English Sentences with Audio from the Tatoeba Project
Page 6010

pol	4790153	2272434	Tom nie zrozumiał Mary.	jeedrek	Tom didn't understand Mary.	CK	1
por	3493872	2272434	Tom não entendeu Mary.	piterkeo	Tom didn't understand Mary.	CK	1
por	3493873	2272434	Tom não entendia Mary.	piterkeo	Tom didn't understand Mary.	CK	1
rus	3508376	2272434	Том не понял Мэри.	marafon	Tom didn't understand Mary.	CK	1
tur	2503677	2272434	Tom Mary'yi anlamadı.	duran	Tom didn't understand Mary.	CK	1
ita	2822982	2821445	Tom non voleva essere preso.	Guybrush88	Tom didn't want get caught.	CK	1
rus	4258899	2821445	Том не хотел, чтобы его поймали.	marafon	Tom didn't want get caught.	CK	1
rus	4258900	2821445	Том не хотел быть пойманным.	marafon	Tom didn't want get caught.	CK	1
tur	3091481	2821445	Tom yakalanmak istemedi.	duran	Tom didn't want get caught.	CK	1
tur	3970171	3096038	Tom Mary'nin gitmesini istemedi.	duran	Tom didn't want Mary to go.	CK	1
tur	4690444	4665955	Tom burada olmak istemiyordu.	duran	Tom didn't want to be here.	CK	1
tur	3970989	2644002	Tom geç kalmak istemedi.	duran	Tom didn't want to be late.	CK	1
por	3892297	3820221	O Tom não queria fazer aquilo.	muriloricci	Tom didn't want to do that.	CK	1
rus	2530402	3820221	Том не хотел этого делать.	marafon	Tom didn't want to do that.	CK	1
rus	3892153	3820221	Том не захотел этого делать.	marafon	Tom didn't want to do that.	CK	1
spa	1854436	3820221	Tom no quería hacer eso.	Shishir	Tom didn't want to do that.	CK	1
spa	3892322	3820221	Tom no quiso hacer eso.	cueyayotl	Tom didn't want to do that.	CK	1
spa	3892323	3820221	Tom no quería hacer aquello.	cueyayotl	Tom didn't want to do that.	CK	1
tur	1248234	3820221	Tom onu yapmak istemedi.	duran	Tom didn't want to do that.	CK	1
heb	4742381	3153846	תום לא רצה לוותר.	fekundulo	Tom didn't want to give up.	CK	1
rus	4167397	3153846	Том не хотел сдаваться	sharptoothed	Tom didn't want to give up.	CK	1
tur	4179994	3153846	Tom vazgeçmek istemedi.	deyta	Tom didn't want to give up.	CK	1
spa	4167176	2644001	Tom no quería irse a casa.	Shishir	Tom didn't want to go home.	CK	1
tur	3970988	2644001	Tom eve gitmek istemedi.	duran	Tom didn't want to go home.	CK	1
por	4804251	3822637	Tom não queria me ajudar.	bill	Tom didn't want to help me.	CK	1
rus	3990400	3822637	Том не захотел мне помогать.	marafon	Tom didn't want to help me.	CK	1
rus	3990401	3822637	Том не захотел мне помочь.	marafon	Tom didn't want to help me.	CK	1
rus	3990402	3822637	Том не хотел мне помогать.	marafon	Tom didn't want to help me.	CK	1
tur	3886547	3822637	Tom bana yardım etmek istemedi.	duran	Tom didn't want to help me.	CK	1
rus	4205752	4012172	Том не захотел нам помогать.	marafon	Tom didn't want to help us.	CK	1
rus	4205754	4012172	Том не захотел нам помочь.	marafon	Tom didn't want to help us.	CK	1
tur	4305192	4012172	Tom bize yardım etmek istemedi.	duran	Tom didn't want to help us.	CK	1
ita	2822983	2821444	Tom non ha lavato i piatti.	Guybrush88	Tom didn't wash the dishes.	CK	1
por	4800544	2821444	Tom não lavou as louças.	bill	Tom didn't wash the dishes.	CK	1
por	4801469	2821444	Tom não lavou os pratos.	carlosalberto	Tom didn't wash the dishes.	CK	1
rus	3252941	2821444	Том не помыл посуду.	marafon	Tom didn't wash the dishes.	CK	1
tur	3091480	2821444	Tom bulaşıkları yıkamadı.	duran	Tom didn't wash the dishes.	CK	1
ita	3898693	2279390	Tom non ha perso molto tempo.	Guybrush88	Tom didn't waste much time.	CK	1
ita	3898694	2279390	Tom non perse molto tempo.	Guybrush88	Tom didn't waste much time.	CK	1
rus	4196590	2279390	Том не потратил много времени.	odexed	Tom didn't waste much time.	CK	1
tur	2477152	2279390	Tom fazla zaman israf etmedi.	duran	Tom didn't waste much time.	CK	1
hun	4861146	4016581	Tom nem nyerte meg a versenyt.	bandeirante	Tom didn't win the contest.	CK	1
swe	4194104	4016581	Tom vann inte tävlingen.	richke	Tom didn't win the contest.	CK	1
tur	4248936	4016581	Tom yarışmayı kazanmadı.	duran	Tom didn't win the contest.	CK	1
deu	3263784	2471836	Tom sah keinen Ausweg.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom didn’t see a way out.	arnxy20	1
tur	4849128	2471837	Tom ip ucunu almadı.	dursun	Tom didn’t take the hint.	arnxy20	1
deu	1683978	1677826	Tom starb an Tuberkulose.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom died from tuberculosis.	Spamster	1
fra	1692822	1677826	Tom est mort de la tuberculose.	Phoenix	Tom died from tuberculosis.	Spamster	1
heb	1823816	1677826	טום מת משחפת.	MrShoval	Tom died from tuberculosis.	Spamster	1
heb	1823817	1677826	טום מת ממחלת השחפת.	MrShoval	Tom died from tuberculosis.	Spamster	1
ita	1692813	1677826	Tom è morto di tubercolosi.	Guybrush88	Tom died from tuberculosis.	Spamster	1
ita	1692819	1677826	Tom morì di tubercolosi.	Guybrush88	Tom died from tuberculosis.	Spamster	1
mkd	4062537	1677826	Том почина од туберкулоза.	123xyz	Tom died from tuberculosis.	Spamster	1
por	2572008	1677826	O Tom morreu de tuberculose.	alexmarcelo	Tom died from tuberculosis.	Spamster	1
rus	2572973	1677826	Том умер от туберкулёза.	odexed	Tom died from tuberculosis.	Spamster	1
spa	1683067	1677826	Tom murió de tuberculosis.	hayastan	Tom died from tuberculosis.	Spamster	1
tur	2024021	1677826	Tom tüberkülozdan öldü.	duran	Tom died from tuberculosis.	Spamster	1
tur	2710954	3417386	Tom bir araba kazasında öldü.	Gulo_Luscus	Tom died in a car accident.	CK	1
dan	4811440	4497285	Tom døde i Boston i 2013.	danepo	Tom died in Boston in 2013.	CK	1
ita	4557922	4497285	Tom è morto a Boston nel 2013.	Guybrush88	Tom died in Boston in 2013.	CK	1
ita	4557924	4497285	Tom morì a Boston nel 2013.	Guybrush88	Tom died in Boston in 2013.	CK	1
mar	4811444	4497285	टॉम बॉस्टनमध्ये २०१३ साली वारला.	sabretou	Tom died in Boston in 2013.	CK	1
mar	4811445	4497285	टॉम बॉस्टनमध्ये २०१३ साली मेला.	sabretou	Tom died in Boston in 2013.	CK	1
rus	4769612	4497285	Том умер в Бостоне в 2013 году.	marafon	Tom died in Boston in 2013.	CK	1
tur	4743009	4497285	Tom 2013'te Boston'da hayatını kaybetti.	deyta	Tom died in Boston in 2013.	CK	1
deu	3404020	3402236	Tom starb 2013 im Gefängnis.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom died in prison in 2013.	CK	1
deu	3404022	3402236	Tom ist 2013 im Gefängnis gestorben.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom died in prison in 2013.	CK	1
tur	4165997	3402236	Tom 2013'te hapiste öldü.	duran	Tom died in prison in 2013.	CK	1
ber	3268157	1026245	Tom yemmut seg leḥzen.	Amastan	Tom died of a broken heart.	CK	1
deu	2783320	1026245	Tom starb an gebrochenem Herzen.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom died of a broken heart.	CK	1
heb	1369471	1026245	טום נפטר מלב שבור.	MrShoval	Tom died of a broken heart.	CK	1
heb	1369477	1026245	טום נפטר משברון לב.	Eldad	Tom died of a broken heart.	CK	1
rus	3267860	1026245	Том умер от разрыва сердца.	marafon	Tom died of a broken heart.	CK	1
spa	1386628	1026245	Tom murió por un corazón roto.	marcelostockle	Tom died of a broken heart.	CK	1
tur	1065367	1026245	Tom kırık bir kalpten öldü.	duran	Tom died of a broken heart.	CK	1
ber	1659639	1094586	Tom yemmut s weḥbas n wul.	Amastan	Tom died of a heart attack.	CK	1
ita	4384539	1094586	Tom è morto per un attacco di cuore.	Guybrush88	Tom died of a heart attack.	CK	1
ita	4384540	1094586	Tom è morto per un attacco cardiaco.	Guybrush88	Tom died of a heart attack.	CK	1
ita	4384541	1094586	Tom è morto di infarto.	Guybrush88	Tom died of a heart attack.	CK	1
pol	3051280	1094586	Tom zmarł na zawał serca.	jeedrek	Tom died of a heart attack.	CK	1
por	4374558	1094586	Tom morreu de ataque no coração.	carloseperola	Tom died of a heart attack.	CK	1
rus	3268182	1094586	Том умер от сердечного приступа.	marafon	Tom died of a heart attack.	CK	1
tur	1189347	1094586	Tom bir kalp krizinden öldü.	duran	Tom died of a heart attack.	CK	1
ber	1659645	3023889	Tom yemmut tamettant tagmawit.	Amastan	Tom died of natural causes.	CK	1
ber	3268201	3023889	Tom yemmut s tmentilt tagmawit.	Amastan	Tom died of natural causes.	CK	1
mkd	4065013	3023889	Том умре од природна смрт.	123xyz	Tom died of natural causes.	CK	1
tur	3033311	3023889	Tom eceliyle öldü.	duran	Tom died of natural causes.	CK	1
tur	3033313	3023889	Tom doğal nedenlerle öldü.	duran	Tom died of natural causes.	CK	1
rus	4214372	3422130	Том умер от рака желудка.	odexed	Tom died of stomach cancer.	CK	1
tur	3422418	3422130	Tom mide kanserinden öldü.	yavuz	Tom died of stomach cancer.	CK	1
deu	4007748	3922988	Tom starb drei Wochen später.	pullnosemans	Tom died three weeks later.	CK	1
por	4344374	3922988	Tom morreu três semanas depois.	Ricardo14	Tom died three weeks later.	CK	1
rus	4007762	3922988	Том умер три недели спустя.	marafon	Tom died three weeks later.	CK	1
tur	3942404	3922988	Tom üç hafta sonra öldü.	duran	Tom died three weeks later.	CK	1
tur	4764951	3727618	Tom ebeveynleriyle birlikte yemek yedi.	duran	Tom dined with his parents.	CM	1
mar	3201385	2644000	टॉम गेल्या महिन्यात गायब झाला.	sabretou	Tom disappeared last month.	CK	1
spa	3031052	2644000	Tom desapareció el mes pasado.	hayastan	Tom disappeared last month.	CK	1
tur	4547260	2644000	Tom geçen ay ortadan kayboldu.	duran	Tom disappeared last month.	CK	1
tur	4690439	4665954	Tom gerçekten yorgun görünüyor.	duran	Tom does look really tired.	CK	1
ita	3544186	3422194	Tom possiede davvero molte macchine.	Guybrush88	Tom does own a lot of cars.	CK	1

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