English Sentences with Audio from the Tatoeba Project
Page 5750

deu	4046977	3129505	In einem Jahr kann viel passieren.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	A lot can happen in a year.	CK	1
fin	3303574	3129505	Vuodessa voi tapahtua paljon.	Silja	A lot can happen in a year.	CK	1
rus	4046972	3129505	За год многое может произойти.	marafon	A lot can happen in a year.	CK	1
spa	4317999	3129505	En un año pueden pasar muchas cosas.	pchamorro	A lot can happen in a year.	CK	1
tur	4734674	3129505	Bir yıl içinde çok şey olabilir.	duran	A lot can happen in a year.	CK	1
deu	3115763	3115755	Viele wählen nicht.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	A lot of people don't vote.	CK	1
deu	3115765	3115755	Viele Leute wählen nicht.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	A lot of people don't vote.	CK	1
fin	3303763	3115755	Monet ihmiset eivät äänestä.	Silja	A lot of people don't vote.	CK	1
spa	4308657	3115755	Mucha gente no vota.	marcelostockle	A lot of people don't vote.	CK	1
tur	4697497	3115755	Bir sürü insan oy kullanmıyor.	duran	A lot of people don't vote.	CK	1
chv	3744638	27224	Пӗр минутра утмӑл ҫеккунт.	Arslan	A minute has sixty seconds.	sacredceltic	1
dan	4839531	27224	Et minut er tres sekunder.	danepo	A minute has sixty seconds.	sacredceltic	1
deu	139478	27224	Eine Minute entspricht sechzig Sekunden.	MUIRIEL	A minute has sixty seconds.	sacredceltic	1
fra	465385	27224	Une minute comprend soixante secondes.	sacredceltic	A minute has sixty seconds.	sacredceltic	1
ind	3871988	27224	Dalam satu menit ada 60 detik.	orion17	A minute has sixty seconds.	sacredceltic	1
ita	2845110	27224	Un minuto ha sessanta secondi.	Guybrush88	A minute has sixty seconds.	sacredceltic	1
jpn	190068	27224	1分は60秒です。	tommy_san	A minute has sixty seconds.	sacredceltic	1
rus	1670718	27224	В минуте шестьдесят секунд.	marafon	A minute has sixty seconds.	sacredceltic	1
ukr	506627	27224	У хвилині шістдесят секунд.	deniko	A minute has sixty seconds.	sacredceltic	1
fra	9415	21456	Un étudiant veut te voir.	sysko	A student wants to see you.	CK	1
ind	4390598	21456	Seorang siswa ingin bertemu dengan Anda.	Bilmanda	A student wants to see you.	CK	1
ita	2712118	21456	Uno studente vuole vederti.	Guybrush88	A student wants to see you.	CK	1
ita	2712119	21456	Uno studente vuole vedervi.	Guybrush88	A student wants to see you.	CK	1
ita	2712120	21456	Uno studente vuole vederla.	Guybrush88	A student wants to see you.	CK	1
ita	2712121	21456	Una studentessa vuole vederti.	Guybrush88	A student wants to see you.	CK	1
ita	2712122	21456	Una studentessa vuole vedervi.	Guybrush88	A student wants to see you.	CK	1
ita	2712123	21456	Una studentessa vuole vederla.	Guybrush88	A student wants to see you.	CK	1
por	1155900	21456	Um estudante quer te ver.	lazymoose	A student wants to see you.	CK	1
rus	3623255	21456	Вас хочет видеть студент.	sharptoothed	A student wants to see you.	CK	1
spa	753506	21456	Un estudiante quiere verte.	chinopinyin	A student wants to see you.	CK	1
swe	890966	21456	En student vill träffa dig.	Tximist	A student wants to see you.	CK	1
swe	3793285	21456	Det är en student som vill träffa dig.	herrsilen	A student wants to see you.	CK	1
tur	1306904	21456	Bir öğrenci sizi görmek istiyor.	duran	A student wants to see you.	CK	1
ber	1626478	21263	Yal ccedda teḍfer-itt tafat.	Amastan	After a storm comes a calm.	CK	1
ces	3066503	21263	Po bouři příchází klid.	nueby	After a storm comes a calm.	CK	1
cmn	806235	21263	暴風過後是寧靜。	Martha	After a storm comes a calm.	CK	1
cmn	806236	21263	否極泰來。	Martha	After a storm comes a calm.	CK	1
deu	459360	21263	Nach dem Regen kommt Sonnenschein.	xtofu80	After a storm comes a calm.	CK	1
fin	2666841	21263	Myrskyn jälkeen tulee tyven.	Silja	After a storm comes a calm.	CK	1
heb	1995252	21263	שקט אחרי הסערה.	fekundulo	After a storm comes a calm.	CK	1
nld	381293	21263	Na regen komt zonneschijn.	Dorenda	After a storm comes a calm.	CK	1
spa	1203195	21263	Después de la tormenta viene la calma.	cariito	After a storm comes a calm.	CK	1
tur	1306901	21263	Her yokuşun bir inişi vardır.	duran	After a storm comes a calm.	CK	1
ukr	494877	21263	Після грози виходить сонце.	deniko	After a storm comes a calm.	CK	1
ita	3369750	3369749	Tutti i miei amici mi chiamano Tom.	Guybrush88	All my friends call me Tom.	CK	1
ita	3369751	3369749	Tutte le mie amiche mi chiamano Tom.	Guybrush88	All my friends call me Tom.	CK	1
mar	3780455	3369749	माझी सर्व मित्र मला टॉम म्हणतात.	sabretou	All my friends call me Tom.	CK	1
spa	3603022	3369749	Todos mis amigos me llaman Tom.	ficion	All my friends call me Tom.	CK	1
spa	3603028	3369749	Todas mis amigas me llaman Tom.	ficion	All my friends call me Tom.	CK	1
tur	4180265	3369749	Bütün arkadaşlarım bana Tom der.	duran	All my friends call me Tom.	CK	1
deu	2774663	2774657	Alle meine Freunde mögen Tom.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	All of my friends like Tom.	CK	1
por	2775282	2774657	Todos os meus amigos gostam do Tom.	alexmarcelo	All of my friends like Tom.	CK	1
rus	2774653	2774657	Всем моим друзьям нравится Том.	marafon	All of my friends like Tom.	CK	1
tur	3097965	2774657	Arkadaşlarımın hepsi Tom'u sever.	duran	All of my friends like Tom.	CK	1
fra	4551267	4495836	Toutes nos tentatives ont échoué.	sacredceltic	All of our attempts failed.	CK	1
rus	1827900	4495836	Все наши попытки провалились.	Balamax	All of our attempts failed.	CK	1
tur	4744932	4495836	Bütün girişimlerimiz başarısız oldu.	deyta	All of our attempts failed.	CK	1
deu	959951	569619	Alle Hunde waren am Leben.	Sudajaengi	All of the dogs were alive.	CK	1
fra	960088	569619	Tous les chiens étaient en vie.	sacredceltic	All of the dogs were alive.	CK	1
heb	1980325	569619	כל הכלבים היו בחיים.	MrShoval	All of the dogs were alive.	CK	1
ita	570374	569619	Tutti i cani erano vivaci.	bruno_b	All of the dogs were alive.	CK	1
ita	570376	569619	Tutti i cani erano vivi.	bruno_b	All of the dogs were alive.	CK	1
jpn	569620	569619	犬はみんな生きていました。	bunbuku	All of the dogs were alive.	CK	1
por	3206465	569619	Todos os cães estavam vivos.	piterkeo	All of the dogs were alive.	CK	1
por	3206466	569619	Todos os cachorros estavam vivos.	piterkeo	All of the dogs were alive.	CK	1
spa	570210	569619	Todos los perros estaban vivos.	Shishir	All of the dogs were alive.	CK	1
tur	1323166	569619	Bütün köpekler hayattaydı.	duran	All of the dogs were alive.	CK	1
tur	3082513	569619	Köpeklerin hepsi yaşıyordu.	Gulo_Luscus	All of the dogs were alive.	CK	1
tur	3865225	2644158	Onların hepsi başarılı.	duran	All of them are successful.	CK	1
ber	2487320	2451576	Nessawal akk tafṛensist.	Amastan	All of us can speak French.	CK	1
ber	2500989	2451576	Nezmer akk ad nessiwel s tefṛensist.	Amastan	All of us can speak French.	CK	1
bul	2612786	2451576	Всички ние можем да говорим френски.	korobo4ka	All of us can speak French.	CK	1
deu	2451777	2451576	Wir sprechen alle Französisch.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	All of us can speak French.	CK	1
deu	2453515	2451576	Wir alle sprechen Französisch.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	All of us can speak French.	CK	1
fin	3793913	2451576	Me kaikki osaamme puhua ranskaa.	Silja	All of us can speak French.	CK	1
fin	3798683	2451576	Kaikki meistä osaavat ranskaa.	Silja	All of us can speak French.	CK	1
hun	3944883	2451576	Mi mindnyájan beszélünk franciául.	mraz	All of us can speak French.	CK	1
ita	3806273	2451576	Tutti noi parliamo francese.	Guybrush88	All of us can speak French.	CK	1
por	2453783	2451576	Todos nós sabemos falar francês.	alexmarcelo	All of us can speak French.	CK	1
rus	2522710	2451576	Все мы можем говорить по-французски.	paul_lingvo	All of us can speak French.	CK	1
rus	2522711	2451576	Каждый из нас может говорить по-французски.	paul_lingvo	All of us can speak French.	CK	1
rus	2522712	2451576	Каждый из нас может говорить на французском.	paul_lingvo	All of us can speak French.	CK	1
rus	2522714	2451576	Все мы можем говорить на французском.	paul_lingvo	All of us can speak French.	CK	1
spa	2454425	2451576	Todos hablamos francés.	hayastan	All of us can speak French.	CK	1
tur	2481419	2451576	Hepimiz Fransızca konuşabiliriz.	duran	All of us can speak French.	CK	1
fra	4872297	4016672	Tous les magasins étaient fermés.	sacredceltic	All the stores were closed.	CK	1
fra	4872298	4016672	Toutes les boutiques étaient fermées.	sacredceltic	All the stores were closed.	CK	1
hun	4861139	4016672	Minden bolt zárva tartott.	bandeirante	All the stores were closed.	CK	1
mkd	4094444	4016672	Сите продавници беа затворени.	123xyz	All the stores were closed.	CK	1
rus	4874640	4016672	Все магазины были закрыты.	marafon	All the stores were closed.	CK	1
tur	4248020	4016672	Bütün mağazalar kapalıydı.	duran	All the stores were closed.	CK	1
heb	4726607	2644157	כל מה שעליך לעשות זה לדבר.	fekundulo	All you have to do is talk.	CK	1
heb	4726608	2644157	כל מה שעליכם לעשות זה לדבר.	fekundulo	All you have to do is talk.	CK	1
mkd	4291849	2644157	Само треба да зборуваш.	123xyz	All you have to do is talk.	CK	1
tur	4339930	2644157	Tüm yapman gereken şey konuşmak.	duran	All you have to do is talk.	CK	1
deu	631488	326268	In der Liebe und im Krieg ist alles erlaubt.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	All's fair in love and war.	CK	1
fin	3764386	326268	Kaikki on sallittua sodassa ja rakkaudessa.	Silja	All's fair in love and war.	CK	1
heb	1459850	326268	הכול מותר במלחמה ובאהבה.	Eldad	All's fair in love and war.	CK	1
heb	1948195	326268	באהבה כמו במלחמה הכל מותר.	fekundulo	All's fair in love and war.	CK	1
hun	642672	326268	Szerelemben és háborúban mindent szabad.	szaby78	All's fair in love and war.	CK	1

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