
urd	1515446	405710	وہ افواہ سچی نکلی۔	nabeel_tahir	The rumor turned out to be true.	CK	1
ber	3131131	3131042	D aya ay yeḍran ula deg 2013.	Amastan	The same thing happened in 2013.	CK	1
ber	3131132	3131042	D aya ay yeḍran ula deg sin n yigiman ed kraḍ.	Amastan	The same thing happened in 2013.	CK	1
bul	3131282	3131042	Същото се случи 2013-та.	GeorgiO	The same thing happened in 2013.	CK	1
bul	3131287	3131042	Същото стана 2013-та.	GeorgiO	The same thing happened in 2013.	CK	1
rus	3131052	3131042	То же самое произошло в 2013 году.	marafon	The same thing happened in 2013.	CK	1
rus	3131063	3131042	То же самое было в 2013 году.	marafon	The same thing happened in 2013.	CK	1
tur	4731834	3131042	Aynı şey 2013'te oldu.	duran	The same thing happened in 2013.	CK	1
ces	3204263	21535	Škola udělila Mary cenu.	nueby	The school awarded Mary a prize.	CK	1
deu	445068	21535	Die Schule sprach Mary einen Preis zu.	landano	The school awarded Mary a prize.	CK	1
spa	1370366	21535	La escuela le otorgó un premio a Mary.	marcelostockle	The school awarded Mary a prize.	CK	1
tur	1237616	21535	Okul Mary'yi bir ödülle ödüllendirdi.	duran	The school awarded Mary a prize.	CK	1
deu	1963917	1963149	Das Schiff hat noch nicht einmal angelegt.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	The ship hasn't even docked yet.	CK	1
fin	2780704	1963149	Laiva ei ole vielä edes kiinnittynyt laituriin.	Kalle63	The ship hasn't even docked yet.	CK	1
fra	1965515	1963149	Le navire n'est même pas encore à quai.	sacredceltic	The ship hasn't even docked yet.	CK	1
fra	1965516	1963149	Le navire n'est même pas encore amarré.	sacredceltic	The ship hasn't even docked yet.	CK	1
swe	1963847	1963149	Skeppet har inte ens dockat än.	herrsilen	The ship hasn't even docked yet.	CK	1
por	2977978	4664797	A situação está fora de controle.	alexmarcelo	The situation is out of control.	CK	1
rus	2992860	4664797	Ситуация вышла из-под контроля.	odexed	The situation is out of control.	CK	1
tur	4748999	4664797	Durum kontrolden çıkıyor.	deyta	The situation is out of control.	CK	1
deu	656298	684754	Der Laden ist auch nachts geöffnet.	kolonjano	The store is also open at night.	notrwanda	1
hun	4848698	684754	Az üzlet éjjel is nyitva van.	Muelisto	The store is also open at night.	notrwanda	1
ita	2710572	684754	Il negozio è aperto anche alla sera.	Guybrush88	The store is also open at night.	notrwanda	1
ita	2710573	684754	Il negozio è aperto anche alla notte.	Guybrush88	The store is also open at night.	notrwanda	1
jpn	660820	684754	店は夜もやっています。	arihato	The store is also open at night.	notrwanda	1
deu	1544338	1293100	Das Gewitter verursachte einen Stromausfall.	al_ex_an_der	The storm caused a power outage.	CK	1
deu	1544339	1293100	Das Gewitter hat einen Stromausfall verursacht.	al_ex_an_der	The storm caused a power outage.	CK	1
fra	1293454	1293100	La tempête a provoqué une panne d'électricité.	sacredceltic	The storm caused a power outage.	CK	1
fra	1544563	1293100	L'orage a causé une coupure de courant.	sacredceltic	The storm caused a power outage.	CK	1
fra	1544564	1293100	L'orage a occasionné une coupure de courant.	sacredceltic	The storm caused a power outage.	CK	1
heb	3227805	1293100	הסערה גרמה להפסקת חשמל.	nava	The storm caused a power outage.	CK	1
jpn	78458	1293100	嵐で停電した。	mookeee	The storm caused a power outage.	CK	1
pol	3430132	1293100	Burza spowodowała przerwę w dostawie prądu.	konrad509	The storm caused a power outage.	CK	1
por	1326830	1293100	A tempestade provocou uma queda de eletricidade.	alexmarcelo	The storm caused a power outage.	CK	1
spa	1426324	1293100	Se cortó la luz gracias a la tormenta.	marcelostockle	The storm caused a power outage.	CK	1
tur	1438445	1293100	Fırtına bir elektrik kesintisine neden oldu.	duran	The storm caused a power outage.	CK	1
cat	876058	277247	El Sol apareix a l'horitzont.	ziggsmith	The sun appeared on the horizon.	CK	1
jpn	3467074	277247	地平線から太陽が顔を出した。	arnab	The sun appeared on the horizon.	CK	1
rus	3332308	277247	Солнце показалось на горизонте.	Biga	The sun appeared on the horizon.	CK	1
spa	1669057	277247	El sol apareció en el horizonte.	teskmon	The sun appeared on the horizon.	CK	1
tur	1421261	277247	Güneş ufukta göründü.	duran	The sun appeared on the horizon.	CK	1
ukr	915641	277247	Сонце з'явилося на горизонті.	ascolto	The sun appeared on the horizon.	CK	1
tur	4305181	4012212	Öğretmen Tom'a susmasını söyledi.	duran	The teacher told Tom to shut up.	CK	1
deu	2351853	2259459	Der dritte Akt fängt gleich an.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	The third act is about to begin.	_undertoad	1
spa	2259460	2259459	Ahora va a empezar el tercer acto.	hayastan	The third act is about to begin.	_undertoad	1
aze	3995029	326146	Qatar gözdən itdi.	vertigo93	The train disappeared from view.	CK	1
bel	4046706	326146	Цягнік знік з вачэй.	Impersonator	The train disappeared from view.	CK	1
jpn	77572	326146	列車が視界から消えた。	mookeee	The train disappeared from view.	CK	1
por	4888764	326146	O trem se perdeu de vista.	carlosalberto	The train disappeared from view.	CK	1
rus	532199	326146	Поезд скрылся из виду.	ae5s	The train disappeared from view.	CK	1
spa	2364631	326146	El tren se perdió de vista.	Shishir	The train disappeared from view.	CK	1
tur	1067969	326146	Tren gözden kayboldu.	duran	The train disappeared from view.	CK	1
ber	1762214	326201	Imir-a kan ay d-tuweḍ tmacint ɣer da.	Amastan	The train has just arrived here.	CK	1
jpn	77494	326201	列車は今着いたばかりです。	mookeee	The train has just arrived here.	CK	1
jpn	77518	326201	列車はたった今ついたばかりです。	mookeee	The train has just arrived here.	CK	1
por	2805969	326201	O trem acabou de chegar aqui.	MarlonX19	The train has just arrived here.	CK	1
rus	4656606	326201	Поезд только что прибыл сюда.	odexed	The train has just arrived here.	CK	1
spa	1591013	326201	El tren acaba de llegar aquí.	teskmon	The train has just arrived here.	CK	1
tur	1425067	326201	Tren buraya az önce vardı.	duran	The train has just arrived here.	CK	1
ell	4703614	4703140	Το τρένο θα έρθει σύντομα, έτσι;	pinkmpnster	The train will come soon, right?	tatostone	1
hun	4703488	4703140	Nemsokára jön a vonat, igaz?	maaster	The train will come soon, right?	tatostone	1
por	4810627	4703140	O trem vai chegar logo, certo?	Ricardo14	The train will come soon, right?	tatostone	1
tur	4736806	4703140	Tren yakında gelecek, değil mi?	duran	The train will come soon, right?	tatostone	1
fra	1356205	404266	Ils sont tous les deux dans la pièce.	sacredceltic	The two of them are in the room.	CK	1
jpn	404099	404266	二人は部屋にいます。	qahwa	The two of them are in the room.	CK	1
nld	3243469	404266	Ze zijn beiden in de kamer.	PaulP	The two of them are in the room.	CK	1
spa	1408377	404266	Los dos están en la pieza.	marcelostockle	The two of them are in the room.	CK	1
tur	1425278	404266	Onlardan ikisi odadadır.	duran	The two of them are in the room.	CK	1
deu	2711837	3785270	Endlich sind wir nur für uns zwei!	Pfirsichbaeumchen	The two of us are finally alone.	CK	1
deu	3794967	3785270	Endlich sind wir beide allein(e).	Tickler	The two of us are finally alone.	CK	1
deu	3794968	3785270	Endlich sind wir beide für uns.	Tickler	The two of us are finally alone.	CK	1
fra	3787523	3785270	Nous sommes enfin seuls.	Danquebec	The two of us are finally alone.	CK	1
fra	3787524	3785270	Nous sommes enfin seules.	Danquebec	The two of us are finally alone.	CK	1
jpn	2710692	3785270	やっと二人っきりになれたね。	tommy_san	The two of us are finally alone.	CK	1
jpn	3782777	3785270	やっと二人になれたね。	tommy_san	The two of us are finally alone.	CK	1
mkd	4205449	3785270	Конечно останавме сами ние двајца.	123xyz	The two of us are finally alone.	CK	1
rus	2716003	3785270	Наконец-то мы остались вдвоем.	sharptoothed	The two of us are finally alone.	CK	1
swe	3793867	3785270	Äntligen är vi två ensamma.	herrsilen	The two of us are finally alone.	CK	1
tur	3979844	3785270	İkimiz nihayet yalnızız.	duran	The two of us are finally alone.	CK	1
cmn	872488	72638	三年後戰爭開始了。	Martha	The war began three years later.	CK	1
est	1403733	72638	Sõda algas kolm aastat hiljem.	Nuella	The war began three years later.	CK	1
fra	1906928	72638	La guerre commença trois ans après.	Wakano	The war began three years later.	CK	1

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