English Sentences with Audio from the Tatoeba Project
Page 5240

deu	1218988	1092664	Tom nahm ein Schlückchen Kaffee.	samueldora	Tom took a sip of coffee.	CK	1
deu	1218989	1092664	Tom nippte an seinem Kaffee.	samueldora	Tom took a sip of coffee.	CK	1
hun	3942823	1092664	Tom ivott egy korty kávét.	Tammmasss	Tom took a sip of coffee.	CK	1
spa	1508923	1092664	Tom tomó un sorbo de café.	marcelostockle	Tom took a sip of coffee.	CK	1
tur	1171644	1092664	Tom bir yudum kahve aldı.	duran	Tom took a sip of coffee.	CK	1
deu	1931888	1024079	Tom ging einen Schritt zurück.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom took a step backward.	CK	1
ita	3385546	1024079	Tom fece un passo indietro.	Guybrush88	Tom took a step backward.	CK	1
ita	3385550	1024079	Tom ha fatto un passo indietro.	Guybrush88	Tom took a step backward.	CK	1
tur	1123671	1024079	Tom geriye doğru bir adım attı.	duran	Tom took a step backward.	CK	1
tur	3983115	3415394	Tom benden yararlandı.	duran	Tom took advantage of me.	CK	1
deu	4007390	3923793	Tom nahm Mary am Arm.	pullnosemans	Tom took Mary by the arm.	CK	1
fin	3926212	3923793	Tom otti Maria kiinni käsivarresta.	Silja	Tom took Mary by the arm.	CK	1
fin	3969147	3923793	Tom tarttui Maria käsivarresta.	Silja	Tom took Mary by the arm.	CK	1
heb	3924392	3923793	תום אחז בזרועה של מרי.	fekundulo	Tom took Mary by the arm.	CK	1
mkd	4119719	3923793	Том ја фати Мери за рака.	123xyz	Tom took Mary by the arm.	CK	1
rus	4251211	3923793	Том взял Мэри под руку.	odexed	Tom took Mary by the arm.	CK	1
tur	4280775	3923793	Tom Mary'yi kolundan tuttu.	duran	Tom took Mary by the arm.	CK	1
deu	4007315	3923766	Tom ging mit Mary in den Zoo.	pullnosemans	Tom took Mary to the zoo.	CK	1
fin	3935804	3923766	Tom vei Marin eläintarhaan.	Silja	Tom took Mary to the zoo.	CK	1
mkd	4119737	3923766	Том ја однесе Мери во зоолошка градина.	123xyz	Tom took Mary to the zoo.	CK	1
por	4483690	3923766	Tom levou Mary ao zoológico.	Ricardo14	Tom took Mary to the zoo.	CK	1
rus	4241326	3923766	Том сводил Мэри в зоопарк.	odexed	Tom took Mary to the zoo.	CK	1
tur	3941566	3923766	Tom Mary'yi hayvanat bahçesine götürdü.	duran	Tom took Mary to the zoo.	CK	1
ita	2822762	2821496	Tom si è tolto i vestiti.	Guybrush88	Tom took off his clothes.	CK	1
ita	2822763	2821496	Tom si tolse i vestiti.	Guybrush88	Tom took off his clothes.	CK	1
mkd	4102056	2821496	Том се соблече.	123xyz	Tom took off his clothes.	CK	1
por	4332942	2821496	Tom tirou a roupa.	KimiP	Tom took off his clothes.	CK	1
tur	3090641	2821496	Tom elbiselerini çıkardı.	duran	Tom took off his clothes.	CK	1
deu	3112896	2644797	Tom nahm seine Brille ab.	freddy1	Tom took off his glasses.	CK	1
deu	4862361	2644797	Tom setzte seine Brille ab.	raggione	Tom took off his glasses.	CK	1
heb	4688952	2644797	תום הסיר את משקפיו.	fekundulo	Tom took off his glasses.	CK	1
por	4842735	2644797	Tom tirou os óculos.	bill	Tom took off his glasses.	CK	1
rus	4579868	2644797	Том снял очки.	sharptoothed	Tom took off his glasses.	CK	1
tur	4175980	2644797	Tom gözlüklerini çıkardı.	deyta	Tom took off his glasses.	CK	1
deu	3112896	3112308	Tom nahm seine Brille ab.	freddy1	Tom took off his goggles.	CK	1
ita	3355501	3112308	Tom si tolse gli occhiali.	Guybrush88	Tom took off his goggles.	CK	1
ita	3355502	3112308	Tom si è tolto gli occhiali.	Guybrush88	Tom took off his goggles.	CK	1
tur	3045483	3112308	Tom gözlüğünü çıkardı.	duran	Tom took off his goggles.	CK	1
tur	4886132	2545132	Tom onun kulaklığını çıkardı.	dursun	Tom took off his headset.	CK	1
heb	4688953	2644796	תום הסיר את אפודתו.	fekundulo	Tom took off his sweater.	CK	1
por	4842734	2644796	Tom tirou o suéter.	bill	Tom took off his sweater.	CK	1
rus	4247925	2644796	Том снял свитер.	odexed	Tom took off his sweater.	CK	1
tur	4175974	2644796	Tom kazağını çıkardı.	deyta	Tom took off his sweater.	CK	1
por	4842642	3094814	Tom tirou a camiseta.	bill	Tom took off his T-shirt.	CK	1
tur	3095038	3094814	Tom tişörtünü çıkardı.	Themis06	Tom took off his T-shirt.	CK	1
tur	3491045	3490554	Tom üniformasını çıkardı.	deyta	Tom took off his uniform.	CK	1
heb	4688955	2644795	תום הסתלק על גבי האופניים שלו.	fekundulo	Tom took off on his bike.	CK	1
mkd	4285832	2644795	Том си замина на точак.	123xyz	Tom took off on his bike.	CK	1
rus	4579869	2644795	Том уехал на своем велосипеде.	sharptoothed	Tom took off on his bike.	CK	1
tur	4857475	2644795	Tom onun bisikletiyle yola çıktı.	dursun	Tom took off on his bike.	CK	1
tur	3863305	3824667	Tom balıklardan birini aldı.	duran	Tom took one of the fish.	CK	1
deu	1648383	1141096	Tom brachte den Müll raus.	samueldora	Tom took out the garbage.	CK	1
fin	4209909	1141096	Tom vei roskat.	Silja	Tom took out the garbage.	CK	1
fra	1144850	1141096	Tom sortit les poubelles.	Wittydev	Tom took out the garbage.	CK	1
mkd	4084644	1141096	Том го изнесе ѓубрето.	123xyz	Tom took out the garbage.	CK	1
tgl	1712149	1141096	Nilabas ni Tomas ang basura.	nonong	Tom took out the garbage.	CK	1
tur	1290691	1141096	Tom çöpü dışarı çıkardı.	duran	Tom took out the garbage.	CK	1
ukr	1574556	1141096	Том виніс сміття.	deniko	Tom took out the garbage.	CK	1
por	4290086	1874284	Tom tirou a manhã de folga.	Ricardo14	Tom took the morning off.	CK	1
spa	1875080	1874284	Tom se tomó la mañana.	teskmon	Tom took the morning off.	CK	1
dan	2317893	1141091	Tom tog det forkerte tog.	danepo	Tom took the wrong train.	CK	1
deu	1555961	1141091	Tom ist in den falschen Zug eingestiegen.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom took the wrong train.	CK	1
fin	4209908	1141091	Tom meni väärällä junalla.	Silja	Tom took the wrong train.	CK	1
fra	1146887	1141091	Tom prit le mauvais train.	Wittydev	Tom took the wrong train.	CK	1
jpn	2533626	1141091	トムは乗る電車を間違えた。	tommy_san	Tom took the wrong train.	CK	1
mar	2633863	1141091	टॉमने चुकीची ट्रेन पकडली.	sabretou	Tom took the wrong train.	CK	1
por	4842665	1141091	Tom pegou o trem errado.	bill	Tom took the wrong train.	CK	1
rus	2939958	1141091	Том сел не на тот поезд.	marafon	Tom took the wrong train.	CK	1
spa	1883004	1141091	Tom tomó el tren equivocado.	hayastan	Tom took the wrong train.	CK	1
tur	1290690	1141091	Tom yanlış trene bindi.	duran	Tom took the wrong train.	CK	1
tur	4151330	3413117	Tom üç hafta izin aldı.	duran	Tom took three weeks off.	CK	1
deu	1931863	1024067	Tom hat mit dem Drachenfliegen angefangen.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom took up hang gliding.	CK	1
tur	1123647	1024067	Tom planör uçuşu çalışmaya başladı.	duran	Tom took up hang gliding.	CK	1
tur	3564418	3086968	Tom sözleşmeyi yırtıp attı.	metaozturk	Tom tore up the contract.	CK	1
tur	3939561	2545131	Tom Mary'ye anahtarlarını attı.	duran	Tom tossed Mary his keys.	CK	1
deu	2630805	2545130	Tom warf Maria den Ball zu.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom tossed Mary the ball.	CK	1
ita	4477334	2545130	Tom ha lanciato la palla a Mary.	Guybrush88	Tom tossed Mary the ball.	CK	1
ita	4477335	2545130	Tom lanciò la palla a Mary.	Guybrush88	Tom tossed Mary the ball.	CK	1
rus	3641726	2545130	Том бросил Мэри мяч.	odexed	Tom tossed Mary the ball.	CK	1
tur	3939556	2545130	Tom Mary'ye topu attı.	duran	Tom tossed Mary the ball.	CK	1
nld	4570243	2545129	Tom gooide de sleutels naar Mary.	lonepawn	Tom tossed Mary the keys.	CK	1
rus	3641718	2545129	Том бросил Мэри ключи.	odexed	Tom tossed Mary the keys.	CK	1
tur	3593658	2545129	Tom anahtarları Mary'ye fırlattı.	deyta	Tom tossed Mary the keys.	CK	1
deu	3004104	1092643	Tom trocknete sich die Haare mit einem Handtuch ab.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom towel-dried his hair.	CK	1
mar	2633824	1092643	टॉमने आपले केस टॉवेलने वाळले.	sabretou	Tom towel-dried his hair.	CK	1
rus	3530738	1092643	Том высушил волосы полотенцем.	odexed	Tom towel-dried his hair.	CK	1
spa	1508900	1092643	Tom se secó el pelo con una toalla.	marcelostockle	Tom towel-dried his hair.	CK	1
tur	1171605	1092643	Tom saçını havlu ile kuruladı.	duran	Tom towel-dried his hair.	CK	1
bul	3322058	2649856	Том пътува в първа класа.	korobo4ka	Tom traveled first class.	sharptoothed	1
bul	3322062	2649856	Том пътуваше в първа класа.	korobo4ka	Tom traveled first class.	sharptoothed	1
rus	2649857	2649856	Том путешествовал первым классом.	sharptoothed	Tom traveled first class.	sharptoothed	1
tur	4558373	2649856	Tom birinci sınıf seyahat etti.	duran	Tom traveled first class.	sharptoothed	1
deu	2630148	1514278	Tom reist viel.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom travels a great deal.	Spamster	1
deu	2630149	1514278	Tom geht viel auf Reisen.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	Tom travels a great deal.	Spamster	1
heb	1514350	1514278	טום נוסע הרבה.	MrShoval	Tom travels a great deal.	Spamster	1
heb	1514351	1514278	טום מטייל המון.	MrShoval	Tom travels a great deal.	Spamster	1
tur	3562096	3422099	Tom sakin görünmeye çalıştı.	deyta	Tom tried to appear calm.	CK	1
tur	2964183	2958373	Tom Mary'ye yardımcı olmaya çalıştı.	duran	Tom tried to assist Mary.	CK	1
heb	4688957	2644794	תום ניסה להתרכז.	fekundulo	Tom tried to concentrate.	CK	1
rus	4579871	2644794	Том попытался сосредоточиться.	sharptoothed	Tom tried to concentrate.	CK	1

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