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This story by Ambrose Bierce was adapted into Special English by Dona de Sanctis.

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  •  Carter Druse was born in Virginia.
  •  He loved his parents, his home and the south.
  •  But he loved his country, too.
  •  And in the autumn of 1861, when the United States was divided by a terrible civil war, Carter Druse, a southerner, decided to join the Union Army of the north.
  •  He told his father about his decision one morning at breakfast.
  •  The older man looked at his only son for a moment, too shocked to speak.
  •  Then he said, "As of this moment you are a traitor to the south.
  •  Please don't tell your mother about your decision.
  •  She's sick, and we both know she has only a few weeks to live."
  •  Carter's father paused, again looking deep into his son's eyes.
  •  "Carter," he said, "No matter what happens -- be sure you always do what you think is your duty."
  •  Both Carter Druse and his father left the table that morning with broken hearts.
  •  And Carter soon left his home, and everyone he loved to wear the blue uniform of the Union soldier.
  •  One sunny afternoon, a few weeks later, Carter Druse lay with his face in the dirt by the side of a road.
  •  He was on his stomach, his arms still holding his gun.
  •  Carter would not receive a medal for his actions.
  •  In fact, if his commanding officer were to see him, he would order Carter shot immediately.
  •  For Carter was not dead or wounded.
  •  He was sleeping while on duty.
  •  Fortunately, no one could see him.
  •  He was hidden by some bushes, growing by the side of the road.
  •  The road Carter Druse had been sent to guard was only a few miles from his father's house.
  •  It began in a forest, down in the valley, and climbed up the side of a huge rock.
  •  Anyone standing on the top of this high rock would be able to see down into the valley.
  •  And that person would feel very dizzy, looking down.
  •  If he dropped a stone from the edge of this cliff, it would fall for six hundred meters before disappearing into the forest in the valley below.
  •  Giant cliffs, like the one Carter lay on, surrounded the valley.
  •  Hidden in the valley's forest were five union regiments -- thousands of Carter's fellow soldiers.
  •  They had marched for thirty-six hours.
  •  Now they were resting.
  •  But at midnight they would climb that road up the rocky cliff.
  •  Their plan was to attack by surprise an army of southerners, camped on the other side of the cliff.
  •  But if their enemy learned about the Union Army hiding in the forest, the soldiers would find themselves in a trap with no escape.
  •  That was why Carter Druse had been sent to guard the road.
  •  It was his duty to be sure that no enemy soldier, dressed in gray, spied on the valley, where the union army was hiding.
  •  But Carter Druse had fallen asleep.
  •  Suddenly, as if a messenger of fate came to touch him on the shoulder, the young man opened his eyes.
  •  As he lifted his head, he saw a man on horseback standing on the huge rocky cliff that looked down into the valley.
  •  The rider and his horse stood so still that they seemed made of stone.
  •  The man's gray uniform blended with the blue sky and the white clouds behind him.
  •  He held a gun in his right hand, and the horse's reins in the other.
  •  Carter could not see the man's face, because the rider was looking down into the valley.
  •  But the man and his horse seemed to be of heroic, almost gigantic size, standing there motionless against the sky.
  •  Carter discovered he was very much afraid, even though he knew the enemy soldier could not see him hiding in the bushes.
  •  Suddenly the horse moved, pulling back its head from the edge of the cliff.
  •  Carter was completely awake now.
  •  He raised his gun, pushing its barrel through the bushes.
  •  And he aimed for the horseman's heart.
  •  A small squeeze of the trigger, and Carter Druse would have done his duty.
  •  At that instant, the horseman turned his head and looked in Carter's direction.
  •  He seemed to look at Carter's face, into his eyes, and deep into his brave, generous heart.
  •  Carter's face became very white. His entire body began shaking.
  •  His mind began to race, and in his fantasy, the horse and rider became black figures, rising and falling in slow circles against a fiery red sky.
  •  Carter did not pull the trigger.
  •  Instead, he let go of his gun and slowly dropped his face until it rested again in the dirt.
  •  Brave and strong as he was, Carter almost fainted from the shock of what he had seen.
  •  Is it so terrible to kill an enemy who might kill you and your friends?
  •  Carter knew that this man must be shot from ambush -- without warning.
  •  This man must die without a moment to prepare his soul; without even the chance to say a silent prayer.
  •  Slowly, a hope began to form in Carter Druse's mind. Perhaps the southern soldier had not seen the northern troops.
  •  Perhaps he was only admiring the view.
  •  Perhaps he would now turn and ride carelessly away.
  •  Then Carter looked down into the valley so far below.
  •  He saw a line of men in blue uniforms and their horses, slowly leaving the protection of the forest.
  •  A foolish Union officer had permitted his soldiers to bring their horses to drink at a small stream near the forest.
  •  And there they were -- in plain sight!
  •  Carter Druse looked back to the man and horse standing there against the sky.
  •  Again he took aim.
  •  But this time he pointed his gun at the horse.
  •  Words rang in his head -- the last words his father ever spoke to him:
  •  "No matter what happens, be sure you always do what you think is your duty."
  •  Carter Druse was calm as he pulled the trigger of his gun.
  •  At that moment, a Union officer happened to look up from his hiding place near the edge of the forest.
  •  His eyes climbed to the top of the cliff that looked over the valley.
  •  Just looking at the top of the gigantic rock, so far above him, made the soldier feel dizzy.
  •  And then the officer saw something that filled his heart with horror.
  •  A man on a horse was riding down into the valley through the air!
  •  The rider sat straight in his saddle.
  •  His hair streamed back, waving in the wind.
  •  His left hand held his horse's reins while his right hand was hidden in the cloud of the horse's mane.
  •  The horse looked as if it were galloping across the earth.
  •  Its body was proud and noble.
  •  As the frightened Union officer watched this horseman in the sky, he almost believed he was witnessing a messenger from heaven.
  •  A messenger who had come to announce the end of the world.
  •  The officer's legs grew weak, and he fell.
  •  At almost the same instant, he heard a crashing sound in the trees.
  •  The sound died without an echo and all was silent.
  •  The officer got to his feet, still shaking.
  •  He went back to his camp, but he didn't tell anyone what he had seen.
  •  He knew no one would ever believe him.
  •  Soon after firing his gun, Carter Druse was joined by a Union sergeant.
  •  Carter did not turn his head as the sergeant kneeled beside him.
  •  "Did you fire?" The sergeant whispered.
  •  "Yes."
  •  "At what?"
  •  "A horse. It was on that rock. It's not there now. It went over the cliff."
  •  Carter's face was white, but he showed no other sign of emotion.
  •  The sergeant did not understand.
  •  "See here, Druse," he said, after a moment's silence.
  •  "Why are you making this into a mystery.
  •  I order you to report.
  •  Was there anyone on the horse?" "Yes."
  •  "Who?"
  •  "My father."