English Sentences with Audio from the Tatoeba Project
Page 6120

0	0	3223014	0	0	Would you care to sit down?	CK	1
ber	1627671	274198	Ulac aɣilif ma tɣelqeḍ tazewwut?	Amastan	Would you close the window?	CK	1
cmn	844647	274198	請您把窗戶關起來好嗎?	Martha	Would you close the window?	CK	1
fra	588022	274198	Voudriez-vous fermer la fenêtre ?	sacredceltic	Would you close the window?	CK	1
heb	574776	274198	סגור את החלון בבקשה.	Eldad	Would you close the window?	CK	1
heb	588031	274198	תוכל לסגור את החלון?	Eldad	Would you close the window?	CK	1
heb	588032	274198	תוכלי לסגור את החלון, בבקשה?	Eldad	Would you close the window?	CK	1
ita	3151843	274198	Chiuderesti la finestra?	Guybrush88	Would you close the window?	CK	1
ita	3151844	274198	Chiudereste la finestra?	Guybrush88	Would you close the window?	CK	1
ita	3151845	274198	Chiuderebbe la finestra?	Guybrush88	Would you close the window?	CK	1
jpn	993933	274198	窓を閉めていただけませんか?	mookeee	Would you close the window?	CK	1
nob	2935179	274198	Kunne du lukket vinduet?	eirik174	Would you close the window?	CK	1
tur	1315939	274198	Pencereyi kapatır mısın?	duran	Would you close the window?	CK	1
tur	3878135	3823548	İçeri geri gelir misin?	duran	Would you come back inside?	CK	1
ber	1631480	31465	Ulac aɣilif ma tɛawdeḍ tesfehmeḍ-t-id?	Amastan	Would you explain it again?	CK	1
deu	1699149	31465	Könntest du das noch einmal erklären?	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Would you explain it again?	CK	1
deu	1699151	31465	Könnten Sie das noch einmal erklären?	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Would you explain it again?	CK	1
hun	2019612	31465	Elmagyarázná ezt még egyszer?	Muelisto	Would you explain it again?	CK	1
hun	2019617	31465	Elmagyaráznád ezt még egyszer?	Muelisto	Would you explain it again?	CK	1
rus	1607615	31465	Не объясните это ещё раз?	Biga	Would you explain it again?	CK	1
tur	1308089	31465	Tekrar açıklayabilir misiniz?	duran	Would you explain it again?	CK	1
rus	2899851	2892979	Возьмёшь вон тот, пожалуйста?	astynk	Would you get that, please?	CK	1
tur	3010438	2892979	Onu alır mısın lütfen?	duran	Would you get that, please?	CK	1
hun	3694218	3305298	Ideadnád nekem a könyvet?	alaptibor	Would you give me the book?	oyd11	1
tur	3493603	3305298	Kitabı bana verir misin?	deyta	Would you give me the book?	oyd11	1
heb	4752573	2543896	את מוכנה לעזור לי פה?	fekundulo	Would you help me out here?	CK	1
heb	4752575	2543896	אתה מוכן לעזור לי פה?	fekundulo	Would you help me out here?	CK	1
heb	4752576	2543896	אתם מוכנים לעזור לי פה?	fekundulo	Would you help me out here?	CK	1
mkd	4276545	2543896	Ќе ми помогнеш ли?	123xyz	Would you help me out here?	CK	1
tur	4606047	2543896	Bana burada yardım eder misin?	duran	Would you help me out here?	CK	1
tur	1588032	4014393	Bir dakika bekler misin?	duran	Would you hold on a minute?	CK	1
cmn	1438613	1075505	能借我支铅笔吗?	asosan	Would you lend me a pencil?	CK	1
fra	1339984	1075505	Me prêterais-tu un crayon ?	sacredceltic	Would you lend me a pencil?	CK	1
fra	1339985	1075505	Me prêteriez-vous un crayon ?	sacredceltic	Would you lend me a pencil?	CK	1
heb	1988063	1075505	תוכל להשאיל לי עיפרון?	MrShoval	Would you lend me a pencil?	CK	1
ita	1438649	1075505	Mi presteresti una matita?	Guybrush88	Would you lend me a pencil?	CK	1
ita	1438650	1075505	Mi prestereste una matita?	Guybrush88	Would you lend me a pencil?	CK	1
ita	1438651	1075505	Mi presterebbe una matita?	Guybrush88	Would you lend me a pencil?	CK	1
jpn	1075172	1075505	鉛筆貸してくんない?	mookeee	Would you lend me a pencil?	CK	1
pol	2301530	1075505	Pożyczyłabyś mi ołówek?	liori	Would you lend me a pencil?	CK	1
rus	2447600	1075505	Не одолжишь мне карандаш?	sharptoothed	Would you lend me a pencil?	CK	1
tur	1324013	1075505	Bana bir kurşun kalem ödünç verir misin?	duran	Would you lend me a pencil?	CK	1
fin	3583769	33770	Saanko lainata kynääsi?	Silja	Would you lend me your pen?	CK	1
fin	3583771	33770	Antaisitko minulle kynän lainaan?	Silja	Would you lend me your pen?	CK	1
fra	835078	33770	Me prêterais-tu ton stylo ?	sacredceltic	Would you lend me your pen?	CK	1
heb	1988064	33770	תוכל להשאיל לי את העט שלך?	MrShoval	Would you lend me your pen?	CK	1
isl	387933	33770	Gætirðu lánað mér pennann þinn?	Swift	Would you lend me your pen?	CK	1
ita	3595421	33770	Mi presteresti la tua biro?	Guybrush88	Would you lend me your pen?	CK	1
ita	3595422	33770	Mi presteresti la tua penna?	Guybrush88	Would you lend me your pen?	CK	1
ita	3595424	33770	Mi prestereste la vostra biro?	Guybrush88	Would you lend me your pen?	CK	1
ita	3595425	33770	Mi prestereste la vostra penna?	Guybrush88	Would you lend me your pen?	CK	1
ita	3595426	33770	Mi presterebbe la sua biro?	Guybrush88	Would you lend me your pen?	CK	1
ita	3595427	33770	Mi presterebbe la sua penna?	Guybrush88	Would you lend me your pen?	CK	1
jpn	196594	33770	ペンを貸していただけますか。	bunbuku	Would you lend me your pen?	CK	1
jpn	1035876	33770	ペンを貸してもらえますか。	bunbuku	Would you lend me your pen?	CK	1
por	1402653	33770	Você me emprestaria sua caneta?	alexmarcelo	Would you lend me your pen?	CK	1
rus	425196	33770	Можно взять твою ручку?	Olya	Would you lend me your pen?	CK	1
rus	2770344	33770	Ты не мог бы одолжить мне ручку?	marafon	Would you lend me your pen?	CK	1
spa	1402594	33770	¿Me prestarías tu bolígrafo?	marcelostockle	Would you lend me your pen?	CK	1
tur	4852197	33770	Kalemini bana ödünç verir misin?	duran	Would you lend me your pen?	CK	1
tur	3871796	2638991	Bir tane daha ister misiniz?	duran	Would you like another one?	temlat	1
dan	4538232	680221	Kunne du tænke dig en dessert?	danepo	Would you like any dessert?	Source_VOA	1
deu	849567	680221	Möchtest du eine Nachspeise?	jakov	Would you like any dessert?	Source_VOA	1
deu	849568	680221	Hätten Sie gerne eine Nachspeise?	jakov	Would you like any dessert?	Source_VOA	1
rus	2717863	680221	Вы хотите десерт?	Balamax	Would you like any dessert?	Source_VOA	1
spa	1385985	680221	¿Quieres algún postre?	marcelostockle	Would you like any dessert?	Source_VOA	1
tur	1323197	680221	Biraz tatlı ister misiniz?	duran	Would you like any dessert?	Source_VOA	1
por	4034900	4016114	Você gostaria de que eu dirigisse?	alexmarcelo	Would you like me to drive?	CK	1
swe	4443779	4016114	Vill du att jag ska köra?	richke	Would you like me to drive?	CK	1
tur	4250094	4016114	Benim sürmemi ister misin?	duran	Would you like me to drive?	CK	1
ita	4142979	3823097	Vorresti che me ne andassi?	Guybrush88	Would you like me to leave?	CK	1
ita	4142981	3823097	Vorreste che me ne andassi?	Guybrush88	Would you like me to leave?	CK	1
ita	4142982	3823097	Vorrebbe che me ne andassi?	Guybrush88	Would you like me to leave?	CK	1
tur	3872585	3823097	Gitmemi ister misin?	duran	Would you like me to leave?	CK	1
deu	2244115	62210	Möchtest du noch etwas Kaffee?	poogle	Would you like more coffee?	CK	1
deu	2884321	62210	Möchtest du noch Kaffee?	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Would you like more coffee?	CK	1
fin	3228409	62210	Haluaisitko lisää kahvia?	Silja	Would you like more coffee?	CK	1
fra	2307183	62210	Veux-tu encore un peu de café ?	sysko	Would you like more coffee?	CK	1
rus	445115	62210	Вы хотели бы ещё кофе?	Hellerick	Would you like more coffee?	CK	1
tur	1310907	62210	Biraz daha kahve ister misin?	duran	Would you like more coffee?	CK	1
rus	2012772	2012764	Тебе нужен какой-нибудь совет?	Balamax	Would you like some advice?	CK	1
rus	2012773	2012764	Вам нужен какой-нибудь совет?	Balamax	Would you like some advice?	CK	1
tur	3871792	2012764	Biraz tavsiye ister misiniz?	duran	Would you like some advice?	CK	1
bul	760934	62220	Искате ли кафе?	ednorog	Would you like some coffee?	CK	1
deu	341386	62220	Möchtest du eine Tasse Kaffee?	MUIRIEL	Would you like some coffee?	CK	1
deu	427653	62220	Wollen Sie Kaffee?	MUIRIEL	Would you like some coffee?	CK	1
deu	651298	62220	Möchten Sie etwas Kaffee?	samueldora	Would you like some coffee?	CK	1
fra	427633	62220	Voulez-vous du café ?	Archibald	Would you like some coffee?	CK	1
fra	2196250	62220	Voudriez-vous du café ?	sacredceltic	Would you like some coffee?	CK	1
fra	2196251	62220	Voudrais-tu du café ?	sacredceltic	Would you like some coffee?	CK	1
heb	2198744	62220	אתם רוצים קפה?	fekundulo	Would you like some coffee?	CK	1
isl	4009979	62220	Má bjóða þér kaffi?	Bergthor	Would you like some coffee?	CK	1
isl	4009991	62220	Má bjóða ykkur kaffi?	Bergthor	Would you like some coffee?	CK	1
ita	720430	62220	Vuoi dell'altro caffè?	Heracleum	Would you like some coffee?	CK	1
ita	735507	62220	Gradisci del caffè?	antilope	Would you like some coffee?	CK	1
ita	1333604	62220	Vorresti un po' di caffè?	Guybrush88	Would you like some coffee?	CK	1
ita	1333605	62220	Vorreste un po' di caffè?	Guybrush88	Would you like some coffee?	CK	1
ita	1333606	62220	Vorrebbe un po' di caffè?	Guybrush88	Would you like some coffee?	CK	1
nld	2342701	62220	Wil je koffie?	MSWindowsinside	Would you like some coffee?	CK	1
nld	4807504	62220	Wilt u wat koffie?	megamanenm	Would you like some coffee?	CK	1

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