English Sentences with Audio from the Tatoeba Project
Page 3080

ita	4368057	3824283	Io riconosco quel tizio.	Guybrush88	I recognize that guy.	CK	1
ita	4368058	3824283	Lo riconosco quel tizio.	Guybrush88	I recognize that guy.	CK	1
ita	4368059	3824283	Io lo riconosco quel tizio.	Guybrush88	I recognize that guy.	CK	1
ita	4368060	3824283	Lo riconosco quel tipo.	Guybrush88	I recognize that guy.	CK	1
ita	4368061	3824283	Io lo riconosco quel tipo.	Guybrush88	I recognize that guy.	CK	1
mkd	4389508	3824283	Го препознавам типон.	123xyz	I recognize that guy.	CK	1
rus	4254105	3824283	Я узнаю того парня.	odexed	I recognize that guy.	CK	1
swe	4357591	3824283	Jag känner igen den där killen.	richke	I recognize that guy.	CK	1
tur	3870243	3824283	O adamı tanıyorum.	duran	I recognize that guy.	CK	1
ita	4802827	3822923	Lo consiglio molto.	Guybrush88	I recommend it a lot.	CK	1
ita	4802829	3822923	La consiglio molto.	Guybrush88	I recommend it a lot.	CK	1
mkd	4389507	3822923	Силно го препорачувам тоа.	123xyz	I recommend it a lot.	CK	1
tur	3884186	3822923	Bunu çok tavsiye ederim.	duran	I recommend it a lot.	CK	1
fra	2393623	2392559	Je refuse de le permettre.	sacredceltic	I refuse to allow it.	CK	1
mkd	4389506	2392559	Нема да го дозволам тоа.	123xyz	I refuse to allow it.	CK	1
spa	4433954	2392559	Me niego a permitirlo.	pchamorro	I refuse to allow it.	CK	1
tur	2853112	2392559	Buna izin vermeyi reddediyorum.	duran	I refuse to allow it.	CK	1
bel	386813	254094	Мне шкада, што я туды пайшоў.	Demetrius2	I regret going there.	CK	1
deu	839245	254094	Ich bedauere, dorthin gegangen zu sein.	Manfredo	I regret going there.	CK	1
fin	354286	254094	Kadun menneeni sinne.	Hautis	I regret going there.	CK	1
fra	354290	254094	Je regrette d'y être allé.	bourdu	I regret going there.	CK	1
ita	4820488	254094	Rimpiango di esserci andato.	Guybrush88	I regret going there.	CK	1
ita	4820489	254094	Rimpiango di esserci andata.	Guybrush88	I regret going there.	CK	1
mkd	4389509	254094	Зажалив што отидов таму.	123xyz	I regret going there.	CK	1
nob	354654	254094	Jeg angrer på å ha dratt dit.	contour	I regret going there.	CK	1
rus	1681681	254094	Я жалею, что пошёл туда.	marafon	I regret going there.	CK	1
spa	1428720	254094	Me arrepiento de haber ido ahí.	marcelostockle	I regret going there.	CK	1
tur	1265712	254094	Oraya gittiğime pişmanım.	duran	I regret going there.	CK	1
fra	2393605	2392565	Je regrette avoir dit ça.	sacredceltic	I regret saying that.	CK	1
fra	2393606	2392565	Je regrette avoir dit cela.	sacredceltic	I regret saying that.	CK	1
hun	3694202	2392565	Bánom, hogy azt mondtam.	alaptibor	I regret saying that.	CK	1
mkd	4389511	2392565	Се каам што го реков тоа.	123xyz	I regret saying that.	CK	1
rus	3266164	2392565	Я жалею, что это сказал.	marafon	I regret saying that.	CK	1
rus	3266165	2392565	Я жалею, что это сказала.	marafon	I regret saying that.	CK	1
tur	1089181	2392565	Bunu söylediğime pişmanım.	duran	I regret saying that.	CK	1
deu	2182902	2410781	Es reut mich, was ich gesagt habe.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	I regret what I said.	AlanF_US	1
ita	2410783	2410781	Rimpiango ciò che ho detto.	Guybrush88	I regret what I said.	AlanF_US	1
ita	2410785	2410781	Io rimpiango ciò che ho detto.	Guybrush88	I regret what I said.	AlanF_US	1
jpn	2055118	2410781	自分の言ったことを後悔している。	bunbuku	I regret what I said.	AlanF_US	1
mkd	4389512	2410781	Се каам за она што го реков.	123xyz	I regret what I said.	AlanF_US	1
rus	2925349	2410781	Я сожалею о том, что сказал.	sharptoothed	I regret what I said.	AlanF_US	1
tur	4588582	2410781	Söylediğime pişman oldum	duran	I regret what I said.	AlanF_US	1
cmn	804839	46062	我拒绝了报价。	fucongcong	I rejected the offer.	CK	1
deu	1315727	46062	Ich lehnte das Angebot ab.	al_ex_an_der	I rejected the offer.	CK	1
deu	1315728	46062	Ich habe das Angebot abgelehnt.	Pfirsichbaeumchen	I rejected the offer.	CK	1
fra	804713	46062	J'ai rejeté l'offre.	GeeZ	I rejected the offer.	CK	1
fra	1171564	46062	J'ai rejeté la proposition.	sacredceltic	I rejected the offer.	CK	1
heb	1708739	46062	דחיתי את ההצעה.	MrShoval	I rejected the offer.	CK	1
isl	1353645	46062	Ég hafnaði tilboðinu.	Swift	I rejected the offer.	CK	1
ita	1003915	46062	Ho rifiutato l'offerta.	Guybrush88	I rejected the offer.	CK	1
ita	1003916	46062	Rifiutai l'offerta.	Guybrush88	I rejected the offer.	CK	1
jpn	208803	46062	その申し出を断った。	bunbuku	I rejected the offer.	CK	1
mar	2177747	46062	मी तो प्रस्ताव नाकारला.	sabretou	I rejected the offer.	CK	1
mkd	4372749	46062	Ја одбив понудата.	123xyz	I rejected the offer.	CK	1
pol	919833	46062	Odrzuciłem tę propozycję.	zipangu	I rejected the offer.	CK	1
rus	1792907	46062	Я отклонил это предложение.	marafon	I rejected the offer.	CK	1
spa	1200921	46062	Rechacé la oferta.	cariito	I rejected the offer.	CK	1
spa	1200922	46062	Rechacé la propuesta.	cariito	I rejected the offer.	CK	1
tur	1264298	46062	Ben teklifi reddettim.	duran	I rejected the offer.	CK	1
ukr	506247	46062	Я відхилив цю пропозицію.	deniko	I rejected the offer.	CK	1
ber	4604952	3826840	Qebleɣ nnig wul-inu.	Amastan	I reluctantly agreed.	CK	1
ber	4604970	3826840	Qebleɣ nnig wul.	Amastan	I reluctantly agreed.	CK	1
deu	3827128	3826840	Ich stimmte widerstrebend zu.	freddy1	I reluctantly agreed.	CK	1
hun	3829806	3826840	Vonakodva egyetértettem.	juliusbear	I reluctantly agreed.	CK	1
mkd	4389513	3826840	Нерадо се согласив.	123xyz	I reluctantly agreed.	CK	1
pol	4111344	3826840	Niechętnie się zgodziłem.	konrad509	I reluctantly agreed.	CK	1
rus	3932443	3826840	Я неохотно согласился.	odexed	I reluctantly agreed.	CK	1
tur	3973539	3826840	Ben isteksizce kabul ettim.	duran	I reluctantly agreed.	CK	1
fra	2527446	2247383	Je me souviens de quelque chose.	sacredceltic	I remember something.	CK	1
ita	2921135	2247383	Mi ricordo qualcosa.	Guybrush88	I remember something.	CK	1
ita	2921136	2247383	Io mi ricordo qualcosa.	Guybrush88	I remember something.	CK	1
mkd	4389515	2247383	Нешто ми текнува.	123xyz	I remember something.	CK	1
rus	3642305	2247383	Я что-то припоминаю.	sharptoothed	I remember something.	CK	1
tur	2569736	2247383	Bir şey hatırlıyorum.	duran	I remember something.	CK	1
rus	4755112	4499913	Я хорошо их помню.	marafon	I remember them well.	CK	1
tur	4680897	4499913	Onları iyi hatırlıyorum.	duran	I remember them well.	CK	1
por	4674277	4499912	Eu respeito a sua opinião.	Ricardo14	I respect your views.	CK	1
por	4799573	4499912	Respeito sua opinião.	carlosalberto	I respect your views.	CK	1
rus	4777906	4499912	Я уважаю ваши взгляды.	odexed	I respect your views.	CK	1
tur	4761006	4499912	Senin görüşlerine saygı duyuyorum.	deyta	I respect your views.	CK	1
deu	2527670	2276304	Ich sagte doch „Lass es sein!“!	Pfirsichbaeumchen	I said don't do that.	CK	1
fin	2766859	2276304	Sanoin, älä tee sitä.	Kalle63	I said don't do that.	CK	1
fra	2527486	2276304	J'ai dit de ne pas le faire.	sacredceltic	I said don't do that.	CK	1
mkd	4389516	2276304	Ти реков да не правиш така.	123xyz	I said don't do that.	CK	1
tur	2498471	2276304	Onu yapma dedim.	duran	I said don't do that.	CK	1
deu	2736953	2405814	Ich sagte: Lassen Sie die Waffe fallen!	Pfirsichbaeumchen	I said drop your gun!	CK	1
rus	2557711	2405814	Я сказал, брось ружьё!	paul_lingvo	I said drop your gun!	CK	1
rus	2557712	2405814	Я сказала, брось ружьё!	paul_lingvo	I said drop your gun!	CK	1
rus	2557713	2405814	Я сказал, бросьте ружьё!	paul_lingvo	I said drop your gun!	CK	1
rus	2557714	2405814	Я сказала, бросьте ружьё!	paul_lingvo	I said drop your gun!	CK	1
rus	2557715	2405814	Я сказал, брось пушку!	paul_lingvo	I said drop your gun!	CK	1
rus	2557716	2405814	Я сказала, брось пушку!	paul_lingvo	I said drop your gun!	CK	1
rus	2557718	2405814	Я сказал, бросьте пушку!	paul_lingvo	I said drop your gun!	CK	1
rus	2557719	2405814	Я сказала, бросьте пушку!	paul_lingvo	I said drop your gun!	CK	1
tur	2445519	2405814	Silahını bırak dedim!	duran	I said drop your gun!	CK	1
mkd	4389517	2405826	Реков дека ти верувам.	123xyz	I said I believe you.	CK	1
rus	4710367	2405826	Я сказал, что я верю тебе.	odexed	I said I believe you.	CK	1
tur	2445498	2405826	Sana inandığımı söyledim.	duran	I said I believe you.	CK	1
mkd	4273901	2647154	Реков дека не сум зафатен.	123xyz	I said I wasn't busy.	CK	1
swe	3874256	2647154	Jag sade att jag inte var upptagen.	herrsilen	I said I wasn't busy.	CK	1

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